The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 157 A Night with Xier

Late at night.

Lin Jue stood in front of the cabin.

He asked Lin Daoyin about the cabin before, and Lin Daoyin said he didn't know much about it.

It is understood that this natural secret place is populated by humans, and there are also powerful supernatural forces among humans. Lin Daoyin is a Taoist priest who is good at deduction, casting gu, and taking over the creation of heaven and earth. Xu Yunru is a hunter who is good at hidden assassinations, setting traps and domesticating animals. Zhou Lanzhi is a wizard who is good at forming formations, casting spells, and attacking enemies from a distance.

Hearing these professional names, Lin Jue became more convinced of one of his guesses.

By the way, Lin Jue felt it briefly and clearly felt that the strength of this group of people was far inferior to him.

By the way, Lin Daoyin is a Taoist priest who accidentally discovered that a great disaster was coming in this world while observing the sky at night. He was keen to grasp the unusualness of this celestial phenomenon, and asked God for help at the cost of ten years of his life, seizing some of the heavenly secrets. Through this, he learned about the upcoming natural disasters and the variables that would change his destiny.

The content of the secret is extremely mysterious. Lin Daoyin said that this was the first time he had seen such incomprehensible content. He could only decipher the content based on his feelings: a specific place and a cabin.

After that, Lin Daoyin came here with Xu Yunru and Zhou Lanzhi, lived in a cabin, and waited for the changes to come.

"Interesting." Lin Jue's mouth curved.

The word variable is not unfamiliar to him. He had seen it before from Master Mo and in system tasks.

This word seems to describe him.

In other words, he is a variable.

If you want to ask him why he is a variable, Lin Jue said that he doesn't know.

However, he understood that this must be related to his former "self".

That plan, what Master Mo said.

Lin Jue came to the back of the cabin.

This is a slightly sloping flat land, with a huge cliff in front.

Lin Jue came to the cliff and sat down, quietly admiring the night sky.

The moon phase is magnificent and the stars are thousands of miles away. Bright as day, brilliant as the sun.

Ahem, that may be a bit exaggerated.

But the moonlight is really beautiful.

Dots of light shone on the grass and shot into Lin Jue's eyes.

"Brother Lin Jue."

Beside him, Xi'er walked over.

Lin Jue glanced away and suddenly froze.

Xier is now wearing a pair of light pink pajamas, her pretty face is slightly red. The faint pink color contrasts with the rosy red on Xi'er's face, and coupled with her innocent blue eyes, she looks like a pure and lovely girl.

The pajamas are very delicate, embroidered with exquisite and lovely patterns. You don't need to think about it to know that this set of clothes must have been given by Xu Yunru - this group of people is actually very wealthy, but they are wearing rags on purpose just to avoid attracting attention.

Xi'er was a little shy and unnaturally put her hanging little hands behind her back, turned sideways and tilted her head to look at the ground, while one foot involuntarily drew a famous circle on the ground. She originally wanted to use this to relieve her embarrassment, but she didn't know that this look looked more innocent and harmless, and also made her blood boil.

"Do you want to find a wife?"

Inexplicably, the words Master Mo once said suddenly appeared in Lin Jue's mind.

"Ahem." Lin Jue pretended to be calm and coughed twice, "Xie'er, sit down first."

"Yeah" Xi'er nodded lightly, her voice as thin as a mosquito's silk.

Later, Xi'er came and sat down next to Lin Jue. The breeze brought by the movement took away the fragrance of Xi'er and brought it to Lin Juena.

Lin Jue sniffed the scent that belonged to Xi'er, which seemed to be a faint scent of lilies.

After Xi'er sat down, she put her legs together and hugged her knees. She was also attracted by the gorgeous starlight and raised her head.

The moonlight is indeed beautiful tonight.

Looking up at the night sky on the grassland next to the mountain cliffs, the view is excellent.

Looking around, countless stars are dotted in the vast night, and the elegant and indifferent moonlight quietly shines on the peaceful earth. The peaceful environment gradually calmed down the restless mind.

