The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 123 Rooftop, the final decisive battle

Obviously, Mei Yi is done. Google search reading

But, Lin Jue, why haven’t they come yet?

Mei Yi felt a little bad inside.

"Mei Yi, you are so awesome!"

On the side, Theresa also understood what Mei Yi did just now, and couldn't help but sigh to Mei Yi in a low voice.

Mei Yi was suddenly startled and looked back at Theresa.

Frightened by Mei Yi's eyes, Theresa asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Teacher Theresa, where are the other teachers?"

Hearing Mei Yi's question, Theresa was also stunned: "Yes, where are the other teachers?"

The air was quiet for a second.

The next moment, Meiyi grabbed Theresa's hand and ran quickly.

The roof of the teaching building of St. Freya High School.

Lin Jue and his group stared vigilantly at the group of dark purple and deep black light in front of them.

Not long ago, when they wanted to run to help Mei Yi.

Suddenly a hurricane blew up.

Along with the thick black fog, everyone was enveloped.

After a moment of panic, everyone found themselves on the rooftop of the St. Freya High School teaching building.

There is a large iron door on the stairs leading to the rooftop, which is usually locked. So far, no student has come here.

When Lin Jue and his party came here, they immediately spotted the principal, whose face was all bones, and a ball of light exuding a strange aura.

The principal stood in front of them with a calm expression and stared at them quietly without blinking.

And that group of dark purple and deep black light was right behind him.

"What should I do? Lin Jue, Bronya, do you want to fight?"

Kiana was sweating on her forehead. She had had a bad feeling in her heart since she came to this rooftop.

"The principal is not the problem, the problem is that weird light group." Bronya is in a similar state to Kiana, but compared to Kiana, she can clearly feel the source of her bad feeling. Where.

"I'm afraid, no, I can be more confident - this light group should involve supernatural abilities."

Lin Jue said and glanced at Hiyamamaru without any trace.

Hitamaru's condition was worse than the three of them. Her legs could not help but tremble, and her eyes were filled with fear.

Hearing Lin Jue's words, she turned around and stammered: "I don't know why it's so scary and uncomfortable."

It seems that Hitamaru is unreliable.

Lin Jue glanced at the principal and found that something seemed wrong in his eyes.

"Hitamaru, stay back and be careful of the principal, he may be about to attack."

Bronya took a step forward, blocking Hitamamaru behind her. Then he turned sideways: "Hitamaru, I'm afraid you are the only one who has the power to break the current situation."

"But it's me"


Before Hitamaru finished speaking, your dark purple and dark black light suddenly made a loud sound, and then rushed into the sky.

Almost at the same time, the principal of the "Skull Warrior" also launched an attack on Lin Jue.

Lin Jue had quick eyes and quick hands, and accurately caught the moment when the principal rushed over and raised his hand, and interrupted the principal's attack with a knife.

The principal froze, and Bronya and Kiana did not miss this opportunity. Each of them kicked the principal away.

"Ah hiss~"

After the interruption, Lin Jue couldn't help but waved his hand, "The principal's bones are quite hard."

"However, it seems that it just looks scary, not that scary in reality." Kiana was relieved to see that the principal was easily repelled.

Bronya shook her head: "No, don't rush to rejoice, I'm afraid things are not that simple."

As if to confirm Bronya's words, a thunder suddenly flashed across the sky.

It fell straight on the principal.


There was no sound of thunder, but the principal seemed to be a little hurt by the blow, and he screamed one after another.

"Is this a sign of divine punishment?" Kiana said uncertainly when she saw this scene.

This thunder must have come at such a coincidence.

"No! Of course it's not a divine punishment! Everyone, be careful!" Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body, and Lin Jue noticed that the principal's eyes were shining slightly.

But, it's too late.

The next moment, a bolt of thunder shot out of the principal's eyes.

How can humans react to the speed of thunder?

Without any thinking, Lin Jue just felt that his mind was empty.

A sharp pain came, accompanied by a strong numbness, Lin Jue trembled and opened his eyes.

In front of you is a blue and white porcelain land.

This is me, where am I?

Lin Jue felt that there was no pain anywhere in his body, and his mind went blank.

He subconsciously wanted to stand up, but he couldn't find the strength.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ear.

"Yes, that's it, struggling to stand up, and then struggling to fall. Repetition is the tragedy of the loser."

"Watching them fall in front of you one after another, even if you are unwilling, even if your heart is full of pain, even if your eyes are wide and bloodshot, you can't save it all."

"Hahahahahahahaha, yes, that's it."

"You can't do anything!"


I can.

No, who was talking just now?

His consciousness returned to his body again, and this time, Lin Jue felt that he could exert more strength.

He stood up and looked up, only to see a robe of black hair passing by.

Following closely, there was a white shadow.

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