The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 168 Brownie wants to go to the video game city

As Lin Jue finished speaking, an alarm suddenly sounded in the basement.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Lin Jue frowned.

Without saying another word, he just disappeared into thin air in front of Brownie.

The white cat from before was also gone.

Brownie was left alone in the basement.

When the sirens sound, the place will definitely be cordoned off.

Brownie's plans were completely shattered.

"Asshole." Brownie cursed secretly, but did not run away in a hurry.

She quickly went to the basement and used a machine to record all the information Fu Xing had collected over the years.

This is what she came here for.

As Brownie was recording, a bullet suddenly passed through the basement wall and hit Brownie in the head.

Fortunately, Brownie was always alert and dodged with a tilt of his head.

"Just right." Brownie sneered with a sullen face. He quickly put away the machine, hid aside, and threw a smoke bomb.

At the same time, she put on a gas mask.

Smoke bombs are unique in that the gas inside is mixed with various chemicals that affect the human body's senses.

Including but not limited to drugging, tear gas, dizziness, and anesthesia

Smoke bombs exploded and thick smoke filled the air.

The surroundings soon became blurry.

After a while, Brownie and his wife heard a "pop" and quickly ran away.

Although, in the end she still completed the task without any danger.

However, after her traces were exposed, she was eventually targeted by the boss of Fuhang forever.

No, I have been chasing it until now

Time returns to the present.

"So, the group of people we met yesterday are the same group of people who are chasing you today?"

"Well, that's probably it."

Brownie said with lingering fear: "Actually, this group of people is nothing. The main thing is that annoying guy. If it weren't for him, I'm sure nothing would have happened."

At the end of the sentence, Brownie sounded angry and looked very unhappy.

Stargazing held his chin in one hand, thoughtfully.

After a while, Guanxing raised his eyebrows, pointed at Xi'er not far away, and said, "Wait a minute, you haven't introduced me to me yet, where did you abduct this girl from?"

Previously, they used the excuse that they had something to say to each other and it was not convenient for Xi'er to hear. Xier also walked aside directly.

"Ah, this" Brownie scratched his face when he heard Stargazer's words, looking a little embarrassed and his eyes wandering.


Seeing Brownie like this, Stargazing suddenly felt something was wrong.

Originally, Brownie brought her to her when she saw this short-haired girl. Out of her trust in Brownie, she didn't pay too much attention, but what was Brownie's expression like?

In fact, Brownie was hesitant for no other reason than because it was difficult for her to explain the matter.

Suddenly, Brownie thought of a good way.

What should I do if I can’t explain it clearly?

Just tell the whole story and let Stargazer explain it himself.

So Brownie spent some time narrating today's entire experience to Stargazer.

"I said, are you really just standing there stupidly like this?" In Xi'er's mind, Hei Xi said leisurely, "How about eavesdropping on what they are talking about?"

"No, since they said what they wanted to say to each other, it must be their secret. Doesn't eavesdropping mean eavesdropping on their secret?"

Xi'er shook her head.

"Tch, I'm just saying casually. If you want to stand there, just stand."

Hei Xi had already expected Xi'er's answer, and her emotions didn't fluctuate much, "But what if what I said involves your brother Lin Jue~?"

"Ah?" Xi'er was stunned.

"In order to prevent the guy who looks like my sister from moving around in Xi'er's arms, I tried a certain function of this scythe." Hei Xi played with the Nine-Death Dragon Soul Scythe in his mind, "Unexpected She discovered that this so-called 'dead soul' can invade other people's bodies, making people unable to move, causing sensory confusion, and it can also inhabit the human body because she is afraid of what the death energy will do to her if it remains in her body. It’s dangerous, so I just went to take it back, and Death Qi brought back some news.”

The active skill of the Nine Death Dragon Soul Scythe - the screen that covers the earth and the sky, can release a large amount of death energy, causing the enemies inside to be continuously eroded.

But after Heixi's exploration, she discovered that if she wanted to, she could finely control a small amount of death energy to corrode the enemy.

Hearing this, Xi'er remembered that scene.

At that time, Seele discovered that Brownie was about to collide with a middle-aged man, so she hugged Brownie and hid in a corner. At the same time, she changed the "Lizhao Luoxin skirt" into a fully reflective one, with the form and color consistent with the surrounding environment. The clothes covered the whole body and successfully avoided the middle-aged man.

She asked why Brownie was so quiet in her arms when she got up early. It turned out to be Hei Xi who helped.

"Then, will Sister Brownie be okay?" Xi'er asked worriedly.

For some reason, hearing Xi'er's worried tone, Hei Xi felt inexplicably unhappy, but he still said patiently: "The amount of death energy is small and the duration of its stay is short. It will not have any other impact on her."

Xier breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Hei Xi would take the brownie out without paying attention.

"By the way, another me." Xier suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Impossible. Didn't you say you can't eavesdrop?"

Xi'er's index fingers tapped each other on her chest, as if she was struggling.

But she finally chose to listen.

When Hei Xi refused, Xi'er acted like a spoiled brat.

Hei Xi held his forehead, and finally had no choice but to tell Xi'er all the news he had just received.

Xi'er has indeed changed a lot since she met Lin Jue.

Even Lin Jue learned how to be shameless.

Not only that, Xie'er's character has also changed.

I really don’t know if it’s good or bad.

Hei Xi said with emotion in his heart.

After Xi'er heard what happened between Brownie and Lin Jue in Fuhang's basement, Guanxing happened to come over with Brownie.

Guanxing took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Xi'er, my name is Guanxing. I am Brownie's friend."

Xi'er nodded, "Hello."

The two parties greeted each other and seemed to know each other.

"I have to take her away first, Xi'er." Guanxing said.

Xi'er had already guessed her decision to watch the stars, but there was still a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

Brownie didn't know her very well. Brownie has other things to do, and she also has other things to do. The two parties are not on the same line.

"Then let's go first." Although Guanxing also sympathized with the girl in front of them, they could not have too much interaction with this girl.

They will leave this world one day

Xi'er calmed down and accepted this reality.

She also felt it was a miracle that she could meet someone who looked the same as Bronya in this world, but she would have to leave this world sooner or later, and she could not have much interaction with Brownie.

Just when Guanxing and Xier were about to leave,

"Well, Xi'er, can you take me to the video game city?" Brownie pulled Xi'er, his eyes shining.

"Ah?" Xi'er was confused.

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