The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 195: Practical Test of the Final Examination

There are two final exams at St. Freya Academy.

The first one is the theoretical test, which tests the students' mastery of knowledge.

The second item is the actual combat test, which examines the students' performance in actual combat.

Normally, the final exam is a theoretical test first and then a practical test.

For Lin Jue and Qiana, their weaknesses are both theoretical exams.

On this day, both of them were nervous, reading the questions carefully, doing the questions seriously, and checking the questions over and over again.

After the last subject ended, Lin Jue and Qiana breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jue walked out of the examination room and bumped into Fu Hua.

"How did you go in the exam?" Fu Hua said hello and asked.

Lin Jue looked relaxed: "It's okay, it's not difficult, I can pass it. This month's hard work has not been in vain."

Fu Hua nodded: "It seems that the theoretical knowledge is indeed in vain. However, whether the actual training is in vain depends on your performance tomorrow."

"Don't worry, it's definitely not in vain!"

After a month of being beaten violently, Lin Jue had made great progress from being led by Fu Hua from the beginning to being able to fight back and forth with Fu Hua.

His strength has already reached the level of A Valkyrie. Looking at the people in the same grade in the school, no one except Fu Hua has this strength.

He is not worried at all about the actual combat test tomorrow.

"That's good." Fu Hua turned around and said, "Starting tonight, I won't be training. Have a good rest today."

"Okay." Lin Jue responded.

The two teamed up and had an off-campus round with the Mei trio, and then returned to the dormitory for dinner.

During dinner, although Kiana finished the dinner quickly, she always looked gloomy, with a chopstick in her mouth, her chin in her hands, and her eyes were unfocused.

Lin Jue couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Didn't you perform well?"

Kiana shook her head, "No, I feel like I should be able to pass this exam."

"Then what you look like."

"I just feel so uncomfortable when I think about not eating the rice cooked by Meiyi yesterday."

Hearing this, Lin Jue was a little surprised, turned around and asked, "Why didn't she eat yesterday?"

Bronya explained calmly: "I'm too nervous, busy reading."

Yae Sakura added: "Not only yesterday, I didn't eat it this morning either."

"Isn't it because she voluntarily refused to eat, so why does she feel uncomfortable?" Lin Jue spoke in a manly manner.

Kiana gave Lin Jue a vicious look, "Damn Lin Jue, stinky Lin Jue, I will never talk to you again!"

Lin Jue: "?"

His face changed instantly and he scolded her as much as he wanted. As expected, women are such terrible creatures.

Mei touched Kiana's head and said, "Okay, okay, I'll make more for you in the future, okay?"

"Yeah!" Kiana nodded heavily, glanced at someone again, and said quietly, "Mei Yi is the best to me. Unlike someone, she doesn't understand sympathy at all."

Lin Jue: ""

He felt that he must not speak at this time, because he felt that Kiana would continue to attack if he said anything.

At this time, Yae Sakura smoothed things over for Lin Jue, "Okay Kiana, Xiao Jue didn't mean it. Don't be so angry."

Kiana snorted arrogantly, "Okay, for the sake of Sister Ying, I won't care so much."

Lin Jue happened to finish eating, put down his bowl, turned his head calmly, and looked at Kiana.

The calm eyes made Kiana feel inexplicably panicked, and she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? You keep staring at me."

"It's okay, I was just thinking that I hope we don't meet tomorrow." Lin Jue looked away and said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Kiana was stunned for a moment, then clapped her hands as if she suddenly understood, "Are you afraid you can't beat me?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll hit you too hard and make you angry."


Kiana didn't like hearing this, "you"

Kiana wanted to refute or say harsh words. But she suddenly remembered what Lin Jue did in Changkong City, and felt that Lin Jue's words seemed to be correct.

However, if you lose, you don't lose. Even if Kiana can't defeat Lin Jue, she can't lose to Lin Jue in terms of momentum!

"Then let's make a deal first! If we bump into each other tomorrow, no one will hold back!" Kiana said aggressively.

Lin Jue raised his eyes, glanced at Kiana, nodded and said, "Okay, let's agree in advance that no one can be angry after the game!"

"no problem!"

"That's settled."

"It's a deal! We'll testify by hooking up!"


So, in front of everyone, Lin Jue and Qiana Lagou made an agreement.

Bronya watched the whole process expressionlessly. Finally, when the two hooked up, she couldn't help but vomited: "Are they children?"

"Ha~" Mei and Yae Sakura were both amused by Bronya's words.

"Hey! Don't just watch!" After Kiana finished pulling the hook, she turned around and shouted to everyone, "Guess who can win for me tomorrow."

"Lin Jue x3" Kiana got the same answer three times.

"What?" Kiana simply couldn't believe her ears.

"Mei! Forget it about Bronya and Sister Ying, do you even think Lin Jue will win?"

"Kiana," Mei waved her hand, "This is a fact."

"Damn it, okay!" Kiana turned to face Lin Jue with a menacing look.

Just when Lin Jue thought she was going to say something cruel, she suddenly relaxed.

"Okay, actually I think Lin Jue will win."

Lin Jue was speechless again, "Why should things change so quickly?"

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