The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 155 Lin Daoyin, Xu Yunru and Zhou Lanzhi

They were far away before, but now Lin Jue could clearly see their true colors.

The woman who greeted him looked about 20 years old, with a pretty face and a graceful figure. Even wearing a bloated red cloth coat, you can still see those proud curves.

The man next to him had a pure temperament, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. Although he looks thin, he gives people the feeling of a scholar.

"Xie'er? Are you going to introduce us?" Xu Yunru obviously saw Xi'er's appearance just now, and winked at Xi'er teasingly.

Xi'er knew what Xu Yunru was implying, and a flash of red flashed across her face, but it quickly faded away.

She first pointed to the woman in front of her and introduced to Lin Jue: "Brother Lin Jue, her name is Xu Yunru, she is a very good sister." Then, she got up early and pointed to the man, "He is"

"Lin Daoyin." The man interrupted Xi'er's words, looked at Lin Jue, and smiled: "What do you call me, little friend?"

"Lin Jue."

Lin Jue's eyes narrowed slightly. The man in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Anyone who comes here is a guest. How about this little friend come in and enjoy dinner together?"

Lin Daoyin walked calmly and showed elegance and propriety in his conversation.


Lin Jue felt something was wrong.

Theoretically speaking, if you want to get to the top of this mountain, you have to come up from the foot of the mountain if you don't go the way of the little snake.

If you take that road, you will definitely pass by the field, and you will be discovered by the two of them.

Lin Jue took the latter route and had not met the two of them. But looking at the expressions of the two people in front of them, they didn't seem to be surprised at Lin Jue's appearance.

"Aren't you surprised why I'm here?"

Asking questions is a good habit.

Lin Daoyin smiled, "You are a guest from afar. Since you are a guest, why should you care too much about where you come from?"


Suddenly, a huge roar suddenly sounded, echoing in the valley.

Hearing the noise, Lin Jue tensed up all over, his eyes filled with shock.

"The sun has already set. At night, some dangerous animals will run out." Xu Yunru smiled when she saw Lin Jue's appearance, "But don't worry, generally speaking, they will not run out of the forest."

"That's it." Lin Jue quickly regained his shocked look and his expression became calm, as if nothing had happened.

Were you frightened by the roar?

Lin Daoyin, who was observing Lin Jue's reaction without any trace, shook his head in his heart, but quickly concealed the disappointment in his eyes.

Don't worry, I'll look again and I'm still not sure.

"It's getting late and I'm hungry. Besides, this is not the place to talk."

Lin Daoyin had a gentle smile on his face and spoke at a slow pace, "Little friend Lin Jue, how about we come together?"

"It's my wish, but I dare not invite you." Lin Jue also said calmly.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three people present froze.

Seeing the three people's reactions, Lin Jue was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong?"

Xi'er gently poked Lin Jue's waist, "What did brother Lin Jue say just now? Xi'er didn't understand."

Lin Jue: ""

Sorry, he couldn't help but uttered a sentence in classical Chinese when he saw that the two people across from him looked like ancient Han people.

No, they don’t understand?

Lin Daoyin carefully considered Lin Jue's words and suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, what a solid wish, but I dare not ask for your ear."

"If I'm not mistaken, this sentence means 'it's what I wanted, but I never dared to ask for it.'"

Lin Jue nodded.

Xi'er nodded in understanding.

Xu Yunru suddenly realized, "My little friend is also proficient in ancient Chinese."

"Old Chinese?" Lin Jue became confused, "I call this classical Chinese."

Seeing that Xu Yunru was confused again, Lin Daoyin smiled and said, "Don't worry so much."

At this time, the sun had completely set, and Lin Daoyin pushed the wooden house away.


"Come on, everyone, come in."

After opening the door, we came to the living room. The living room was not big, with only a wooden table and a few wooden chairs. Wuming and the little snake lay on it and played.

Food was already placed on the table, and there was an old woman beside it.

"Hey, we have guests."

The old woman had white hair, but she looked very energetic. While eating her food, she greeted the four of them, "Sure enough, I guessed that a guest was coming when I saw this little kitten. How about that?" A chair is prepared.”


"I hope it doesn't cause you any trouble." Lin Jue picked up Wuming.

"This old woman is called Zhou Zhilan, but we usually call her Granny Zhou." Xi'er whispered in Lin Jue's ear.

Lin Jue nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Grandma Zhou, what's the good dish today? It's so delicious." Xu Yunzhi stood on tiptoe and took a deep breath, feeling the aroma emanating from the dishes.

Zhou Zhilan smiled and shook her head, "Why are you still like a child who hasn't grown up? Okay, eat quickly."

The four of them sat down to eat.

Xi'er sat next to Lin Jue, and the woman sat next to the old woman. The man sat on the main seat.

The dishes on the table looked extremely high quality. Although they were all varieties that Lin Jue had never seen before, the smell of them made people twitch with their fingers.

However, Lin Jue was not in a hurry to eat, and asked the three people sitting across from him: "I'm really sorry for disturbing you so presumptuously."???

These words were false. Lin Jue just wanted to test the reaction of the three of them.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." The old woman waved her hand.

Lin Jue picked up a dish with chopsticks, put it into his mouth, tasted it carefully, and then nodded, "Yes, it is indeed delicious."

This is true.

"Hahaha, as long as you like it." Grandma Zhou seemed very happy after hearing Lin Jue's words and laughed.

Lin Jue smiled and kept thinking.

As soon as he came in, Lin Jue was looking at the wooden house.

Later it was discovered

"This place looks very similar to the wooden house outside?"

Lin Jue carefully recalled and compared it. The layout of this wooden house was very similar to the wooden house in the world of sea beasts, except that the wooden house here was much larger.

Moreover, this wooden house seems to be clearly divided into living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms, unlike the one outside which has only one small room.

However, although I didn't see other places, the layout, size, and even the texture of the wooden walls of this living room were exactly the same as the wooden house outside. There are just a few more doors.

Lin Jue didn't think this was a coincidence.

If he analyzes the surrounding structures, Lin Jue has a bold guess - this wooden house may be formed by a combination of multiple wooden houses outside.

Lin Jue recalled that Andre's notes had written that the wooden house outside existed before he arrived, and it seemed to have existed for a long, long time.

As a result, Lin Jue had a new guess: this is actually what the world of sea beasts looked like a long time ago!

This is not a random guess, Lin Jue has another basis.

That is, there are sea monsters in this world!

It's the one that roared before!

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