The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 174 The History of the Sea Beast World

At this moment, on the other side

Lin Jue was holding the Lingxi Knife, his purple eyes without any emotion.

In the darkness, he stood in mid-air, with stars shining all around him, and flames surging in the void, looking like a star god.

The middle-aged man's head fell to the side weakly. Only an unreal black shadow is left, desperately trying to survive the baptism of the galaxy.

"Death struggle." Lin Jue yawned and waved his hand.

The galaxy suddenly shines brightly.

The next moment, the galaxy and the black shadow dissipated in the wind.

Lin Jue fell from the sky, landed calmly, smiled at the stunned crowd around him, and said very politely: "Everyone, why don't you get out of here?"

The sound was not loud, but it was like a thunderbolt that hit everyone's hearts.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Just like waking up from a big dream, the quiet world was broken by a sharp scream, and the crowd instantly ran away.

Lin Jue waved his hand, and a stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, lifting a person up.

"Huh? Ah!!!!" The man seemed to be frightened out of his wits, and found himself suddenly flying into the air. He thought it was Lin Jue who had done something, and fainted after screaming.

Lin Jue: ""

"Looks like I can't pretend like this next time."

Waving his hand to eliminate the stone shield, Lin Jue heard a burst of emotionless electronic sound, "A defensive skill is used by you to keep people."

"Skills have no fixed usage." Lin Jue said without changing his expression, "I can use it however I want."



There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and the three stargazers came over.

When Guanxing saw Lin Jue, he said, "There's a lot of movement. Do you want to leave an unsolved mystery to the world before leaving?"

Lin Jue's mouth twitched: "I have been very restrained."

Stars fall into the sky, this move is supposed to communicate the power of the stars in the sky. Use the power of stars to move everything in the world. Therefore, when it is used, various strange phenomena will naturally appear in the sky, and there will be a lot of movement.

It's one thing to be loud and pretentious enough to bluff people, but it also has shortcomings.

For example, in Changkong City, a star fell from Lin Jue's sky, allowing Youlandel to see through Lin Jue's strength. Ji Zi and other Valkyries thought that something had happened, and urgently investigated, and even almost caused the Honkaiju to be killed. tide.

Since then, Lin Jue has thought about ways to make Xingluo Jiuxiao less noisy. Originally, Lin Jue wanted to make the vision disappear, but he soon reached a dead end - he was not strong enough to achieve this goal.

It wasn't until recently that Lin Jue suddenly had a brainwave and discovered a very obvious and simple method, which was to hide the vision.

Today was Lin Jue's first attempt, and he actually succeeded, just a little late.

It took about 5 seconds before the galaxy disappeared.

Yes, the time is already very short, most people sleep at night, and the galaxy is only displayed near the area where Lin Jue is.

However, don’t forget that there is a profession called Taoist priests in the world of sea beasts. What they like to do most is to watch the sky at night.

If nothing else, Lin Jue felt that Lin Daoyin must have discovered this galaxy today.

This galaxy, filled with dazzling and mysterious stars, flashes across the sky. What kind of celestial phenomenon is this? Does it mean good luck or bad luck, or does it mean something deeper?

Lin Jue felt that Lin Daoyin would tell him about this as soon as he saw him. At that time, will he explain or not?

Without an explanation, it might just become an unsolved mystery as Stargazing said.

"Human! It's you!" The little snake suddenly poked its head out of Xi'er's arms, and then flew to Lin Jue with a swish. "I knew they would come, it must be your help! Wow~Human, I really I’m not wrong about you, you are a good person!”

If a snake had an expression, it would definitely be full of snot and tears at this moment.

Lin Jue took it away with a black look on his face and said to Stargazing: "It seems you are very successful."

"Thanks to the voice changer you gave me, as long as I collect someone's timbre, I can record and analyze it and produce the same sound." Brownie took out a small object that looked like a microphone with emotion, "If there wasn't It, our bomb may not kill them all. Where did your voice changer come from?"

"Hei Keke in the world of sea beasts, get it." Lin Jue subconsciously almost said what he was thinking.

"Sea Beast World?" Brownie was confused.

Lin Jue remembered that he had learned the names of these worlds from the system. They definitely didn't know, "That's the name of this world."

Brownie was like a curious baby and asked: "Why is it called the world of sea beasts? What are sea beasts?"

"you guess."

Brownie: ""

Brownie: "(????)"

Lin Jue ignored Brownie's cannibalistic look, turned around, and waved to them at the same time, "Let's go, the final battle will begin next."

The middle-aged man is the one who betrays humanity. He is the master of Fu Xingxing, and he is also the first person to be found by the evil spirit.

Obviously, he had some weakness, so he was bewitched by the evil demon, betrayed the world of sea beasts, and wanted to release the evil demon.

Unfortunately, his behavior was discovered by Lin Daoyin after being reminded by Lin Jue.

The Lin family, the Xu family, the Zhou family, the Chen family, and the Sun family, together with the federal government and Feiyi and other animal kings, worked together to repel some of the intruding evil spirits and repair the cracks in the world that had been opened.

This should be the original disaster in the sea beast world.

Lin Jue has not forgotten that this is a natural secret realm, a projection of the past world of sea beasts.

In other words, in the original history, there was no such person as Lin Jue.

In other words, in the original history, the evil demon finally succeeded in breaking in.

Humans and animals fought desperately, and they might fail or succeed in repelling the evil demon.

But even if they repelled the evil demon, they suffered heavy losses and were unable to survive the subsequent natural disasters.

So humans and animals all became extinct.

Afterwards, perhaps in a certain year and month, sea beasts came here and took the lead in establishing the territory of sea beasts. So the sea beast world was formed.

On a certain day of a certain year and month, humans reappeared, survived hard under the pressure of sea beasts, and finally slowly developed and grew stronger.

After that, the current sea beast world should have been formed. During this period, there was another invasion of evil demons. That time, humans and sea beasts joined forces to successfully block it, and humans also regained the power that belonged to them in the past.

Unfortunately, the current sea beast world is still invaded by evil demons as it was in the past. This time, the resistance was not successful, and the whole world was deserted again.

However, this time is different from the past. Back then, humans developed unnatural powers, such as Taoist priests, berserkers, wizards, etc. They were powerful, and although they also developed technology, they did not have the power to leave the world.

Later humans were different. They developed technology. Although they also developed unnatural powers after an evil demon invasion in history, technology was still the mainstream.

So they had the power to leave the world and started the Fire Plan

- So, technology is the first productive force of development.

In short, the above is the entire history of the sea beast world that Lin Jue inferred from the past and what he has seen and heard now.

As for the decisive battle mentioned by Lin Jue

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