There was no evidence, but when Lin Jue heard the roar, the first thing that came to his mind was the sea beast.

It was like the first time he heard the sound of a sea beast.

"By the way, Ms. Xu Yunru." Lin Jue's thoughts were racing, his expression remained unchanged, and he spoke to Xu Yunru who was whispering to Lin Daoyin.

Xu Yunru raised her head and said with some dissatisfaction: "No need to be so unfamiliar. If you don't mind, you can call me Sister Xu."

"Okay, Sister Xu."

Lin Jue was not ambiguous and recognized this title.

Xu Yunru nodded with satisfaction, "What's wrong, Lin Jue, what's the matter?"

Lin Jue looked at the door, where Xiaoshe and Wuming were playing.

I don’t know what the snake and the cat were doing in the house. Anyway, the two animals are very close to each other now.

"No, I just want to ask about this little snake." Lin Jue pointed to the little snake at the door, "Is it your pet?"

Xu Yunru nodded and said, "That's right."

"That's right?"

"The mother of this little snake and I used to be old acquaintances." Lin Daoyin said, "Later, for some reasons, it had to put the little snake here with me. However, at most we can help take care of it, and we can't say It's our pet."

"That's it," Lin Jue thought thoughtfully.

"Actually, Xier was quite scared at first, but after getting in touch with it for a while, I realized that this little snake is actually quite cute."

Xi'er, who was sitting next to Lin Jue, interjected, "Although, sometimes it's scary to wake up late at night and see it with its eyes open and motionless."

Snakes do not close their eyes when sleeping. If an unfamiliar person sees a snake sleeping, they may mistakenly think it is dead.

Although Lin Jue had never experienced this before, thinking about it, he felt that it was really annoying. When you wake up late at night and see a snake staring at you unblinkingly, you may suddenly become energetic.

Xi'er said it lightly, but she was probably frightened when she first encountered it.

If Xi'er heard Lin Jue's thoughts at this time, she might not know what to say.

She was really frightened at the time, and while her mind was not clear, Hei Xi got through the air and gained control of her body.

Afterwards, the first thing Hei Xi did was to beat up the little snake.

That night was destined to be a sleepless night. Lin Daoyin and the three of them were awakened by the noise of fighting, thinking that a monster had invaded. I hurriedly came out to take a look.

I saw a little girl holding a snake in her hand, shaking it wildly, and couldn't stop cursing.

Fortunately, they stopped it early, otherwise the little snake might have been killed.

"Indeed." Lin Daoyin and the others recalled that not-so-good memory, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Xu Yunru originally wanted to tease Xi'er and deliberately put the snake at Xi'er's door. But she never expected that the little girl they picked up randomly was so fierce and had a bad temper, so she took action directly.

This little girl looked timid and harmless when she first picked her up. Who would have thought that she suddenly felt like a different person?

Lin Jue saw that the expressions of the four of them were not right, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Ah hahaha" Xu Yunru said hahaha and briefly talked about what happened that night.

"Oh, no wonder the little snake is so afraid of Xi'er." Lin Jue suddenly understood why the little snake only dared to watch from the side when Hei Xi chased and beat him.

Co-authored and this one

Lin Jue's inner evaluation of Hei Xi's violence index rose to another level.

"By the way, how old is it now? Judging from the way it talks, it seems like it's still a child." Lin Jue revealed the matter and brought the topic back.

As a result, when they heard Lin Jue's words, the four of them were stunned again.

Zhou Lanzhi frowned and asked, "What do you mean by the way it talks?"

"That's it" Lin Jue just woke up and explained, suddenly paused, looking at the expressions of the four people, a ridiculous explanation emerged in his heart.

"It can talk, don't you know?" Lin Jue asked tentatively.

"So far, I haven't seen it speak." Xu Yunru replied.

The five people fell into silence.

Xi'er was silent, worried that Hei Xi might have caused Lin Jue some problems.

Lin Daoyin was silent, thinking whether to re-evaluate whether Lin Jue's mental state was normal.

Xu Yunru and Zhou Lanzhi were silent, wondering whether they should directly mention this topic.

Lin Jue also remained silent, confirming his inner thoughts.

I'm afraid, among the people present, he was the only one who could hear what the little snake said.

