The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 114: In a desperate situation

However, this is just the beginning.

The next day, Hitamaru came back from morning exercises and found a switchblade on his seat. The tables and chairs were also stained with red paint. My schoolbag is also missing.

With the help of Lin Jue and others, the dilapidated schoolbag was finally found in the garbage pool.

Teresa specifically mentioned Hitama Maru in class. She believed that any curse power was fictitious. At least, for now, nothing terrible has happened, so why treat Hitamaru like this?

However, the students who had always respected Theresa turned a deaf ear to Theresa's words and remained silent this time.

On the third day, Hitamaru was bet on by a group of people again on his way to school.

Fortunately, Bronya arrived in time.

However, Hitamamaru was still injured, and a cut was made on his face by a knife.

Hitamaru just took out a band-aid, put it on himself skillfully, then smiled at Bronya and said that he was fine.

On the fourth day, when Kiana and Hitamaru were playing during free time in physical education class, a basketball suddenly hit Hitamaru hard.

Kiana had quick eyes and quick hands and blocked the ball.

However, another football fell from the sky and hit Hitamaru on the head.

Kiana angrily tried to find the group of people playing football, but was stopped by Hitamaru.

She said she was fine and there was no need to argue with them.

fifth day

The sixth day

a month has passed

Gradually, even Lin Jue and others who were close to Hitamamaru were equated with Hitamamaru by the whole school.

Every day, they go to and from school in groups with each other. Because once someone is alone, those who are watching them all the time will find an opportunity.

In school, they are always careful during various activities.

Don’t go with the crowd at large events, and be careful of the various balls that appear from time to time when playing. When walking, be careful if someone suddenly pours water on your head.

Even if he went back to sleep at night - Hitamamaru was taken in by Bronya and stayed at Bronya's house temporarily - he had to be wary of someone sneaking up on him at night.

But even such targeting did not dampen their will.

They treated Hitamaru as always and did not stay away from her.

Until the day near the end of the semester.

Theresa looked shocked and looked at the red paper on the table in disbelief.

"About the decision to expel Hitamaru."

This is the title of the red paper.

Over this period of time, Teresa has seen what happened to Hitamamaru and others.

She sympathized and felt sorry for what they were going through. But she had no way to stop other people's behavior. Even if she emphasized it many times in class, it still had no effect.

So, she reported the incident to the school leaders, hoping to curb the students' behavior through the school.

However, Theresa never expected that after she finished reporting, what was waiting for her was such news.

"Why, why?"

Theresa didn't believe it and didn't want to believe it. She felt like there was a ball of air in her heart that couldn't come up or go down.

She didn't understand or figure it out.

Theresa picked up the red paper and walked towards the school leader's office.

She wanted to find those people to find out.

However, when she walked to the office door, Theresa discovered that the door was not closed.

Almost all the leaders are here - those whom Theresa knows, those whom Theresa does not know but has heard of.

They seemed to be discussing something, and Teresa's sudden intrusion interrupted their meeting.

The principal of St. Freya High School found Theresa still holding a piece of paper in her hand and understood what Theresa was doing.

He sighed: "Oh, Theresa. I know the purpose of your coming."

"It's good to know. Why was the decision to expel Hidamamaru made? This is unreasonable from an educational perspective, a legal perspective, or a moral perspective."

Theresa walked to the desk and slapped the red paper hard on the table.

Her tone was calm, but her eyes were like flowing lava, so hot that it seemed like it could roast people.

"If the principal of Saint Freya High School made such a ridiculous decision without any evidence, I think I should report it to my grandfather and consider whether it is time for Saint Freya High School to change its principal. ”

Knowing that Theresa was angry, the principal did not answer, but just motioned to the vice principal. The vice-principal understood the situation clearly, took out a pile of notes, put them on the table, and said to Theresa: "Take a look at these. After reading them, you will know the reason for our decision."

Theresa frowned and picked up the notes one by one.

This is the first one: "I am Luo Yuting's father. I would like to suggest to the school leaders that Hitamaru's classmate should leave St. Freya High School this morning. Otherwise, I will consider withdrawing my investment in your school. Please also ask your Schools should be careful not to wait until something happens before making a decision. By then, it will be too late.”

