The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 167 The day before yesterday

On the other side, a group of people who were forcefully driven away by the Xu family

In the alley

"Sir, the Xu family goes too far!"

Listening to the angry words of his men, the middle-aged man leaned on the railing and looked far away.

He suddenly laughed.

"You go down first."


When the men heard the order, they retreated without hesitation.

At this time, a shadow appeared next to the middle-aged man.

"How is things going?" The middle-aged man turned back and cast his gaze into the shadows.


What responded to him was a series of inhuman words.

"very good."

The middle-aged man's eyes were cold, "Something unexpected happened. Now, I order the plan to be launched immediately."

The shadows disappear and bright sunlight shines through.

The middle-aged man seemed to feel something, turned around again, stretched out his hand, and let the sun fall on his hand.

"What a beautiful day." He said with emotion, "It's just"

His hand suddenly turned black, and the setting sun seemed to fall into a black hole.

"Soon to be no more, uh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

The middle-aged man smiled shamelessly.

Then a pair of slippers hit him on the head.

"Which one laughs like a lunatic? It made me lose my grip on putting my shoes away."

There was a lingering sound of dissatisfaction from a certain family.

The middle-aged man's face darkened, he resisted the urge to rush in and kill the person now, and left.

The bright sun also shone on a girl with a not-so-bright expression.

The girl was wearing blue denim hot pants, and her long white legs shone in the sunlight.

Not only did it attract passersby to look sideways, but it also formed a sharp contrast with the girl's dark face.

"Brownie, you'd better explain to me clearly what happened!" The girl gritted her silver teeth and her eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

Brownie felt guilty inexplicably, and pretended to be calm: "Cough-cough! It's just, how should I put it, some of them are hard to explain."

"I ran all the way here, made all kinds of plans, made all kinds of preparations, and envisioned all kinds of possible outcomes. But as soon as I got here, you told me that everything was fine?!"

Stargazing is very popular right now.

When she first heard the news that Brownie was in danger, she was so worried!

He ran over in a hurry, barely able to catch his breath on the way. When they arrived at the place, Brownie called her and told her it was okay, your trip was in vain.

It’s no wonder it’s not popular!

Brownie scratched his head and laughed sheepishly.

This development was completely beyond her expectation, and she couldn't bear the blame.

Stargazing took a deep breath and looked away.

Xi'er stood aside and looked at the two of them in confusion.

The moment he saw Xi'er, a look of surprise flashed in Guanxing's eyes.

Whether it was an illusion or a woman's sixth sense, she felt a very dangerous smell from this girl.

This girl was brought here by Brownie, right?

Stargazing turned his attention to Brownie again, his face calmed down, and he said coldly: "Now, explain it to me from beginning to end!"

Facing the angry Star Gazer, Brownie also put away his playful smile and honestly explained everything.

The matter has to start from last night.

The cauldron line.

The moonless night is even darker.

"Crack, snap, snap."

Brownie easily cracked the electronic lock on Fuhang's underground door, pushed it open gently and walked in.

The light from outside shines through the crack in the door into the dark basement. Brownie walked in with slow steps.

Then, she saw a cute white cat next to the door, smiling at her with narrowed eyes.

Brownie: "?"

Brownie felt something was wrong and quickly withdrew.

But it's too late.


Brownie stepped back and clearly felt that she had bumped into someone.


At the same time, the door was closed.

The light disappeared and everything in front of me was darkness.

Brownie didn't hesitate and hit the person behind him with an elbow.

At the same time, the body tilts to the side and the center of gravity moves downward to prevent being controlled by the person behind you.

The other hand was not idle, and he took out the gun hidden in his clothes.

Regardless of whether the elbow strike is successful or not, Brownie will continue to take advantage of this force, quickly move to the side, and at the same time shoot at the previous position.

However, when the elbow attack came, Brownie felt something wrong again.

She felt like she'd hit a rock.

Without too much time to think about it, Brownie retreated to the side as he expected and shot at the man.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Bullets fired.

At the same time, Browne brought out a powerful flash from the hand he elbowed earlier.

She aimed at the other person and opened it.

A strong white light suddenly appeared, and then disappeared like a flash in the pan.

With this, Brownie gained a brief vision and saw what he had hit before.

A rock wall?

Brownie's pupils shrank.

Unfortunately, she forgot that people in this world seemed to have some unnatural abilities.

Brownie is no longer bothered.

Under the white light just now, she could also clearly see the road conditions around her.

She fired another bullet and quietly moved outside.


Brownie could only feel a flame flashing in front of his eyes.

Her gun was knocked away.

Brownie didn't have time to react to what happened. The next moment, she felt something on her neck.

The next moment, the basement lights were turned on.

Brownie finally saw the current situation clearly.

A young man held a knife to her neck with an expressionless face.

To her surprise, the touch on the knife was not the cold feeling she imagined, but a warm feeling.

And after seeing the boy's appearance, especially the pair of purple eyes, Brownie's heart sank completely.

Because she has seen this person before.

"I broke into the Night Walk last night and entered the Hunter Association tonight. I thought I wouldn't see you today, but I didn't expect you to be here."

The young man's tone was as calm as the deep sea without any ripples.

"Well, now we can have a good chat. First of all, let's start with the news about why you want to explore the Son of Nature."

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