But why?

No, never mind why right now.

Lin Jue felt that something was wrong with the way the four of them looked at him, much like the way a doctor in a mental hospital stared at his patient.

He felt he needed to explain.

But how to explain it?

Did you just brush it off and say, "I was just joking." Or did you give some other reason?

This is a problem.

This one was not explained well. In the following time, he would be looked at more or less with "colored eyes".

No, isn’t this natural secret realm “fantasy” enough?

Is it so weird that animals can even talk?

Lin Jue expressed that he was tired.

At this thought, Lin Jue suddenly realized something.

Since he can hear little snakes talking, maybe he can understand other animals talking too.

But this ability is definitely not what he had before, it was only acquired after today's natural secret realm.

Lin Jue suddenly remembered that he had obtained the origin of nature before losing his memory, so

"System, open the personal panel."

Lin Jue thought to himself.

Instantly, a virtual screen appeared in front of Lin Jue's eyes.

[Host: Lin Jue]

[Strength: Not in the mainstream (A-level Valkyrie)]

[Constitution: ???]

[Skills: Stealth, Seven Meteoric Styles, Starfall. ]

[Weapon: Lingxi Knife (Evolving)]

[Status: Son of Nature (Incomplete) (Trial)]

As expected.

Lin Jue used his mind to check the Son of Nature in the status bar.

[Son of Nature (Incomplete) (Trial Version): The darling of nature, with unique power. ]

[Effect: Able to understand the language of all beasts. ]

[Current status: Trial, automatically invalid when leaving the natural secret realm. ]

Seeing the final effect, Lin Jue understood it in his heart. He also thought about how to edit it.

Although it seems that Lin Jue has done a lot of things, the time in the outside world has actually passed for only a few seconds.

Lin Jue stared at the four people and said calmly: "So that's it, I know."

"Hmm? What do you know?" Xu Yunru asked curiously.

When Lin Jue heard this, he smiled slightly, his eyes became deep, and after a while, he slowly said: "Do you know why I came here?"

"Oh?" Lin Daoyin heard this, his eyes flickered, put down the chopsticks in his hand, showed an interested smile on his face, and leaned forward a little, "Of course we don't know this."

"It's to solve a disaster." Lin Jue sighed, "In the future, there will be a natural disaster sweeping this land, and I came for this."

After the words fell, Xu Yunru and Zhou Lanzhi were startled and glanced at Lin Daoyin inconspicuously.

Lin Daoyin's face also showed a look of surprise. He squinted slightly, as if he didn't believe it, and asked: "Why do you say that?"

"Because I am the son of nature."

When the plain male voice fell, a thunderbolt suddenly struck from the outside world.

Then, countless howls rang out in the forest, and even Wuming followed suit, and bowed his head respectfully in the direction of Lin Jue with the little snake.

It was as if the four words "Son of Nature" had some magic power, which forced them to do so.

A gust of wind blew up on the top of the mountain, and the howling sound echoed in the ears of the other four people.

In an instant, Lin Jue was infinitely magnified, magnified, and magnified in their eyes.

Lin Jue saw that he made such a big noise after he finished speaking, and he almost scared himself, so he coughed twice to cover it up.

Good guy, you don't have to give face like this.

Lin Jue secretly complained.

Hearing the cough, the four people came back to their senses.

Lin Daoyin's expression was extremely complicated, with happiness and worry. Lin Jue was stunned.

"Since you have confessed, then I won't hide it anymore."

After hearing Lin Daoyin's words, Lin Jue was confused.

Huh? What do you mean I have confessed? What do you mean by not hiding anything?

Lin Jue felt that he had fooled around and seemed to have accidentally cheated something out.

Lin Daoyin seemed to have made a decision and said to Lin Jue solemnly: "What you said is true. In a few months, there will indeed be a natural disaster."

"This natural disaster will be unprecedentedly cruel. Humans cannot resist it and will basically die in it."

"Because of this, I spent ten years of my life, calculated a fortune, and successfully stole some of the secrets from the sky: 'Fate has long been determined, but there are still variables.'"

"Following the guidance, I led them here, built a wooden house, and waited for the arrival of the variables."

