The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 199 Fighting in the Rain

Big raindrops fell pattering down.

At the bus stop, there were only two people, Lin Jue and Mei Yi.

They had been waiting for about an hour, but no car passed by.

Whether it's a bus or another car.

"Teacher Jizi hasn't replied yet."

Lin Jue took out his mobile phone, took a look at it and said.

It was as if they were suddenly cut off from the rest of the world.

Meiyi frowned, a look of thought flashed in his eyes, "There's something wrong."

"Yeah." Lin Jue nodded.

In a bustling city, there are always people coming and going, and on the road with constant traffic, no one or car passes by for a full hour.

No matter how hard it rains, this is not normal.

Moreover, Himeko doesn't look like the kind of person who is so busy that she doesn't even look at her phone for an hour.

Dark clouds shrouded the sky. It was clearly 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but it felt like midnight.


In the noisy rain, Lin Jue keenly caught the sound of footsteps.

He raised his head and cast his gaze towards the end of the road.

There was a person there, his figure covered by a dark umbrella. He walked calmly in the heavy rain.

Meiyi also discovered that person.

It had been empty before, but now someone suddenly came. Lin Jue and Mei Yi were wary, staring at the person slowly walking towards them.

He walked slowly to the bus stop, found a seat and sat down.

That position was a bit close to Yayi. Yayi felt uncomfortable, so she sat on the other side of Lin Jue.

Not sure if he noticed Mei Yi's behavior, the man laughed to himself.


The low and hoarse voice could be heard as male.

He was wearing a black suit with a hood, and his face was hidden under the hood and could not be seen clearly.

Although he sat down at the bus stop, he was still holding the black umbrella, which was strange.

"This man," Lin Jue suddenly said, "With a shelter from the rain, there is no need to hold an umbrella. Or are you here waiting for the bus to take you to the mental hospital?"

"Pfft." When Mei heard the second half of the sentence, she couldn't help but laugh because it made her laugh.

"Haha." The man also laughed and said without looking back: "My little brother is quite humorous. Yes, then I will put down this umbrella."

After saying that, he actually put away his umbrella and put it down slowly.


Lin Jue and Mei Yi suddenly felt a sense of crisis rising in their hearts.

The moment the man put down his umbrella, three black shadows suddenly fell from the heads of Lin Jue and Yayi.

Lin Jue could see clearly that they all had knives in their hands.

"Earth Turning Stone Dun'an!"

A rock wall appeared above the two of them, blocking the attack.

Lin Jue ignored the three people above him and turned his gaze to where the previous man was sitting.

He had disappeared into his seat.

The three people above them missed a single blow and fell lightly before continuing to attack the two.

Meiyi's reaction was not slow, and the moment one of them fell down, he flew over with a flying kick and kicked that person away.

Lin Jue took out the Lingxi knife and slashed directly at the other two people.


The two were knocked away.

But Lin Jue felt that the knife did not hit a person, but some kind of metal.

"Is it armor?" Lin Jue was confused.

Before I had time to think too much, more people appeared in the heavy rain.

They all wore black clothes with hoods, white masks on their faces, and held a long knife in their hands.

Mei Yi's heart sank. She didn't expect to encounter such a change when she went out today. She was a little panicked without the Valkyrie armor.

At this time, a big hand pulled Mei Yi over.

This is Lin Jue's hand.

After being pulled over, Lin Jue took out a tachi and handed it to Mei Yi, while keeping his eyes on the enemies around him.

Meiyi took the sword and wondered, "When did you bring it?"

"No time to explain."

Lin Jue held the Lingxi knife with a serious expression.

"Mei, come behind me."

His tone was calm and calm, calming Mei Yi's panicked heart.

"Okay." Yayi nodded.

Lin Jue calmly analyzed the surrounding situation.

The heavy rain obscured his vision, but he could sense with his spiritual sense that there were dozens of people around him.

Farther away, there were still many people standing still, not moving.

Mei didn't wear the Valkyrie armor today and would be easily injured in the battle.

It's almost meal time, and the group of people in the dormitory who wait for meals every day - except Sister Ying - will soon realize that something is wrong.

After all, it was impossible for Lin Jue and Mei Yi to not go back so late.

"We can only wait for rescue." Lin Jue made a judgment.

For some reason, the enemies around them didn't take action. They just raised the long swords in their hands and moved around, surrounding Lin Jue and Yayi.

Lin Jue and Mei Yi stood back to back, carefully watching their surroundings.

Suddenly, a black umbrella fell in front of Lin Jue's eyes.

As if it was a sign, the next moment, the people around him moved.

Together, they wielded their long knives and slashed at the two of them.

Ya Yi Ge blocked the attack from behind Lin Jue, and Lin Jue's Ling Xi Dao Lieyang Zhenqi swept away the person in front of him.

Then Yayi Yisong and Lin Jue exchanged positions. Lin Jue turned around and slashed diagonally. The person who was behind Lin Jue was also penetrated by Lieyang Zhenqi and fell to the ground.

"These are not human beings!" Yayi suddenly exclaimed.

The black clothes of those people in black were burned by the scorching temperature of the fierce sun energy. After the black clothes were burned, their true appearance was revealed. Only then did Mei realize that the bodies of these people were almost all prosthetic bodies, and their limbs were similar to Bronya's. Like the legs, they are body-like prostheses.

With their bodies like this, these people can't be human.

Around them, another group of people soon fell down and continued to attack.

This time, they had guns.

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