"I am indeed a child of nature." Lin Jue took the lead in breaking the silent night. He had already laid down, closed his eyes and enjoyed the starlight, and said to Xi'er at the same time.

Perhaps it was night, but after Lin Jue said the words "son of nature", there was no obvious movement. But the stars in the sky suddenly became a little more dazzling.

Lin Jue was already prepared for any big noise. It would be a good thing if there was no movement, so as not to disturb the atmosphere of admiring the night sky. He continued: "In addition, I gave the letter to Bronya."

"Sister Bronya, how is she doing recently? Is everything okay?" Xi'er's mind became active again when she mentioned Bronya.

Lin Jue smiled, and the expressionless face of a certain girl and the iconic twin ponytails flashed in his mind, "She is still like that, because her emotional circuit is damaged, she is expressionless all day long, and occasionally spits poisonous words to hurt others. . The teacher taught her everything. When she got home, she would play games, especially Qiana.”

Lin Jue's speech was a bit chaotic, and he just said what came to his mind.

Suddenly, Lin Jue became curious and asked: "By the way, what have you all experienced? Why did you separate from Bronya and enter the quantum sea?"

At that time, in Chelvalun's world, Lin Jue only learned through the system that there was not much information about Xi'er, only some basic information, such as strength, mental state, dual personality, quantization, etc. But I don’t know anything else. For example, height, three dimensions, weight

When Xi'er heard Lin Jue's words, she sighed and fell into memories. She slowly said: "My parents lost their lives in the second collapse. Later, I met Cocolia's mother. She Adopted me and brought me into her orphanage.”

"Sister Bronya and I met there. We also grew up there."

The quiet night sky is very suitable for talking about the past. Lin Jue stopped talking and listened quietly to Xi'er's talk about the past.

He was kidnapped to Lake Baikal because of his natural stigmata, and was later rescued by Bronya.

Bronya was bullied by a man named Xing Maer and pushed down the stairs, resulting in disability.

The anti-entropic X-10 experiment fell on Bronya. In order to protect Bronya, Seele replaced Bronya as the owner of the natural stigmata.

Later in the experiment, Xier unlocked the true power of the stigmata, but because her body could not bear it, the form of existence jumped to quantization.

After learning the news, Bronya threatened Cocolia with death to allow herself to participate in the experiment, and made the decision to accompany Seele at the quantum level. But Xier didn't want Bronya to disappear, so she used her longing for Bronya to make Bronya give up escaping and made a promise to rescue her.

After Bronya's emotional circuit was damaged, Xi'er realized that there was no time. She turned the reconstructed power she found in the stigmata into a heavily armored bunny 19C and gave it to Bronya, along with the others. Kissed goodbye and sent Bronya away from the Quantum Sea.

Xi'er spoke with rapt attention, and Lin Jue also listened attentively.

From time to time, Lin Jue would also communicate with Xi'er about certain events.

After Xi'er finished speaking, Lin Jue smacked his lips, closed his eyes and recalled the story, feeling very emotional for a while.

"After entering the quantum sea, I could only rely on a diary to maintain myself every day. I drifted aimlessly all day long." Xi'er's tone was low, but then recovered, "Until that day, I met Brother Lin Jue ”

It was a day she would never forget.

No one knew what meaning Lin Jue's words meant to her.

Drifting in endless darkness, not knowing time or direction. It's like being in a dark prison where the light will never be seen.

Even if you can maintain yourself by keeping a diary, how long can you maintain it?

The reason why Xi'er persisted was simply because she longed to see Bronya again.

But she didn't know when that day would come, and she didn't know if she could hold on until that day came.

She was helpless. Even if she had sustenance, she was still at a loss. Even if she knew it was a fruitful wait, she was still uneasy.

Deep in her heart, she actually hated her own cowardice, her own indecision, and her own hesitation.

She wanted to be a strong and determined person, she wanted to be a resolute and courageous person like Bronya.

But she didn't know what to do, she could never really make up her mind.

And because of this, she hated herself even more and felt more helpless that she didn't even have the courage to make such a decision.

