In front of the castle tower

Rita took Yae Sakura into this building that exuded an ominous atmosphere.

"Is it really okay for you to, ahem, bring me out without telling Otto?"

After entering, Yae Sakura asked.

"If Lord Otto really doesn't want me to come out, we have no chance." Rita responded with a smile, "Since we have come out, it means Lord Otto hopes that we can come out."


"You will slowly get used to it." Rita carried Yae Sakura on her back and walked up the stairs step by step. "The more you come into contact with Lord Otto, the more you will feel how unfathomable he is."

"It seems that you respect this Lord Bishop very much."

Hearing Yae Sakura's words, Rita just smiled and said nothing.

The two soon reached the top.

"Knew it."

Rita sighed after seeing the situation in front of her.

The red-stained cherry tree stands in the void, emitting red light.

Theresa collapsed weakly on the ground, obviously having entered a dreamland.

"However, they"

Rita looked elsewhere again.

Lying on the ground were Kiana, Bronya, Leiden Meiyi, and Lin Jue.

She didn't expect these four people.

"Sure enough, it's impossible for these people to go back so easily."

Yae Sakura seemed to have expected it and was not surprised.

"Miss Rita, help me there." Yae Sakura pointed in the direction of Akazome Sakura.

Rita put Yae Sakura down and walked there step by step holding her shoulders.

As the two people continued to get closer, the red light emitted by Akazome Sakura became more and more brilliant.

Rita suddenly felt herself in a trance, and then she suddenly reacted and kept her mind tight.

"It seems that Miss Yae is right. This knife is indeed terrifying." Rita said with lingering fear.

"But why does Ms. Yae seem not to be affected at all?"

Seeing that Yae Sakura was okay, Rita asked curiously.

"That's why, I said that only I have the means to fight against Akaizen Sakura." Yae Sakura took a deep breath and came to Akaizen Sakura.

Then she put her hands on the hilt of the knife.

"Sakura, scatter!"

Return to the fantasy world.

[Item: Purgatory Ghost King Staff

Underworld Dao artifacts can only be obtained by those recognized by Underworld Dao.

Skill 1: Heavy Dreams, Endless Nightmare

Effect 1: Create an illusion of the real world.

Effect 2: Those recognized by the scepter will not fall into the illusion created by others.

Effect 3: Within the recognition of the scepter, those close to you will not be confused by any illusions.

The remaining effects are unknown

Huangquan is the place where dreams meet, and it contains the dreams of countless people. Either tragic, touching, beautiful, or looking forward to

The rest of the information is unknown]

In front of him, the virtual panel projected by the system was turned off by Lin Jue.

Yes, the world Lin Jue is in now is an illusion created by the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff.

At that time, Akane Sakura's power was out of control. The Purgatory Ghost King Staff came into contact with the power of the illusion, and thus unlocked some of its functions.

The out-of-control power of Akazome Sakura turned into a strange and evil illusion that was extremely aggressive regardless of friend or foe.

Lin Jue felt the hair on his body standing upright after just feeling it for a moment.

So Lin Jue made a prompt decision and sacrificed the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff.

The out-of-control Purgatory Ghost King Staff created an illusion on its own, replacing the evil and ruined illusion formed by Akane Sakura's out-of-control power, and pulled everyone into the illusion it created.

However, this was actually a big gamble by Lin Jue.

He also didn't know what kind of illusion the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff would create if it was out of control.

As an artifact of the underworld, if the Purgatory Ghost King Staff creates a more terrifying and unsolvable illusion, it will be all over.

Lin Jue was betting that as the owner of the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff, he would be protected by the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff.

Fortunately, this world is not as dangerous as Lin Jue thought.

Previously, Kiana and others fell into an illusion created by Akazome Sakura.

The out-of-control power of the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff violently merged all these illusions, bringing with it the memories of Heigomaru and Lin Jue.

This illusion was formed.

