The actual test on the second day was really nothing to say.

Without any surprises, Lin Jue passed all the tests easily.

In the arena competition, Lin Jue also easily defeated all his opponents.

Of course, Lin Jue did not collide with Kiana in this arena competition.

This guy faced off against Bronya, while Lin Jue faced off against Mei Yi.

After the actual combat test is over, it basically means that summer vacation is coming.

In addition, Destiny's recruitment efforts are initially showing results.

The headquarters sent a group of newly formed Valkyrie troops to the far east to maintain order.

Teresa and Jizi, who had been busy with this matter before, finally breathed a sigh of relief. That night, the two of them were finally able to return to the dormitory and enjoy dinner with everyone.

At the dining table, Kiana picked up the juice glass and clinked it with everyone.

"Woohoo! To celebrate Lin Jue and I successfully passing the final exam, cheers!"

Kiana smiled happily, she finally passed the exam once.

Lin Jue also smiled, "Cheers, cheers!"

Although he felt that he could pass, he was always afraid of surprises. When he learned the result, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Therefore, at this time, the two of them did not talk about what they had agreed to do yesterday. They just wanted to celebrate successfully passing the exam.

"Cheers! Cheers! Must cheer! These two boys have passed!"

If Lin Jue and Qiana passed the exam, the happiest person besides them is Ji Zi.

She drank up a large glass of wine and said cheerfully, "Oh, Lin Jue, I won't mention it. Kiana has passed the exam once! It's so rare!"

Bronya held the juice in her hand, "Indeed. Bronya admits that Paramecium still has a brain."

Hearing this, Kiana was dissatisfied and said: "What do you mean I have a brain? This is my true strength! Hey!"

Kiana's movements while speaking accidentally knocked over the drink bottle on the table. Fortunately the lid was screwed on and the drink inside was still intact.

Meiyi lowered his body, picked up the drink bottle and put it away.

She nodded Kiana's head and narrowed her eyes, "This time is great!"

Kiana, who originally thought she was going to be scolded, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and scratched her head.

"By the way, what are everyone's plans for this holiday?"

It was Teresa who asked the question.

Kiana nodded her chin and said with a smile: "Of course I want to have fun throughout the holiday!"

Theresa twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "It's worthless."

"Then aunt, what are you going to do?"

"Me?" Theresa tilted her head and thought.

You can't talk to Kiana about the training ceremony, except for this matter

"Try to finish reading the missing Homu comics!" Theresa clenched her fists and waved.

Kiana: "Auntie's goal is not much different from mine."

Himeko chuckled and turned to look at Yae Sakura and Fu Hua who were silent.

Fu Hua said without thinking, "I will continue to perform the mission."

Lin Jue asked doubtfully: "Performing a mission?"

"Yes, Fu Hua joined Tianming's Valkyrie unit very early because of her strength, and often went out to perform missions." Ji Zi explained to Lin Jue first, and then asked Fu Hua, "Do you still have missions? ? Didn’t you just finish one?”

"After all, the battle just ended, and there are still many things to deal with." Fu Hua said helplessly.

"That's it." Kiana, who was eavesdropping from the side, lamented, "It's a pity. I originally wanted to play games with the monitor during the summer vacation."

"Maybe there is a chance." Fu Hua thought for a while and said, "This mission will not last long. Maybe we can come back in a week."

"Really?! Then monitor, you have to work hard and come back soon!"

Kiana was overjoyed.

"Yeah, okay." Fu Hua nodded.

"Where's Sister Ying? What's Sister Ying's plan?" Lin Jue asked.

Yae Sakura smiled softly, "I want to take Xiao Rin to play. I didn't have the chance before, but now I must take her to have fun."

"Hey! I suddenly had an idea!" Theresa suddenly hit her head and said to everyone, "How about we find some time to go out and play together?"

Kiana: "Okay, okay!"

Mei: "I think it's good."

Ji Zi: "Yes, I agree!"

Fu Hua: "That's a good suggestion."

Yae Sakura: "Of course."

"In that case." Bronya thought for a moment and showed everyone a leaflet, "At the end of the holiday, there will be a festival not far away in D City, and there will also be a fireworks display."

"Okay." Theresa clapped her hands, "If everyone has no objections, let's leave it here!"

“Good xn-1”

Everyone said "yes". Only Lin Jue frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Lin Jue, what's wrong?"

Lin Jue spread his hands and said: "Before this, I wonder if everyone is willing to come to a party as a reward?"

"Oh! Gift!" Kiana shouted, "I almost forgot."

Lin Jue smiled, "I have noticed this festival before. Originally, I wanted to hold a party the day before the festival, and then everyone would attend the festival together, and finally watch the fireworks display together."

"What a great idea!" Bronya agreed.

"Why don't we just leave it like this. It happens to be the last few days of the holiday, so let's have one last carnival." Yayi raised the corners of her mouth and said softly.

Others also expressed their affirmation.

"In that case, it's a happy decision!" Theresa said.

So, the happy vacation begins.

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