Soon, the three people hugging each other turned into four people hugging each other.

"We can't fight with them. We have to quickly find a way to help Mei Yi!"

Lin Jue punched away a male teacher who bullied him, "Bronya, you are very skilled, go help Meiyi first! Don't worry about us, we can hold on!"

"Haha, if you really can hold on, I won't come over." Bronya sneered.

The number of teachers around them is still increasing, as if they are endless and cannot be eliminated at all.

Suddenly, Lin Jue's ears moved, and a clear cat meowed.


The voice is weak, but powerful.

The next moment, after the cat meowed, there was suddenly a bright golden light in the sky.

Then, countless iron thorns appeared out of thin air.

Like a "rain of iron thorns", countless teachers were completely covered by the same countless iron thorns.

The sounds of iron spikes cutting through the air, passing through human bodies, and hitting the ground were heard one after another.

Then, the imagined scene of a sea of ​​blood did not appear.

The teachers with red faces disappeared like a puff of smoke after being pierced by iron thorns.

No one could react to this sudden change.

Kiana's eyes widened, and she waved half of her fist in the air, not knowing where to put it, "Fa, what happened?"

Hitamaru and Kiana behaved similarly. They also had their eyes widened, with surprised and confused expressions on their faces.

"It seems that there may be help from a high-level 'person'."

Not only Lin Jue heard the cat meow just now, but Bronya also heard it.

The iron thorns that appeared just now have all turned into shiny golden particles, like smoke and dust, and are dissipating in the wind.

Bronya stared at these small golden particles with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Lin Jue naturally recognized the meow. He seemed to want to say something, but suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

Bronya waited for a while and then said, "Since it didn't attack us, it doesn't seem to be our enemy. Let's go. Help Mei."

Lin Jue nodded, "Let's go, we have to hurry up."

"Quiet everyone!!!"

A roar passed through the microphone and shook the air in all directions.

Teresa stood on the stage with full aura: "What are you doing?! Are you all going to rebel?! Everyone, please calm down!"

I don’t know if they were shocked by Theresa, but all the students stopped instantly and became quiet.

"Teacher Theresa, are you just going to let such an unknown person be in our school?"

Before Theresa could breathe a sigh of relief, another question came from the students.

"That's right. If something happens, can the school afford it?"

"Yes, Teacher Theresa, you are the teacher who loves us the most, you can't do this."

After the first person to speak out, others also spoke.

For a moment, the square that had finally calmed down was once again covered in noise.

Teresa had to shout for silence again.

When the square became quiet again, Theresa was about to say something, but found Mei stepping forward and saying, "Teacher, give me the microphone."

After Theresa heard the words, she stopped talking that was in her throat and looked at Mei.

Mei Yi's face was calm at this time, her eyes were firm and forward, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Okay." Theresa thought again and again, and finally chose to hand over the microphone.

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