Theresa's eyes changed for a moment, and she took out the second piece of paper again

"I am Wang Erlang's father. I have heard the rumors that have been circulating recently. I don't care whether the rumors are true or false. I just want her to stay away from my son. If something happens to my son, please consider whether your school can Bear our wrath."

"I am Li Yiran's"

"I am"

The third letter, the fourth letter

"Now, you know why." The principal sighed again, "St. Freya High School, as the only key high school in the city, the famous big shots in the city will basically send their children here. And at the same time, there will also be some support for St. Freya High School.”

"Now, these people are demanding that Hitamamaru be kept away from this campus and are constantly putting pressure on us. We have no choice. These people have joined forces. Even Lord Otto, although he is the chairman of Tianming Company, He is far abroad and is fighting a trade war with a company called Counter-Entropy, so he probably won’t have any spare time to solve our problems.”

Theresa put the note down and asked unwillingly: "But we are not afraid of them either."

"This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not." The principal looked out the window.

The teaching building facing the window is shining in the sunlight.

The principal committed suicide and said: "They have enough strength to make this teaching building that carries our lifelong efforts burn to the ground."

After saying that, the principal turned back and met Theresa's gaze: "Do you think it is better to sacrifice one person to fulfill the interests of the group, or to sacrifice the entire group just for the sake of one person?"

"Leave Hitama Maru, once, the legend is true. If something happens, then who will bear the consequences? Is it you? Or me?"

The principal pointed at Teresa, then at himself, and finally shook his head and said: "None of us can afford this responsibility. St. Freya High School, the high school we have spent our whole life working on, will also be affected by this." A devastating blow, Teresa, is this what you want to see?"

Theresa was silent.

After a while, she said: "But, do we expel a student just because of a rumor? What's more, nothing weird has happened in the past month or so."

"If something happens, we cannot afford the consequences."

"Is it just because of this?"

"Theresa, you have to understand"

"I don't understand! Rumors are just rumors, and there is no evidence to prove they are true! Why are you so heartless to an innocent girl?"

"That file is a kind of evidence, Teresa!"

"It's because of that file that I said there is no evidence! That file can be modified by outsiders!"

"Theresa! This is our mutual decision!"

The principal slammed the table hard, trying to intimidate Theresa. But Theresa was not frightened at all. She looked directly at the principal's gaze with an unyielding look on her face.

At this time, a voice came from the door.

"Teacher, forget it."

Theresa was shocked when she heard the sound.


Teresa looked back and realized that at some point, Hitamaru had arrived in front of the office.

"I asked someone to let her come." The principal waved to Hitamamaru, "Come in."

"No, no!" Seeing that Hitamaru came over obediently, Teresa hurriedly took Hitamaru's hand.

But Hitamaru shook his head: "There's no need to stop me, teacher. I've had enough for a month. This campus can't accommodate me at all, and I've wanted to leave for a long time."

"Yes, but."

"Stop it." The principal interrupted Teresa forcefully, looked at Hitamamaru with admiration, and took out a piece of paper, "You have a good ideological consciousness. Come on, sign here. You can do it next month." gone."

Hitamaru signed his name on the paper.

Things have come to this, and there is no room for change.

Other leaders left. Teresa and Hitamaru walked out of the office together.

"Hitamaru" Teresa called softly

"Teacher, please go back first." Hitamaru turned his head and smiled at Theresa, "I want to walk alone for a while."

Her smile was bright, as if nothing had happened.

"All right."

With mixed emotions, Theresa left.

After Theresa completely disappeared, the smile on Hitamaru's face disappeared.

Instead, there was countless grievances and incomparable anger. And that deep despair.

"This way, Kiana can play ball comfortably, Sister Mei doesn't have to worry about being disturbed in her studies, and Brother Bronya and Lin Jue don't have to work hard to protect me, and end up getting injured. "

"If you don't go back with me, Teacher Theresa should be fine. That's fine, that's fine."

Hitamaru murmured in a low voice, and her vision gradually blurred. Tears one after another couldn't help but burst into my eyes.

"But, it's obvious that I didn't do anything wrong."

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