As for the remaining battle with the sea beast, Lin Jue had no intention of taking action. Google search reading

Mainly this doesn't matter.

These sea beasts are actually creatures of the quantum sea.

It is different from the sea beasts that later settled in the world of sea beasts, probably because this is a secret place of nature.

Moreover, with the strength of this world, it is not difficult to defeat them.

Lin Jue doesn't need to worry about what happens next.

How to survive natural disasters, humans will naturally make the most perfect plan.

Because non-righteousness can be spoken in other words, Lin Jue doesn't even need a translator.

The animals were not seriously attacked by evil spirits, invaded by sea beasts, or destroyed by natural disasters. Lin Jue signaled again, asking them to hurry up and have more babies. With the help of human supplies, their survival after the natural disasters was over. The amount must be more than when Lin Jue first arrived.

The tacit understanding value with Wuming has long been full. With the identity of Son of Nature, other tasks have been completed perfectly.

All these tasks have been basically completed. Is there anything else Lin Jue needs to do?

no need.

Wouldn’t it be nice to play games with Brownie and the others during the rest of the time?

So Lin Jue joined the gaming army.

In fact, Brownie and Stargazer have nothing to do. Their purpose of coming here has been achieved.

The two of them talked about looking for evidence, but after confirming it, they more or less believed Lin Jue's words.

After all, a person's appearance, body shape, and temperament can be changed, but there are many small habits that are difficult to change.

They believed that anyone on Huberian who was familiar with him would also feel familiar after coming into contact with Lin Juejiu.

However, there must have been a lot of things going on in the past for him to look like this and lose his memory.

Lin Jue had no intention of going to the Hyperion with them, and they could tell that, and they didn't force him.

But what Guanxing said was right. Once they found evidence that Lin Jue was indeed the person they were looking for, everyone on the Hyperion would go out and kidnap Lin Jue back even if he didn't want to.

——It’s another matter if I can’t tie him up.

The four of them enjoyed a total of four days here, and they didn't just play games during that time. We also went shopping together, went sightseeing, visited some famous scenic spots, and took a lot of photos.

Wuming was naturally among them, and the three women loved this cute white cat very much. Wuming also enjoys the gentleness of the three of them. Just enjoying it would be snatched away by Lin Jue with an expressionless face.

The four people and one cat all had a great time, especially Xier.

Four days later, Stargazer and Brownie had to go.

In the apartment house that Zhou Lanzhi gave to Xi'er, a space-time passage appeared. Stargazing, Brownie and Xier said goodbye to Lin Jue together.

"Xie'er still has to go back to her original place and wait, because she still has to wait for someone to come find her." Lin Jue said, "However, you can go and see her from time to time."

"We understand, don't worry." Brownie nodded.

"Then, let's go first." Guan Xing glanced at Lin Jue reluctantly, but in the end he was the first to step into the space-time tunnel.

"Hey, Lin Jue."

Brownie opened his mouth, but still didn't say what was in his heart. He just said: "If you have time, remember to come and play games with me."

Very rare, oh no, extremely rare, a flash of rosy red flashed across this girl's pretty face.

Perhaps, in the hearts of these two people, although there is no evidence, they have already determined a fact.

Lin Jue nodded, "Okay, definitely."

Xi'er was the last to leave. She waved to Lin Jue and said, "Thank you, brother Lin Jue. Xi'er has had a lot of fun these days."

Not just Xi'er, but Heixi too. Xi'er asked Hei Xi to come out and interact with Lin Jue and the others many times, and travel, eat, drink and have fun together. Hei Xi's arrogant temperament won't say much, and she must be happy in her heart.

For Xi'er, this trip was probably a pleasure she had never imagined in her life. She made new friends, learned a lot, and took a lot of photos.

However, Lin Jue felt a little guilty.

"Bronya shouldn't care so much, right?" Lin Jue muttered in a low voice, and then waved goodbye to Xi'er.

The space-time tunnel was closed, and the three returned to the Quantum Sea.

Parting is always sad. After the three people left, Lin Jue suddenly felt lonely.

Lin Jue sighed, "Okay, let's go see how things go."

Wuming jumped into Lin Jue's arms and curled up to sleep in this familiar place.

In recent days, the temperature has dropped dramatically.

Blizzards, floods and other disasters occur one after another.

Fortunately, humans and animals were well prepared, and there was not much loss.

A home has been built in Wuji Forest with a constant temperature device so that the animals will not be affected by low temperatures.

Similarly, a large amount of materials in the Wuji Forest have been given to humans as important materials to resist floods, heavy rain, and heavy snow.

At the same time, a large amount of food is planted in the Wuji Forest and harvested quickly. In this way, even if there is no harvest in the cities where humans live, there will still be enough food supplied from the Wuji Forest.

Lin Jue and Wuming's strength are not afraid of natural disasters such as low temperature, heavy rain or heavy snow. However, Wuming didn't like getting wet, so Lin Jue unfolded the flames of the Lingxi Knife, covering his whole body. At the same time, these flames were carefully controlled to concentrate their temperature on Lin Jue's surface.

In this way, only the rainwater that hits Lin Jue will evaporate quickly, but the rain outside Lin Jue will not.

Doing this can also exercise Lin Jue's control over strength.

Lin Jue first looked around the city a few times, and then went to observe the convoy transporting food.

This fleet is vital, so there are countless insurances included in it. There was no special accident that prompted Lin Jue to help.

Lin Jue quickly left and reached the forest.

Large houses have been built everywhere in the forest, and humans control the facilities in these houses.

The number of animals has doubled compared to when Lin Jue first arrived.

At the same time, due to the unique advantages of the forest, the arrival of major floods and blizzards has little impact on it.

Everything went smoothly.

As Lin Jue walked along, he suddenly remembered a place.

Following his memory, he came to that place.


There was no one inside the cabin, and there were no buildings within a hundred miles of it.

It is like an alien, standing here indifferently.

The same is true for the mountains behind him.

When Lin Jue saw the mountains, he suddenly reacted, "That's not right. I remember that the cabin in Sea Beast World was on a hillside in a grassland. There were no mountains behind it."

Out of curiosity, Lin Jue climbed the mountain.

Went all the way to the top of the mountain.

It was higher than he had imagined, and the scenery on the top of the mountain was completely different from what he had imagined.

I don't know how many meters above sea level, the oxygen content in the surrounding area is very thin, and normal people cannot survive here.

On the top of the mountain is an endless grassland.

On the grassland, a small wooden house is very conspicuous.

Lin Jue came to the cabin, pushed the door open, and walked into the cabin. He was shocked to find that this cabin was exactly the same as the cabin he saw outside.

"It seems," Lin Jue said thoughtfully, "The history of the world of sea beasts that I speculated is still wrong. I'm afraid a lot of things happened after that."

No plans to go anywhere else. Lin Jue decided to stay here and wait for the mission to end.

At the same time, Lin Jue took out a lot of things from his system backpack and decorated the simple wooden house.

In the next time, Lin Jue plans to practice the Soul Mind Cultivation Method (Basic) here.

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