"We met Xi'er before and mistakenly thought she was the variable. But after many investigations, it was confirmed that she was not. So when we met you later, you..."

Lin Jue interrupted: "No need to be so polite, just call me what you want."

Don't talk about the Son of Nature anymore, he is afraid of making a fuss again.

The tone of his voice is majestic, with a flavor that cannot be refused - this should be consistent with the identity of the Son of Nature.

Lin Daoyin paused, and finally chose to follow Lin Jue's wishes, "Okay, after that, we met you, and we were not sure whether it was a variable. That's why we had the previous test."

"Since you have confirmed the identity of the Son of Nature, can you please help us survive the natural disaster together?"

Good guy, so you came here specifically to wait for me?

Wait, you have another test? When? How come I don't know?

Lin Jue recalled carefully, and then he remembered that since they met, Lin Daoyin's eyes seemed to have been staring at him.

It seems that he was too casual and didn't notice it at all.

Lin Jue reflected on himself.

However, although he was thinking about it, on the surface, Lin Jue still maintained a calm expression, shook his head and sighed: "Hehe~ I don't know these. I only know that my mission is to help this forest survive this natural disaster. But, I didn't bring humans with me."

"What?" Xu Yunru's expression changed, and just as she was about to say something, she was stopped by Lin Daoyin's eyes.

"I understand. Since we are children of nature, we will choose to help nature." Lin Daoyin nodded, "But aren't humans also on the side of nature?" Lin Jue sneered: "Humans? They kill lives, destroy trees, cut down trees indiscriminately, and are extremely evil. It's good enough that nature doesn't punish humans, so how can we talk about helping humans?"

The above was purely performed by Lin Jue on the spot. He was not sure whether humans in this world did this, but this did not prevent him from deceiving others.

"However, humans have long since repented, returning farmland to forests, protecting endangered animals, using biotechnology to promote natural stability, and constantly working hard to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature." Lin Daoyin retorted, "Human beings are also nature "

Lin Jue frowned and remained silent.

After a long time, he closed his eyes and said slowly: "You are right. But"

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Lin Daoyin breathed a sigh of relief, but Lin Jue said "but" again, making Lin Daoyin nervous again.

Lin Jue suddenly laughed again, "I will consider this matter, let's not talk so much, let's eat first!"

He saw Xi'er hanging in the air with her chopsticks for a long time. If she didn't eat, the rice would be cold.

By the way, Xier can also use chopsticks? Could it be that you learned it during this time?

Yes, how long has Xi'er been here? Ask later.

Lin Daoyin and the other three breathed a sigh of relief and ate quickly.

"By the way, of course, little friend Lin Jue. There is a more serious matter." Zhou Lanzhi, who was full of white hair, suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Jue embarrassedly: "That is, this cabin is not big to begin with. , I am even more pitiful. I originally planned to give your bedroom to Miss Xier."

"It doesn't matter, I'll sleep outside." Lin Jue originally thought it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be just a matter of where to sleep at night.

Also, this group of people will consider the problem of the son of nature sleeping. In addition, they would also consider the issue of eating for the Son of Nature before. It seems that the "fantasy" level of this world is not high. The understanding of high-latitude organisms is also lagging behind.

After all, if you want to change places, the son of nature may be the kind of being who doesn't need sleep or grains, can attract wind and rain with a wave of his hand, and can cover the stars with a flip of his palm.

But this is good, as you don’t have to worry about being looked down upon because of your lack of strength.

Hearing Lin Jue said he wanted to sleep outside, Lin Daoyin couldn't help but asked, "How about I sleep outside?"

Lin Jue laughed and said, "I always like to lie on the grass and sleep."

It was a joke, but he noticed it. It was just a broken hard board, so he might as well sleep outside.

Lin Daoyin and the three looked at each other for a few times.


Can we only say that he is worthy of being a child of nature?

The three of them didn't say anything in the end.

After all three people had turned their attention away, Lin Jue whispered to Xi'er beside him: "I know you have many questions. Come outside tonight and I will explain them to you one by one."

Xi'er was stunned for a moment, then nodded her head, "Yeah, okay."

Lin Jue saw Xi'er nodding, smiled lovingly, patted her head, "Okay, let's eat quickly."

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