The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 128 The storm is surging, gathering from all directions

"Then I felt weightless. I was falling."

"I came to another world."

"That world has completely different powers than ours, and their technology is on par with ours."

"I found that although I was physically at that time, I couldn't fully enter that world."

"——In other words, I am just a bystander, witnessing the end of the world."

The virtual screen changes again.

On the boundless ocean, a figure covering the sky and the sun set off huge waves.

There seemed to be a hole in the sky, and in the halo of light where dark purple and deep black coexisted, strange species exuding black energy kept popping up.

The figures that covered the sky and the sun were fighting with the species exuding black energy.

Species exuding black energy came out of the light group one after another. Those figures that covered the sky were eventually outnumbered and fell one after another.

Finally, a general who looked human.

He burned with life and brandished the knife in his hand.

The sword light streaked across the sky, finally breaking the light group.

"This is the last thing I saw in that world. After the sword flashed across, I returned to my own world."

Einstein put away the object and the virtual screen disappeared.

"Fortunately, this gadget seems to have been following me and recorded this experience. Because of this, I have evidence to prove to you - everyone, we are probably facing a crisis as big as the arrival of the Herrscher."

Then, Einstein said to the dazed and numb people in front of him: "The light group above is the light group projected on the screen just now. But the energy it contains is not as strong as that world. But the threat in it is throwing It deserves our attention.”

"For this reason," the tall man finished his words, "I made the decision to send this experience to the Bishop of Destiny. Although we are mortal enemies, no one here does not want to kill him. But at this time At this moment, we need to work together to face the invasion from unknown external vision.”

There was a burst of applause.

"Pah! Pah! Pah! Well said, my old friend."

Otto clapped his hands and walked out of the shadows slowly.

Following him was Amber and all the members of the Immortal Blade.

——Except captain Hollander and vice-captain Rita.

Seeing Otto's arrival, everyone in Anti-Entropy became nervous involuntarily.

Otto chuckled lightly: "Don't be nervous, everyone, didn't your alliance leader just say that? At this moment, we must work together and work together, right Walter?"

Walter waved his hand and walked forward, "I just hope you really think so this time."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

The way Otto smiled seemed really hard to believe.

"Everyone from Anti-Entropy has come a long way, so you must be tired. But unfortunately we don't have much time, so let's ask you to move over first and let's exchange information with each other, how about that?"

Walter responded calmly: "That's exactly what I meant."

So under the leadership of Otto, the two forces slowly entered Changkong City.

On the way, Einstein quietly approached Walter and whispered: "Leader, why do I feel that Otto is so excited today?"

Walter tilted his head and replied in the same low voice: "I feel the same way. You should be careful. Otto is extremely thoughtful, and no one knows what his intentions are."

"Yes, Alliance Leader."

Einstein retreated silently, chatting quietly with the other anti-entropy people.

The behavior of Anti-Entropy and others was actually very conspicuous, and they had no intention of hiding at all.

Amber walked into Otto and whispered: "Sir Otto"

"Hmph~ It doesn't matter. Let's go our own way." Otto knew what Amber wanted to say and waved his hand.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

——That is, seeing another light of hope.

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