The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 173: Night Operation

Today's moonlit night was particularly peaceful, and the sky seemed to be filled with ink, covering the whole world in darkness.

○The research institute has been full of mystery since its establishment. It is far away from the bustling city and located in the deep mountains and jungles. No one knows who built it or what its purpose is.

In the middle of the night, three people walked quietly into the research institute.

The three people quickly and nimbly bypassed countless open and hidden sentries and came to a corner.

"I have hacked into their system. Within 5 minutes, no one will know what happens here." Brownie said, taking off his hood and peeking behind the corner.

There, dense patrols patrolled the corridors on three levels inside and three outside, and there were various sentries on the side, monitoring the area.

"Speaking of which," Brownie turned around and looked at Stargazer, "How about the clothes I gave you?"

Wearing light blue denim hot pants and a slim-fitting shirt, Gazing Star rolled his eyes: "I don't quite understand modern people's clothing style."

"So, should we call them directly now?" Xi'er's Lijuo Luoxin dress changed from a black dress to a normal set of clothes. Her little head was buried in the coat and hat, and her dark blue eyes were looking at it in confusion. Brownie, "If I hit them directly, would it hurt the little animals?"

This afternoon, after Lin Jue left to go to the toilet, he came back and suddenly asked Guanxing and Brownie to do him a favor.

The offspring of the animals were kidnapped by unknown persons, and Lin Jue asked them to rescue them. At the same time, he brought Xi'er with him, because Xi'er and Lin Jue had been to the forest together, and those small animals recognized Xi'er's scent and would not resist them.

Hearing Xie'er's question, Brownie raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth: "Xie'er's question is right. Therefore, we have to-quick resolution."

"Xie'er, stay here and wait for our good news." Guanxing nodded, agreeing with Brownie's words. Time is limited, calling directly is the best solution.

Xi'er took a step forward, also looking ready to go, and said to the two of them at the same time: "Don't worry about me, I can fight too."

Stargazing and Brownie looked at each other without saying anything else.

"Okay, then let's briefly discuss the battle plan." Brownie pulled Stargazer over with one hand, and Xi'er with the other hand, and whispered.

1 minute later.

Suddenly the lights went out.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

One of the guards shouted in horror. The next moment a gunshot rang out, and his cry was never heard again.

A guard subconsciously pressed the alarm after the lights went out, but found that the expected alarm did not sound.

The sword flashed, and his last view was of a body without a head.

The guards on the inner and outer three floors woke up from a dream and entered a state of alert.

The hunter turned on his eagle eyes and could see clearly in the dark. The wizard prepared spells in his hands, and the berserker turned on the blood-burning mode.

At the same time, the guards on the sentry station picked up the Jueling Spear and looked around nervously.

"There is an invasion of foreign enemies! The wizards and hunters hide behind the berserkers. The wizards give priority to preparing lighting spells, and the hunters guard the surroundings. The berserkers serve as front shields. Everyone should not act rashly. The people on the sentry shoot at the outside world to interfere with the other side!"

The captain of the guard quickly made a response plan. , the originally flustered guard immediately stabilized.

The guards at the sentry obeyed the order, picked up the Jueling Gun and started shooting at various entrances and exits.

The sound of gunshots was heard all the time.

At this time, the captain of the guard felt a pain in his back and instantly lost consciousness.

In the darkness, a pair of hands lifted him away.

After that, the guard chief's voice sounded again: "Everyone gather in the middle. Hunters are guarding the surroundings. Wizards go first, hunters follow closely, and berserkers are last. All guards on the sentry posts come down. The sentry posts are not safe! Get to the middle. Get behind the Berserker!"

The guards moved carefully and obediently.

Three minutes later, with a "Bang!" sound, a big explosion resounded through the sky, and the soaring fire even lit up the sky.

The original research institute was in ruins, and Seele took all the small animals to meet Brownie and Stargazing.

"Hiss!" Among the animals, a little snake looked very excited. It was spitting out snake letters like crazy, and it didn't know what it was expressing.

Xi'er touched its head: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm just too excited. I didn't expect Sister Xi'er to come back to save us." Little Snake was so moved that she almost cried.

A few days ago, because Lin Daoyin and the others left, they did not take the little snake with them, but handed it back to Fei Yi.

The reason why the little snake was handed over to Lin Daoyin was because Fei Yi had not yet become the master of animals. Now that it has succeeded, the little snake should naturally be returned.

However, Feiyi has been busy with exotic exotic species recently and has not spared his energy to take care of the little snake. Having not seen the little snake for many years, it didn't know how to treat it at the moment.

So, the unsupervised little snake felt that it was okay again, so it sneaked away and ran outside.

The result was that as soon as he ran out, he was given a harsh lesson.

Lesson title: Social beatings.

Then it was brought here.

After arriving here, it discovered that many animals were also here.

One or two of them were equally powerful as it. They even had a duel here and became good friends with each other.

This research institute doesn't know what they are studying, but they always do experiments on them.

Here, the little snake gradually understood his situation and the other party's purpose. Start resisting with your friends.

Those who failed to resist were punished and dispersed.

In just a few days, something happened here that could change the fate of the little snake.

If a novel was published and the protagonist was a little snake, this would be the starting point of the little snake's destiny.

However, here, these are all trivial matters.

Little Snake excitedly shared with Xi'er what he had experienced these days, but Xi'er didn't understand at all.

Then a little bear came over and patted it before it calmed down.

"Hi, Seele!" Brownie followed Stargazer out of the ruins and waved happily when he saw Seele.

After Xi'er walked in, Brownie asked curiously: "How did you suddenly discover where they were just now?"

Xi'er raised her head and tapped her chin: "I felt their breath, so I ran over."

【It's obviously what I feel. 】Hei Xi said dissatisfied.

Xi'er hurriedly said to Hei Xi: [I know, but I can't tell you]

【】Hei Xi knows this truth, she just said it casually. Who would have thought that Xi'er would come to his heart?

This made her a little unreasonable.

[Forget it, I get it. 】

Forget it, just be unreasonable and make trouble. What happened to her being unreasonable to Xi'er? This is her prerogative!

Hei Xi thought arrogantly.

Xier breathed a sigh of relief.

A hole suddenly opened in the distant sky.

A brilliant galaxy appeared and then disappeared.

Stargazing felt the power hidden in the sky, "It seems that Lin Jue's side is fine."

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