These are all buried deep in Xi'er's heart. Like her inner demon.

Of course, in fact, these are not big troubles. As long as Bronya finds her and takes her to break through the quantum sea, the world will become better after that, and Xier can slowly grow up under the influence of Bronya. .

But until then, she will continue to be in this condition and keep getting worse.

Fortunately, she still has Kuroshiki. Hei Xi is another one she relies on during the long night.

So, the situation won't be too bad.

As for what Lin Jue did, it was probably to replace the person who would lead Xi'er's growth in the future.

——It did not replace Bronya's position, but Lin Jue's words helped Xi'er get rid of these ideological constraints, making her feel like a new person, breaking the barriers of thinking and growing.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Jue left an indelible mark on Xi'er's heart.

The corners of Xi'er's mouth curved slightly, her eyes softened, and her delicate little face flashed a blush. She looked at Lin Jue lying down and said softly: "Fortunately, Xi'er met brother Lin Jue."

The wind suddenly picked up, and the girl's low voice was blown away by the strong wind.

Lin Jue didn't hear clearly, opened his eyes and looked at Xi'er doubtfully, and asked: "What did Xi'er say?"

Xi'er turned her head, not letting Lin Jue notice her already red face, and said softly: "It's nothing, it's just that Xi'er wants to hear your story."

"My story." Lin Jue's eyes dimmed a little. He didn't know his story clearly. If there were three memories, only the third memory was easy to tell.

However, that memory was too long and too cumbersome. Lin Jueji couldn't remember much, and he didn't know where to start when he was asked to say it.

Lin Jue thought for a while and planned to tell his story in the Collapse World, starting from the moment he came to the Collapse World.

The first time I met Kiana and the three of them, they entered the stigmata space and met Yae Sakura and Theresa. Yae Sakura's tragic experience, defeating Hijamaru

St. Freya Academy, Mr. Himeko, sleeping with Mr. Joyce, eating in the Valkyrie dormitory, skipping class with Kiana, meeting Wuming, practicing moves late at night, of course, among them Bronya saw Nozomi Er Xin’s reaction, this is detailed

Combat strength assessment, actual combat drills, sudden accidents, castle towers, and Higoku Maru.

Of course, when Lin Jue talked about the things in the castle tower, he concealed the things about the Six Paths.

Then came the invasion of aliens.

Although Lin Jue didn't know what happened next, as long as Lord Mo was around, the collapse of the world would definitely not be a big deal, so Lin Jue simply brushed it off.

Later, Lin Jue mentioned the world of sea beasts to Xi'er, and also explained clearly why he came here and his purpose.

When talking about this, Lin Jue was alert throughout the whole process, and Lin Daoyin and the other three did not eavesdrop.

As for whether Lin Daoyin, a Taoist priest, had more covert means to eavesdrop on his words, if Lin Jue couldn't detect it, he still had a system.

Anyway, Lin Jue will talk to Xi'er about this after ensuring that the conversation is safe.

Time flies so fast, and before you know it, the night has passed.

Xi'er listened intently throughout the whole process and didn't even feel sleepy at all.

Suddenly, Lin Jue looked at the distant horizon and said, "The sun is about to rise."

He had seen this scene several times, in order to ensure that the ceremony to open the natural secret realm went smoothly. So, he's very experienced in that.

"Well, let's watch the sunrise together." Xi'er nodded and also set her sights in the distance.

The early morning sun rises in the east, its warmth and warmth shine in his center.

The rising sun shone on their faces, awakening the forest.

There was no particularly big movement, but both Lin Jue and Xi'er could clearly feel a strong vitality being released.

It should be said that it is a natural secret. The vitality and vitality brought by the rising sun are a little worse than what Lin Jue felt during the ceremony.

The sun had fully risen, the door of the cabin at the rear was opened, and Lin Daoyin and three others came out.

"Hey - Xi'er! Lin Jue! Do you want to eat?"

Xu Yunru's loud voice came.

Lin Jue stood up and said, "Let's go, Xi'er."


Xi'er responded and stood up.

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