Let's go back in time. Google search reading

Outside the illusion, the Valkyrie resides.

On the bed, the woman with long pink hair closed her eyes.

Her pretty face was pale, her brows were furrowed, and her hands were clutching the sheets tightly.


"No, don't!" Yae Sakura opened her eyes suddenly, stood up and shouted.

Then, a warm feeling surged into his throat.

"Cough, cough." Yae Sakura leaned against the bed and coughed up some blood.

At this time, a gentle voice came.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Yae Sakura raised her head, and a woman with short gray-blonde hair, covering her left eye, came over.

"Don't be nervous, don't get excited. This is the temporary camp of the Valkyrie." The woman noticed that Yae Sakura was tense and said with a smile.

"Cough, cough, cough"

Yae Sakura was about to say something, but she felt uncomfortable again and coughed a few times again.

"Don't speak in a hurry. Sacrifice your stigmata to Lady Theresa. You should understand how much damage this will cause to you. You are still alive now, which is already the best result. But, maybe He won’t live long.”

The woman sat down next to Yae Sakura gracefully, took out a tissue and wiped the blood from the corner of Yae Sakura's mouth.

"Just rest peacefully."

After everything was done, the woman got up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Yae Sakura raised her hand and held the woman.

The woman stopped and looked back, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"How is Principal Teresa doing? Where are the others?"

"Ha." The woman heard the words and chuckled, "Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. In order to save you, Lady Teresa went to the highest level of the castle tower alone. It is said that there is a way to save your life there. Himeko The major is fighting on the front line, and the other schools have returned to St. Freya Academy early on the Hyperion."

“The highest level of the castle tower”

Yae Sakura murmured, grabbing the woman's hand, "Take me, take me there."

"Huh?" The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, "You should understand your current situation."

Yae Sakura shook her head, "I have to go."


Yae Sakura gritted her teeth and remained silent for a long time.

"If Ms. Yae Sakura cannot give Rita a reason, I apologize that Rita cannot meet your request."

After hearing the woman's ultimatum, Yae Sakura thought for a moment and then said slowly: "This is related to the safety of the principal. There is a demon sword at the top of the castle tower, named Akazome Sakura. It has extremely evil power and can kill anyone. Pulled into the illusion created by it, Hijimaru masters the method of using Akazome Sakura."

"That is to say, once Theresa-sama reaches the top, she will be pulled into the illusion by Higomaru using Akazome Sakura?"

"I can't give an exact answer, but this possibility is very high. You took me to the castle tower because I am the only one who has the means to fight Akazome Sakura."



After looking into Yae Sakura's firm eyes for a while, Rita's thoughts changed rapidly.

After a moment, she slowly said: "For the sake of Lady Theresa's safety, Rita will trust you for once."

Besides, I originally wanted to go to the castle tower.

Rita walked out of the tent and glanced at the towering attic.

"I wonder, Master Youlandale, is it still safe now?"

Rita murmured.

Dark purple has covered the sky, and a strange smell continues to permeate the air.

The light group in the sky is still beating up and down like a heart.

Black fog completely enveloped Changkong City, and the sun and moon lost their traces.

At this moment, in the forest outside Changkong City

"Destiny has activated the highest threat level, and countless Valkyries have gathered here. Even so, do we have to go there?"

The fiery woman with red twintails crossed her arms and said to the tall man at the front of the team: "Anti-entropy and destiny are sworn enemies. Who knows if this is some trick of Otto, who just wants to catch us all in one fell swoop."

"I agree with Dr. Tesla."

In the team, another woman with a proud figure and golden curly hair raised her hand, "There are many examples of Otto setting traps for Anti-Entropy."

"It's really rare." The tall man at the front of the team laughed, "Cocolia, Tesla, the most quarrelsome rivals usually have rare moments when they agree on the same opinion."

Tesla snorted disdainfully: "Whoever agreed with her, it was obviously me who said it first. I'm afraid she just thought it was reasonable to agree with me after hearing what I said."

"Oh, Dr. Tesla really loves to joke. He talks about these distorted facts all day long." Cocolia leaned against the tree with a smile on her lips but cold eyes.

"Okay, okay. Aiyin, please explain to them."

"Yes, Alliance Leader."

Behind the tall man, a woman with short curly blue hair took out a small object. After she fiddled with this small object for a few times, a virtual screen appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Jiwotou, what is this?"

Dr. Tesla said, pointing to the small object.

"Dr. Tesla's focus remains as singular as ever."

Einstein said calmly, "This is the instrument I use to detect light clusters in the sky."

"That ball of light above the sky? Is it black or purple?" Tesla looked up and then asked Einstein, "Since you are going to detect that thing, Chicken Coop Head, I must have discovered something.”

"Indeed, Dr. Tesla. If you hadn't interrupted me, I would have finished explaining my findings." Einstein glanced at Tesla.

"Ah, ah, cough." Tesla scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, let me make the story short. After all, we are in a hurry." Einstein did not go into details, pointing directly at the virtual screen and said, "I discovered a powerful energy reaction that does not belong to Honkai energy, and alien vision has invaded us. world of possibilities.”



A crow flew by somewhere in the sky, quacking.

Seeing everyone's confused and dull expressions, Einstein reluctantly repeated his words.

"I discovered a strange energy reaction when observing the quantum sea." Einstein pointed to the virtual screen.

The virtual screen projects a starry sky with countless stars.

"Following the energy reaction, I discovered the scene on a virtual screen."

"We all know that there is more than just our kind of life in this world. There are countless world bubbles in the quantum sea alone. But when I thought I just entered a certain world bubble by mistake, I noticed A strange sight."

The virtual screen changed again, and Einstein's figure appeared in it.

Behind Einstein is a strange species exuding black energy.

The figure of this strange species was shrouded in black air, with only a pair of scarlet eyes staring intently at Einstein.

"I felt dizzy at this time. When I came back to my senses, I found that my body had come here, facing the monster head-on."

"The aura of that monster is very scary, far beyond the emperor-level Honkaimon I have ever seen. I even doubt whether the legendary judgment-level Honkaimon has such power."

Although the process seemed thrilling and sensational, Einstein's tone was always calm and he could not feel her panic at all.

It feels like she just went on a trip.

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