"Don't fight, don't fight. I really know I was wrong."

In front of the cabin, Hei Xi held a wooden stick and kept hitting Lin Jue, each blow hitting Lin Jue's vitals.

But Lin Jue couldn't escape.

Another stick hit Lin Jue on the head.


Does it sound good? What sounds good is a good start.

"Xie'er, I really know I was wrong! Stop hitting me! Hit me again and fight back!" Lin Jue covered his head and dodged in embarrassment.

Hei Xi heard this, his eyes sharpened, and he stabbed Lin Jue's lower body with the stick with all his strength.


A white shadow passed by and knocked Hei Xi's stick away.

Wuming couldn't stand it anymore and helped block it.

Seeing this, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

If Hei Xi hadn't held back just now, he would have had no choice but to use the Lingxi Knife to block it.

Hei Xi strikes hard and fast, and his moves are sharp. If the stick just hit him, he wouldn't be crippled, but he probably won't be able to recover in a few months.

But if he used the Lingxi Knife to block, Hei Xi would probably be even angrier and continue to attack.

Fortunately Wuming took action.

In this case, Hei Xi's "hate" can be transferred to some extent.

As expected, Hei Xi saw that his stick was knocked away by Wuming, and he became even more angry and said angrily: "Where did the wild cat come from!"

"Xie'er, don't be angry. This time it was really an accident!" Lin Jue finally had time to take a breath and said quickly.

This time it was indeed an accident.

At that time, Lin Jue was only looking into the distance and did not pay attention to what was happening below.

However, Lin Jue swore that he really had no idea of ​​peeking at the little girl!

Originally, Lin Jue was stunned when he saw that the other party was Xi'er. He would be thinking: Is this person Xi'er? If it was Xier, why would she be here? What happened to the collapsed world? But how did Xi enter the secret realm of nature as a child?

However, Lin Jue's surprise was different when it fell into Hei Xi's eyes.

Isn't it obvious that you should take advantage of the opportunity to take a few more glances at someone without clothes?

This is the proper pervert behavior!

As a result, Hei Xi, who was in the blackened state, directly took over the body. He immediately took a piece of clothing and put it on his body. He turned on his unparalleled power and rushed towards Lin Jue.

Fortunately, due to different reasons in the world, Hei Xi cannot use the power of Honkai, and his strength has dropped significantly.

This is the reason why Lin Jue is still alive and kicking, and the reason why Hei Xi is even more angry.

"Ha!" Hei Xi sneered. Just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed.

After a while, Hei Xi snorted coldly, looked at Lin Jue unwillingly, and finally turned away, "Just wait!"

Feeling the undisguised murderous intent in the words, Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth.

The color of Xi'er's pupils suddenly changed, and her red eyes turned back to sea-like blue.

Seeing this, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

After the exchange of body dominance, Xi'er remained silent and looked at Lin Jue with a complicated expression.

Lin Jue naturally noticed Xi'er's resentful eyes and hurriedly shouted, "Ah, that. Me"

Lin Jue wanted to find a way to break the situation.

Lin Jue started thinking.

Lin Jue thought failed.

Lin Jue chose to give up.

Lin Jue wanted to struggle again.

Lin Jue thought failed.

Lin Jue chose to give up.

The atmosphere became awkward for a moment. Lin Jue and Xier were silent for a long time.

"Oh, it's okay." Xi'er just sighed in the end.

"You're just too soft-hearted! How could you let that bastard go like this?"

Listening to the words in Hei Xi's mind, Xi'er responded, "I believe brother Lin Jue is not the kind of person who would maliciously peek at a girl taking a shower. This time should be just an accident."

"Whether it was an accident or not, you can't forgive him so easily!" Hei Xi said with hatred.

"Yes, but I can't do it." Xi'er said weakly.

"You! You are really hopeless! Please pray for yourself! Don't beg me when you are deceived and have nothing left!"

After saying that, Hei Xi's aura disappeared.

Xi'er knew that she was hiding and sulking in her own mind.

"Uh, Xi'er, how did you get here?" Lin Jue's mind finally cleared up and he asked the key question.

Xi'er shook her head, "Xie'er doesn't know either. At that time, Xi'er encountered monsters in the Quantum Sea. At that time, my other self's injuries were not healed yet, so there was no way to help me. I couldn't defeat them, so I had to run away, and then I didn’t know where I got involved. Then I opened my eyes and here I am.”

"That's it." Lin Jue fell into thinking.

There was another long silence.

"Ah Xi'er, why don't you go change clothes first? We'll talk later."

Suddenly, Lin Jue made a weak suggestion.

Only then did Xier realize that she was simply covered with a thin layer of white coarse cloth.

Since Hei Xi only wanted to fuck Lin Jue, he took a piece of clothing and put it on without even getting wet.

After the beating just now, Xi'er was sweating again. The white coarse cloth was soaked, and the white and tender skin could be vaguely glimpsed through the clothes.

It was because he thought he would see things he shouldn't see if he continued like this that Lin Jue whispered.

Xi'er's pretty face turned red and she said weakly: "Then you leave here first and I'll get dressed."


As if he was on the verge of amnesty, Lin Jue disappeared from Xi'er's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Arriving in front of the cabin, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief, "What's going on!"

How will he face Xi'er in the future?

Also, if Bronya is Xier’s sister, if she finds out

Lin Jue imagined a scene in his mind of a heavily armed little rabbit carrying countless artillery pieces to bombard him indiscriminately.


"Hey~ human."

Behind, a cat and a snake arrived belatedly.

