The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 166: Pass on, Seele and Brownie ran away

"What's your name?" Brownie asked back. The girl in front of her did not have any hostility towards her. When Brownie realized this, she felt a little relieved. However, she didn't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that the girl was a little enthusiastic towards her. She still had to be careful. "My name is Seele." Seele said with a smile in her eyes, "What about you?" "Bronie." Brownie couldn't stand Seele's expectant gaze, so he turned his head, waved his hand, and said. "Bronie?" Seele blinked, "It's very close to the pronunciation of Bronya." Brownie was startled and raised his eyebrows unconsciously, but it returned to normal in an instant. No, that's not right. This happened a long time ago, and the other party couldn't know it. It should be a coincidence. She said slowly: "Bronya is indeed my name, but it was when I was a child. Later, I felt that the name was difficult to pronounce, and now this name is easy to pronounce, so I call it like this." "The name Bronya is not difficult to pronounce." Seele said seriously. Brownie's mouth twitched, not understanding why the other party was entangled in this matter. However, considering that the other party should have saved him just now, Brownie did not say much.

It's just a name. If she likes to call Bronya, then call her.

"Seele, right?" Brownie did not let down her guard, "If I'm not mistaken, you have been following me since I met you this morning?"

- In fact, this is her blind guess. The other party may just happen to be on the 13th floor of the Yiquan Building, and meeting her is purely coincidental. However, if this is the possibility, then Brownie can relax a little.

But, if it is the possibility she said, then Brownie will still act as if nothing happened on the surface, and will raise the level of vigilance against Seele in her heart.

First of all, when she met Seele, Seele did not resist at all.

However, judging from the ability Seele showed just now-she lost her ability to move in an instant-it can be seen that Seele absolutely has the ability to resist her. But Seele did not resist at that time. It's impossible that Seele likes to be pointed at with a gun, right?

Secondly, Xier didn't resist, so maybe she had a special reason. However, if it was what she said, Xier didn't resist, but quietly followed her when she wasn't paying attention.

What does Xier want to do? What does Xier want to do!

In any case, if it was her guess, Xier's behavior was too difficult to explain. It was too disturbing.

Facing Brownie's temptation, Xier tilted her head and said in confusion: "No, I just happened to pass by here and found that they were very hostile to you, so I helped you."

Hei Xi madly complained in Xier's mind: "Xier, you really need to stay with Lin Jue less. Look at you now, you are the same as Lin Jue, lying without changing your face or heartbeat."

"It's okay as long as it's useful," Xier was a little embarrassed and whispered to Hei Xi in her mind.

Although there was nothing wrong with Xier's words, Brownie still chose to be half-believing and half-doubting, and asked: "Why do you want to help me?"

This is the most critical question!

Seele looked at Brownie with some hesitation, as if she was hesitating whether to speak or not, and finally said: "Because you and my sister look exactly the same."

"Huh?" Brownie's expression was a little broken.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

"And her name is Bronya." Seele sighed.

After many attempts, Seele can be sure that this person who looks and sounds exactly like her sister in her memory is not her sister Bronya.

Bronya is calm and her tone is always plain. She rarely has expressions, and you can only see her smiling face when she is really having fun.

Brownie is different. She has a straightforward temperament. Although she rarely shows her expression directly to hide herself, she is still different from Bronya.

The way they speak and their tone are completely different.

The details of their actions are also different.

The most important thing is the temperament.

Brownie's temperament is very exposed, and her sexual behavior is free and unrestrained. Seele saw that he liked the excitement and challenge.

——When Brownie realized that he was surrounded, he was not panicked, but showed joy from the bottom of his heart. Seele saw this from this point.

Although Seele had not known Brownie for a long time, she could already see these from various details.

On the other hand, Bronya and Brownie were completely different people. Bronya was calm and cold. She would sometimes be mean to others. She would be patient and gentle to everyone. Her first reaction when in danger was to calm down quickly.

Seeing Seele's lonely look, Brownie guessed something, "She"

"Seele hasn't seen her for a long time." Seele's tone was complicated.

In a place where neither of them could see, Lin Jue sat in the monitoring room, listening to the conversation between Seele and Brownie, feeling a little emotional.

He could probably guess how Seele felt at the moment.

Although they were not the same person, that figure and that voice always reminded Seele of the memories of her childhood.

When you miss someone you haven't seen for a long time and won't be able to see for a long time, and you happen to meet someone who looks exactly like him/her and has the same voice, what will you think in your heart?

Do you feel absurd, or feel lost, or like a wandering night walker - wanting to get to know him/her, but afraid of mistaking the figure of the person you are thinking of for him/her?

If it is about family affection, friendship, etc., then maybe it will be like Xier -

- To put it in a more understandable way, you are on the street in a sea of ​​people, and you see someone who looks exactly like your long-lost sister, or someone who looks exactly like your best brother or best friend. I am afraid that you will not be able to help but cross the sea of ​​people to see that person.

The purpose is actually very simple, just a simple, far-away look. Xier also had this purpose at the beginning.

But when the other party is in danger, you can't help but help.

If it happens to love, what will happen? .

Lin Jue shook his head and patted Wuming who was lying on the table, "Let's go."

"Meow" Wuming's dream was interrupted, and he glanced at Lin Jue helplessly.

In the arcade.

Xier used her Supreme Membership Card to notify the Xu family and drive the middle-aged man and his group out.

"So, who is he?"

Xier asked curiously in the elevator with only two people.

"I heard from others that he is the owner of the so-called Fuhang." Brownie curled her lips, "Really, I just accidentally saw some of his secrets when I was looking up some information. Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"


Xier could only laugh dryly when she heard it.

"By the way, Sister Bu Brownie." Xier almost slipped her tongue, hesitated for a while, and finally said the name, "Where are we going next?"

"You really rely on me" Brownie held his forehead, not knowing whether it was good or bad.

Xier heard the words, and her expression was tangled again.

Seeing this, Brownie waved his hand quickly, "Forget it, I don't mind it either."

In fact, she still had a little bit. But she really couldn't bear to see the blue-eyed short-haired girl looking aggrieved.

I don’t know why.

Brownie sighed and said, “Next, I’m going to meet a friend.”

“This friend must be so angry right now.” Brownie suddenly smiled again.

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