The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 122 Mei Yi’s routine

Taking the phone, Meiyi walked slowly to the front of the platform. Google search reading

Looking at the dark crowd below and looking at everyone's expressions, Mei Yi said

"Everyone, I know that maybe you don't want to listen to me, and you especially want me to leave now and get out."

"—I can do whatever you wish." Yayi said calmly.

It was like a bomb dropped into the already turbulent stagnant water, causing huge waves.

After hearing Mei Yi's words, the crowd instantly burst into an uproar.

"Have you given up so quickly?"

"Tsk, I thought she would say something shocking. In the end, she turned out to be a soft persimmon."

"That's right, at least resist. She is so cowardly. Is she the only one who deserves to be number one in grade?"

There were boos and boos, and Theresa looked at Mei Yi in astonishment.

——No, in her impression, Mei Yi is not someone who compromises easily.

As expected, Mei Yi watched the crowd's restlessness with cold eyes and continued: "But - but, there are conditions for letting me go down."

"Ha, don't make such a fuss yet." Seeing the crowd below him instantly showing expressions of "How dare you make conditions?" Mei Yi sneered, "The conditions are very simple. Answer me a question."

"No, why should we answer your question? Who are you?"

Among the crowd, a voice was particularly loud.

Hearing this obvious sentence, Mei Yi smiled instead of getting angry, "Yes, that's a good question."

"——Then," Yayi suddenly changed the subject, "Why do I have to listen to you and leave here obediently and dejectedly?"

The tone of Mei Yi's retort was calm and calm, but the smell of gunpowder contained in it was unusually strong.

"What? Are you kidding me? You say you are willing to go down, but why do you have any reason? The cursed person should get out!" It was still the same voice.

Hearing this, Mei Yi smiled even brighter.

The red lips raised slightly, and Yayi's eyes were sharp, "So, why should a cursed person leave here?"

"Just because she's cursed!"

This time, Mei Yi finally found the speaker - hiding in a small corner. Although he spoke loudly, he looked around from time to time to cover his figure.

"It turns out it was you who spoke."

Mei Yi chuckled, jumped off the platform, and walked slowly towards the direction of the man.

For some reason, everyone involuntarily spread aside when facing Mei Yi who was approaching.

The man lost his cover, and Mei Yi could see his face clearly.

St. Freya is second in grade and is just an out-and-out playboy.

Because he is the second oldest child in ten thousand years, he has been laughed at by his friends.

He then started to hate Meiji.

He also threatened Mei Yi and said harsh words. But with Mei Yi's family background, she is not afraid of him. So I didn't take it to heart.

The moment she saw him, Mei Yi understood his reason for targeting her.

——It’s very simple, just find the opportunity.

"You were the one shouting the loudest just now, right?" Meiyi asked word for word, "Let me ask you, what happened to you being cursed?"

"I'm cursed, just, just." The man, who was quite majestic at first, was suddenly frightened by Mei Yi's cold eyes. His brain was short-circuited for an instant, and he stammered and didn't know what to say.

Seeing his appearance, Mei Yi smiled disdainfully and turned around to look around.

"In this period of time, I would like to ask, who has died because of the curse?"

Mei Yi's gaze was so intense that everyone who was stared at by Mei Yi took a step back involuntarily.

"Or do you think that small things like nicking your skin accidentally, falling down accidentally, or failing in exams are all caused by the curse on us?"

Finally, Yayi sneered: "Haha, are you cheap?"

Although, this sentence was not loud and the tone was not harsh.

A very plain question.

But everyone felt like they had been slapped hard, and their faces were burning.

Because they all think exactly as Mei Yi said.

Some people opened their mouths and wanted to refute, but no words came out.

Some people closed their eyes and recalled their experiences during this time.

During this period of time, Mei Yi was angry at the unfair treatment of everyone, angry at no one who woke up, angry at the repeated threats, attacks, and intimidations, and angry at the people who hurt her and those she cared about. .

Meiyi burst out with a simple question.

Looking at the crowd who were already deep in thought, Mei Yi nodded secretly.

Everything developed as expected.

In fact, even if there was no accident, Mei originally planned to take this opportunity to completely lift the curtain on Hitama Maru and bring it to the public.

Just like a pot of wine, the longer it is buried deep in the ground, the richer its aroma will be.

In Saint Freya, everyone's dislike for Hitamaru has not dissipated over time, but has become more and more normal.

People have a herd mentality.

As more and more people hate Hitamamaru, more and more people who don't care about the rumors also gradually hate Hitamamaru.

Slowly, hating Hitamaru became a matter of course.

You don’t even need a reason – if everyone thinks you are wrong, then you must be wrong.

In a dark environment, the sobriety of a sober person is a mistake.

That's why Mei chose to speak out about this matter directly.

It takes a heavy blow to awaken everyone's deceived hearts.

On the side, Theresa finally understood Mei Yi’s tricks.

Because the students in the audience were so riotous that they might rush to the stage at any time.

So the first thing Mei Yi had to do was to stabilize this group of people.

So Meiyi pretended to be cowardly and spoke words that catered to everyone.

After everyone calmed down, Mei Yi changed the topic again and expressed that she did not want to cater to everyone.

Although this can still cause riots among the people, it is said that the so-called strength will be exhausted again and again. The crowd's second riot was not as high as before.

Mei Yi took this opportunity to use the problem as a guide and followed the temptation to pull everyone's thinking to the line that Mei Yi wanted them to be on.

Let them think carefully about who is right and wrong in this matter.

Compared with other people's direct explanations, what you have figured out is what you are most willing to believe and recognize.

This is the routine that Meiyi designed within just a few minutes of the riot!

One link after another, perfect connection, and successfully achieved the effect that Meiyi expected!

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