The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 175 Lin Jue, Captain, the Tree of Imaginary Numbers?

Southeast, Luomen Lock.

This is a coast.

If it's daytime, you can feel the beauty of the summer beach here, the sun, the sand, and the bikini

If it is night, you can also come here to enjoy the wind and listen to the sound of the sea.

As the most famous tourist destination, Luo Mensuo has beautiful green forests and clear blue skies.

But at this time, an eye-catching large crack appeared in the air, and from time to time, several strange species with transparent blue bodies ran out of it.

On the beach, the original tourist objects have been cleared away and replaced by complex and cumbersome fortifications. Animals and humans are scattered among them, ready to fight.

A giant snake with a length of eight feet and a thick body was entangled on the beach. The black phosphorus on its body was like indestructible armor, and its scarlet eyes looked at the cracks in the space.

Beside him, Lin Daoyin lightly clasped his fingers and closed his eyes. After a moment, his tense expression disappeared and he said to the big snake: "Unjust, the son of nature has sent news that all the robbed animals have been rescued." ”

Hearing this, Feiyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and said: "I didn't expect evil spirits to be so insidious and vicious. However, with the Son of Nature here, I'm not very worried at all."

"All that's left is the group of creatures in front of us." Lin Daoyin sighed and looked up at the crack. "These creatures probably came here because they had no place to live."

"They don't belong here." Fei Yi's tone was cold.

Lin Daoyin nodded, "I don't sympathize with them, it's just that the Son of Nature said he wouldn't help us win this battle. After all, I feel unsure."

Fei Yi also didn't understand what Lin Jue did, but if he didn't understand, he didn't understand. "The son of nature must have a deep meaning in doing this."

Yiquan Building, inside the arcade city.

Lin Jue did have his own deep meaning in doing this. The reason why he didn't help was to help these three play games.

Of course, before the game, there is still one problem that needs to be dealt with

"So, you think you're him?"

Stargazing and Brownie both looked a bit broken, looking at Lin Jue in disbelief.

"Impossible! You are completely different from him! There is an obvious difference in the eyes alone! Not to mention the personality, body shape, etc.!" Brownie shook his head and forced himself to analyze calmly.

"I know. In fact, this is just my feeling. There is no other evidence to prove it." Lin Juexu pressed his hands and motioned the two of them not to be so excited. "I just felt inexplicably sad when I saw you." It’s because of this throbbing feeling that I think it’s possible.”

This is true.

When he met Brownie for the first time, Lin Jue felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It's just that Lin Jue didn't want to show any traces, so he suppressed this feeling forcefully - this is why Lin Jue looked expressionless when he saw them.

"Haha." Brownie raised his eyebrows, "So the first time you saw me, you were going to confront me with daggers?"

"I did it on purpose to experiment with a defensive technique." Lin Jue explained.

"What? You, you, you, you!" Brownie's eyes widened and he pointed at Lin Jue, unable to say a complete sentence for a long time.

After a while, Brownie left angrily, "I will settle the score with you when I regain my strength!" and then went to play games with Xi'er.

Stargazing shook his head: "Brownie met him relatively late. Moreover, Brownie probably didn't have much interest in him at that time."

As if remembering some warm past events, Stargazing smiled.

"So now, what are you going to do?" Lin Jue asked.

"Keep looking. Either find the real him, or find evidence that you are him. If it's the latter, everyone on the Hyperion will kidnap you even if you don't want to." Guanxing shook the fan in his hand , "Also, thank you for the fan."

Lin Jue waved his hand, "It doesn't matter."

In the world of sea beasts, Lin Jue hacked countless fans. Although these fans had no other high-tech functions, they were all quite beautiful. Lin Jue picked out the most beautiful ones and gave them to Guan Xingxing.

By the way, Lin Jue also picked a small game console and gave it to Brownie. There are many games in this game console, including "Stars" that they played before. Although Brownie was calm on the surface when she received it, according to Seele, she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Stargazing also remembered this incident and chuckled, "It had something to do with Brownie's love for video games. Over the years, we have been looking for his whereabouts, traveling to various worlds. Brownie has been a long time. I haven’t played games for a while. I want to thank you for the game console.”

Lin Jue smiled and shook his head without saying anything more.

His thoughts were wandering and he didn't know where he was going.

By the time he came to his senses, Stargazer had already joined Brownie and Seele in their game and started playing together.

The three of them still play "Stars Imagination", playing in PVP mode and fighting against other players.

Lin Jue did not join in.

Actually, Lin Jue still had one thing he didn't say.

As Lin Jue and Brownie grew closer and closer, he also felt more and more familiar with them.

For example, giving him a fan for stargazing was actually because he somehow felt that stargazers liked the fan, so he gave it to him. Not because he said to Stargazing, "Just give you a gift."

For example, some small details during contact felt familiar to Lin Jue.

The closer they got, the more Lin Jue felt - he might really be the captain they talked about.

but! but! but!

When Lin Jue felt this way, it was like Master Mo and the system had asked about it. But the result was completely beyond his expectation!

Even Lord Mo and the system said they didn't know about this matter!

Not only that, Master Mo didn't know this group of people at all.

Lin Jue remembered clearly that at that time, Mo Ye, who had always been calm and collected, found it unbelievable. It started to go back in time and space to explore the secrets of the Quantum Sea. When it reached the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, time and space were suddenly interrupted.

At that moment, Master Mo's face became serious.

It was also at that moment that both of them understood that the collapse of the world was not that simple, and that there was a world beyond the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Even Master Mo doesn't know much about this world.

But Lin Jue had a strange feeling about the tree of imaginary numbers.

Finally, Lord Mo said to him: "If this happened, it must have been before we met. I can't explore the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, because the danger that belongs to us has arrived, and I must sit in. Since you are strange to them The feeling indicates that these things may have been something you experienced a long, long time ago.

"In addition, Tianxing also went back in time and space last time and found that a period of history of the Collapse World was cut off by people in the endless time and space. This matter may be related to you, because we have not seen it anywhere else. to your traces.”

"In addition, this may be why the plan will have accidents and you will be connected with the Collapse World, because it is very likely that you yourself have a causal relationship with it."

Mr. Mo analyzed a lot, and then sighed: "This plan was actually proposed by you. Why this plan is and what it is, we don't know the whole story. You only said part of it. Now it seems, Maybe there’s something deeper that we haven’t discovered yet.”

"However, since you dare to propose this plan, this development must have been expected by you in the past. Because you have always been steady and will not do anything you are not absolutely sure about. Therefore, you don't have to worry too much. this matter."

Finally, Master Mo left a message, "The secret natural realm of the world of sea beasts was also left by you a long time ago. It contains your natural origin, remember to collect it." and left.

Lin Jue's thoughts were thinking about these things before.

The past, the first memory, the second memory, the third memory, as well as those sealed memories, lost memories, etc.

There are still too many unknowns in him, waiting for him to explore.

And he, and must explore these things.

Because the crisis that Master Mo mentioned has already begun.

Although Lin Jue didn't understand the details, he knew that his plan was put forward precisely to solve this crisis.

"Strength, strength." Lin Jue sighed.

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