A warm feeling surged into his throat, and Lin Jue was knocked away by the black light, blood spurting out in the air, and then he felt dizzy.

"Meow!" Bai Miao screamed, and a golden light turned into an iron plate to catch Lin Jue.

Lin Jue fell to the ground safely, but was already unconscious.


The weird and sharp laughter came from far to near, and the white cat's purple pupils shrank.

In the sky, the dark purple and deep black light group suddenly disappeared.

But in its place was a demon fox whose body was burning with black flames.

The demon fox opened its mouth wide and black flames gathered.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the white cat immediately gathered golden light.

Then, the black flames collided head-on with the golden light.

The huge one blew the white cat away.

"Meow!" The white cat's claws flashed in the air, and a golden light turned into iron magnets and penetrated into the ground. Then the white cat grasped the iron thorn tightly to prevent it from being completely blown away.

After the aftermath passed, the iron magnet turned into golden light and dissipated, and the white cat slowly landed on the ground, staring at the demon fox in front of him who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You tried it last time, and you are no match for me." The demon fox said human words, "If you still don't know what to do, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Meow!" The demon fox answered with a firm meow.

The demon fox narrowed his eyes, "Why, you can't bear to leave your master?"

The white cat didn't respond, but stood in front of the unconscious Lin Jue, covered in fur.

After the demon fox glanced at Hiyumaru, he seemed to be sure of something, and then black light condensed around his body.

"In that case, it just so happens that I haven't played well for a long time, so I will play with you today."

He understands the power of the principal's thunder. It seems to be weak, but in fact its effect is not reflected in the attack power.

If nothing else happens, at this moment, the group of women lying on the ground should all have entered the illusion created by it.

The illusion will unearth the fears buried deep in their souls, and continue to strengthen and deepen them.

When they are lost in the illusion, it is time to become its slaves.

The demon fox was not panicked. It was confident that the group of people could not escape the illusion.

——Even if it escapes, it is not afraid, it can beat it.

——Even if it can't be beaten, that's okay, it can run.

The black light gathered into an energy beam, exuding terrifying power.

The white cat's body glowed with golden light, turning into a thick iron wall.


The demon fox sneered.

The next moment, a strange fluctuation came.

The iron wall collapsed inexplicably, turning into golden light and dissipating.

The white cat also vomited a mouthful of blood.

But it's not over yet.

Under the gaze of the demon fox, the black energy beam hit the target perfectly, and the aftermath splashed huge dust.

After that, the demon fox refused to give up, and once again condensed a black flame ball around its body and rushed towards the white cat.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"


As if it had gained a morbid sense of relief, the demon fox laughed loudly.

The smoke and dust caused by the explosion filled the air, but this could not block the sight of the demon fox.

Suddenly, its laughter stopped.

Because in its eyes, it saw a person who shouldn't exist.

"It's a good fight."

Pink hair fell like a waterfall, and Yae Sakura walked out slowly.

On the side, Hitamaru removed the protective force field and followed Yae Sakura.

"Why, you should be surprised to see me, but"

Yae Sakura noticed the confused look in the demon fox's eyes, and said with a smile, "It's not like he was shocked for so long, Hijamaru."

"Maybe it's not in shock, but thinking about what went wrong, sister."

Behind him, Hitamaru muttered.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow."

The white cat meowed happily.

Yes, the person descending on the rooftop now is Yae Sakura.

At the same time, there is Hitamaru who thinks it is impossible to escape from the illusion!

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky.

The next moment, a knife cut through the sky, flew straight to the rooftop, and landed in Yae Sakura's hand.

At the same time, an evil and strange scepter appeared.

On the ground, Lin Jue, Mei Yi, Kiana, Theresa, and Bronya all stood up.

Everyone smiled half-smilingly, looking at Heigomaru who was so shocked that he gradually became numb.

"Oh, that's such a cute expression." Lin Jue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Hey, it hurts."

Meiyi rolled her eyes: "In terms of pain, I'm the one who suffers the most."

Kiana: "Humph, you actually want to confuse me with illusions. You really underestimate me."

Bronya: "The system detected that the opponent's body temperature continued to rise. I don't know whether he was surprised or angry."

Theresa: "I must be surprised and angry, but I didn't expect that we are all back!"

Lin Jue stretched out his hand, and the scepter in the air disappeared into thin air.

The next moment, the scepter appeared in Lin Jue's hand.

"This time, thanks to Wuming and Sister Ying, and of course, you."

Lin Jue stroked the scepter and said softly.

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