As for Lin Jue and his party, only Wuming satisfies the third effect of skill one: within the recognition of the scepter, those who are close to you will not be confused by any illusion. Therefore, only Wuming retained his original memory, while the others lost their memories and became someone in this illusion.

Of course, they just lost their memory, but their physical fitness remained.

St. Freya High School seemed to come from the memory deep in Lin Jue's mind.

The encounter here is due to the experience of Hitamamaru or Hijamaru.

Although Hiyokumaru lost his memory, the power that coexisted with Hiyokumaru's origin made Hiyokumaru instinctively want to kill Hiyokumaru.

So it used the power of erosion to change the minds of people in the school, causing Hitamamaru to fall into isolation, taking Lin Jue and others with it.

Hiyokumaru found that his corrosive power could not affect Lin Jue and others, so he did not directly take action to eliminate Hiyokumaru and kept hiding behind the scenes.

Wuming came to the illusion for no apparent reason and found that Lin Jue and others had lost their memory.

While wandering around the school, I felt the aura of Higomaru again.

So Wuming thought that the loss of memory by Lin Jue and others was inseparable from Feijomaru.

Wuming quietly followed Feijimaru's aura and ran into Feijimaru. After a fight between the two sides, Wuming found that it couldn't beat him.

Angrily Wuming wandered around and summoned the Purgatory Ghost King Staff again.

Outside, Yae Sakura woke up.

After learning that Teresa and others entered the highest level of the castle tower to save her, the worried Yae Sakura asked to go with Rita.

Rita is also concerned about Theresa's safety - she likes Theresa very much, and the ornament on her mobile phone is the Q version of Theresa.

So Rita sneaked out without telling Otto and took Yae Sakura to the top of the castle tower.

Arriving at the top floor, the moment Yae Sakura stretched out her hand to hold Akazome Sakura, a miracle happened.

It turns out that Akarome Sakura was originally enshrined in Yae Shrine, Yae Sakura's weapon. Its original name is Sakura Fukiyuki.

On that occasion, Yae Sakura was bewitched and corrupted by Higuomaru, and used Sakura Fubuki to kill countless innocent villagers. The Spirit Sword Sakura Fubuki was tainted by this and became the Demon Sword Akane Sakura, and was tainted with the power of Higomaru.

Time passed, and when Yae Sakura held her former "comrade" again, the pure power buried deep in its blade was awakened. The knife recovered again.

At the same time, Hijimaru did not lie - Sakura Fubuki's own energy made Yae Sakura rejuvenate, and the deathly aura between her eyebrows had long since disappeared.

After replying, Yae Sakura used Sakura Fukiyuki's power against the illusion to move forward and break into the illusion.

But this illusion was created by the Purgatory Ghost King's staff, and it was not comparable to Sakura Fukiyuki's.

But by chance, the angry Wuming accidentally found the Purgatory Ghost King Staff, and then took the staff and relied on his biological instinct to resonate with Sakura Fubuki's ability and bring Yae Sakura in.

However, it was precisely because of this that Heigomaru was the first to recover his memory.

At that time, Yayi was being pressed hard by the students, and Lin Jue and others were besieged by the teachers.

After Yae Sakura learned about the story that happened here from Wu Ming, she thought for a while and decided to hide in the dark first. Don't alert the snake.

It wasn't until thunder flashed on the rooftop that Yae Sakura appeared after feeling the power of Hijamaru.

During this period, Hijamaru used illusions to trap everyone.

Therefore, Yae Sakura also used Sakura Fubuki's power to revive everyone's memories one after another in the illusion - except Lin Jue.

——After Yae Sakura entered the illusion, Wuming found that he could communicate with Lin Jue again,

So after Wuming told him part of it, Lin Jue remembered everything by himself.

Then, in order to trick Heigamaru into coming out, the two of them put on a special play.

Kiana and others deliberately pretended to be still in the illusion and continued to lie down. As a result, I suffered a few more blows.

It wasn't until Heigomaru showed up that everyone finally stopped acting and started gearing up one by one.

——The story this time has finally come to an end!

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