In the field, a man and a woman seemed to have finished plowing, packed up their things and walked up the hillside.

"Eh? Lao Lin, there are outsiders!"

Xu Yunru saw a man standing in front of her house and waved to the man beside her.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the man turned his head and glanced, "Counting the days, it is indeed today."

"Old Lin, are you really sure?" Xu Yunru frowned.

"Don't worry." Lin Daoyin showed a mysterious smile.

In front of the wooden house, Lin Jue felt a sense of peeping. Looking around, I found nothing else.

Lin Daoyin, who withdrew his gaze first, praised: "Nice young man, very sharp. Lao Xu, please cooperate with me later."

"Understood." Xu Yunru nodded.

In front of the wooden house, Lin Jue sat on the grass and talked to the little snake.

The man and woman in the field were at least five hundred meters away from Lin Jue - the cabin he was in was at the top, and the field was at the foot of the mountain.

Therefore, from Lin Jue's perspective, the man and woman in the field were just farming. He didn't even look back at the cabin.

"Little Snake, when do they usually come back?"

"I didn't pay attention. However, they usually come back just as the sun sets."

"When did Xi'er appear here?"

"I didn't pay attention. I just remember that there was no sister Xi'er before. Suddenly one day she appeared."

"You said those two people are your parents, but they are human beings. Were you picked up and raised by them?"

"No, they have been my parents since I was born."

Lin Jue chatted with Xiao She every now and then, and learned some things by the way.

However, the little snake was not reliable at all. When Lin Jue asked it questions, it would either say "I didn't pay attention" or "I don't know."

"I still have to talk to those two."

Lin Jue called up his task panel again.

[Event: Natural test! 】

[Introduction: Nature, contained in all things, controls the way of the world. Since ancient times, it has been closely related to all kinds of creatures]

[Main mission 1: Reach sufficient tacit understanding value with pet Wuming (currently 70/100)]

[Main task 2: Understand nature - the way of beasts. 】

[Main Task 3: Survive the natural disaster with Wuming. 】

[Task 1: Achieve a good or above intimate relationship with all animals in this forest. 】

[Task 2: Build a home to help the animals in the forest resist the coming natural disaster. 】

[Challenge Mission 1: After the natural disaster, there are more pets surviving in the forest than there are now. 】

For Lin Jue, this incident was very simple if he just completed the main task.

However, if you want to complete a mission or even challenge a mission, it will be difficult.

Now, because of Little Snake's intervention, he has completely escaped Andre's experience.

In Andre's notes, there was no mention of people living in the forest at all.

Based on the landforms in front of the mountain, Lin Jue guessed that this was somewhere outside the forest.

Because the left, right and rear are blocked by mountains, it is impossible to see outside.

The only way out is through the endless forest ahead.

In addition, the path taken by Lin Jue and Little Snake was essentially in a direction away from the initial position.

That's why Lin Jue came up with this guess.

If the guess is correct, he is now outside the forest. He knew nothing about this place.

What he needs to think about now is what kind of existence the two people living outside have to the forest and the secret realm.

The little snake said that its mother told it that there was a city outside. Its mother should be the woman in the sky, since she said there was a city outside. It means that this natural secret realm may be bigger than he thought. It was also more complicated than he thought.

However, the mission did not mention anything related to people at all. No, not all of it.

In task 2, you are asked to build a home. The construction method of this home may be related to the humans outside.

In addition, what happened to Xi'er?

The world of sea beasts and the world of collapse are two different worlds. The secret realm of nature is a special existence in the world of sea beasts, and the quantum sea is also a special existence in the world of collapse.

How did Xier come from the quantum sea to the secret realm of nature?

Did something happen to the collapsing world?

There is only one connection between the world of sea beasts and the world of collapse.

That's the group of foreign evil spirits.

This group of foreign evil spirits once invaded the world of sea beasts, forcing the world of sea beasts to wander around the world. Later they invaded the collapsing world.

Could it have anything to do with this?

Lin Jue just thought about it for a moment and quickly dismissed this possibility.

Since Master Mo said that he doesn't have to worry about the collapse of the world, then the collapse of the world should survive the crisis unharmed.

Now that it has passed, the influence of extraterrestrial evil spirits on the collapsing world cannot involve quantum knowledge.

After all, they are not in the same place.

The demons invaded directly from outside the Honkai World, and the Quantum Sea is between the Honkai World and other Honkai parallel worlds. It can be said that it is a unique existence within the collapse world.

Unless the evil demon penetrates the collapsing world, the Quantum Sea will not be discovered.

Furthermore, is it possible that the evil demon sneaked into the Honkai World in advance, investigated the Honkai World, and discovered the Quantum Sea? Then he noticed something different about the Quantum Sea, so he attacked the Quantum Sea?

This possibility is also unlikely. With that posture, it was clear that the demon was directly invading. There is no such thing as sneaking in early.

So what's going on?

Lin Jue was thinking, and before he knew it, the setting sun was facing his eyes.

Xi'er didn't know when she came out. She saw that Lin Jue was deep in thought and didn't disturb him.

Walking to sit next to Lin Jue, Xi'er inadvertently glanced at Lin Jue's unblinking eyes.

The deep purple pupils are reflected in the red afterglow, and the violet-like mysterious color and blazing brilliance unexpectedly set off, exuding endless charm.

Xi'er fell into it unconsciously.

"Oh yo yo, we have a visitor."

The sudden sound pulled both Lin Jue and Xi'er back.

Lin Jue raised his head and looked at the person.

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