Fu Hua walked out of the smoke and dust.

Seeing that nothing happened to Fu Hua, although he had expected it, Lin Jue couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"You don't have to look like this, classmate Lin Jue." Fu Hua thought that Lin Jue had been hit and comforted him, "Your strength is already at the level of an A-level Valkyrie, and even ordinary A-level Valkyries are no match for you. Also, pardon my blindness, what is the male and female Valkyrie armor used by Lin Jue?”

Lin Jue shook his head and said, "I don't have this thing."

Fu Hua's dull expression changed, "What? You don't have a female or male Valkyrie armor?"

"Squad leader, if you can't change your words at that time, don't force me. I don't mind these things. If it doesn't work, just call me armor." Lin Jue raised his forehead and smiled, then spread his hands and explained: "Not long after I first entered school, I designed The blueprint was sent up, but for some reason, I never heard my armor come down."

"Is that so?" Fu Hua held his chin with one hand, thoughtfully, "I don't have the Valkyrie Armor, but I can withstand and use Honkai Energy. Do you have a stigmata?"


Fu Hua glanced at Lin Jue meaningfully: "There is no stigma, but you can do this step."

Fu Hua's thoughts gradually dispersed, and then quickly recovered. She coughed twice and said

"Ahem, let's get down to business first."

Fu Hua's expression became serious, "First, let's talk about your problems. First, you don't have enough combat experience, and you lack the ability to grasp flaws and opportunities."

"Second, the moves are dull. They only use the moves they have learned, and the connection is slow. Once the opponent sees through them, they can easily dodge them."

"Third, the combat process is easily deceived by the opponent's fake moves."

"The above three points are the most important and fatal problems during your battle. We will slowly solve other problems, large and small, during training."

Lin Jue nodded, thinking to himself that she was truly worthy of being the first A-level Valkyrie in her grade.

Fu Hua obviously didn't fight him seriously, but just kept testing him to find out the problems in his fighting process. But even in this state, Fu Hua still easily received all Lin Jue's attacks.

Terrible strength.

"In response to these three questions, I will train you in the next few days. The training will be very difficult, can you overcome it?"

Lin Jue shrugged: "Don't worry, just go to the bitter end."

"Okay." Fu Hua glanced at him approvingly, "There will be no special reasons in the future. I will come here for training at this time, no problem."

"no problem."

For the next month, Lin Jue basically maintained this kind of life.

Get up in the morning and go to school after eating the meal made by Joyce. During the school day, they study hard and don’t miss any time that can be studied. For dinner, they go to Kiana and the girls’ dormitory for dinner. Eat there, Yae Sakura and Mei The double delicious dishes can well relieve Lin Jue's fatigue from the day. Then he went to Fu Hua for training.

Fu Hua's training content is very simple, just two items. 1. Simulate different intelligent monsters through the simulation system of the training ground. Second, discuss with Fu Hua.

Fighting against Death Soldiers, Mechas, and Honkaimon is two different feelings than fighting against human Valkyries. Lin Jue walked back and forth among them, pondering the similarities and differences. His strength was naturally improving.

By the way, during this period, Lin Jue also opened the illustrated book to learn about Fu Hua's past life.

The result is another bunch of "?"

Time passed slowly like this.

One month later.

early morning.

Lin Jue took Wuming away from his face and got up.

Today is the final exam.

It was a day to test whether Lin Jue's efforts during this period were in vain.

Going downstairs, Joyce prepared breakfast as usual.

What is different from usual is that this time Joyce prepared an extra fried dough stick and two eggs.

"Hey, Lao Qiao." Lin Jue looked over and asked in surprise, "Where did these two come from?"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Joyce naturally understood what Lin Jue was asking.

He smiled softly, "You are from China. I heard that there is a custom in China. Before the big exam, you have to eat a fried dough stick with two eggs, which means full marks. I just saw these in the market recently, and I thought of you before the final exam. After passing the exam, I bought it for you.”

"Good guy, Old Qiao, it's okay!" Lin Jue filled his mouth with fried dough sticks and patted Joyce on the shoulder.

"Haha." Joyce also patted Lin Jue's shoulder, "Strengthen me for the final exam."

"Don't worry." Lin Jue replied confidently.

Different from Lin Jue's confidence, on the other side

"No matter what Kiana does, you should have some food." Mei said in a dumbfounded voice.

Kiana was holding a book in her hand, "No, no, I'm going to read for a while."

"Oh~" Yayi held her forehead, "Don't be so nervous. As long as you work hard during this period, you will definitely pass the final exam."

"But I'm just afraid, what if I miss it by just one point!" Kiana muttered, with undisguised panic in her eyes, "No, no, I have to watch it for a while."

"This" Yayi was speechless for a moment.

"I never thought that Kiana would give up Sister Mei's delicacies for this reason." Bronya looked like she had been around for a long time.

"Let her review like this." Yae Sakura came over and smiled softly, "We'd better not disturb Kiana-san. Don't worry, Mei. In my opinion, it's not good for Kiya to miss a meal." Classmate Na’s influence shouldn’t be that big.”

"Okay." Meiyi shook her head, looked at Kiana who was nervous, and prayed silently in her heart.

Alas, I hope she can pass the exam this time.

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