The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 115 Mei Yi’s answer

The news that Hitamaru was "dissuaded" from the school soon spread.

After school time, Hitamaru didn't come back.

St. Freya High School, sophomore (3) class.


The book was hit hard on the table.

"How could the school do this?!"

The anger in Kiana's eyes was almost burning. If Mei hadn't been holding her back, Kiana would have just rushed into the school office and made a scene.

"Lin Jue, aren't you the one who usually has the most ideas? Come up with something quickly."

Kiana said to Lin Jue anxiously.

After a month, the relationship between everyone has not been diluted because of being targeted, but has become stronger as they work together to resolve the crisis again and again.

As long as a period of time passes and nothing else happens at St. Freya High School, the rumors can be proven to be false. The persecution against them will naturally subside.

However, no one expected that Hitamaru would be directly expelled from the school.

Lin Jue remained silent and did not answer Kiana's words.

He was also extremely anxious, but at the moment he didn't know what to do.

From Kiana's perspective, Hitamamaru was expelled from school because of a simple rumor, so Kiana would feel angry and angry.

However, Lin Jue did not think that Tangtang, the only key high school in the city, would make such a decision so easily and hastily.

What is the secret behind it?

After thinking about this, Lin Jue looked at Bronya.

Coincidentally, Bronya, who had lowered her head in silence before, also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and both could see each other's inner thoughts.

"In this case, Bronya, you are well-informed and have wider connections than us. The top priority is that we must first find out the real reason and the inside story of Hitamaru being expelled from the school."

"Yeah." Bronya nodded, turned around and disappeared on the road.

Lin Jue paused for a while, his thoughts changed quickly, and he said again: "Kiana, you go find Theresa. As our teacher, and Theresa's special status, she may know something. On weekdays, you are the only one You have the most contact with her, so you go to her to get information."

"Ah?" Kiana didn't know why, "Why, not now?"

Lin Jue interrupted: "Time is money, I will explain to you later, you go first."

"no problem!"

Out of trust in Lin Jue, Kiana nodded in agreement and left in a hurry.

Only Lin Jue and Mei Yi were left in the empty classroom.

"Then what should I do?" Mei Yi obviously wants to contribute to this.

"Mei, follow me to find Hitamaru."


Lin Jue and Ya Yi divided the work and cooperated. Lin Jue looked for them outside the campus, while Ya Yi looked for them inside the school.

Hitamaru didn't come back all afternoon, and he didn't know where he went.

"This silly girl, please don't do anything stupid." Lin Jue and Ya Yi both said silently in their hearts.

The breeze blew a fallen leaf, and Yayi caught a glimpse of the figure not far away.

She was alone, sitting on a bench in the school square.

Her hairpin has been removed. The scattered hair swayed in the breeze, covering her face.

Meiyi walked in slowly.


There is no doubt that the person in front of her is the person Mei Yi wants to find.

However, there is no overlap between the person in front of me and the person who has been laughing and playing with Meiyi for a month.

Her eyes were full of exhaustion, her eyes were dry, her pretty face was emotionless, and her figure was completely thin.

After not seeing each other for just one afternoon, Mei Yi couldn't believe her eyes at how much her former friend had changed.

Facing Mei Yi's probing questions, Hitamaru didn't react at all. She just hugged her knees, her eyes were dull, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Mei came to Hitamaru and sat on the bench together.

She hugged Hitamaru's delicate body from behind.

"It's okay, we're all still here. It's okay."

In this way, until the golden light fell into the boundless darkness, until the weak breeze gradually dissipated. Hitamaru said in a hoarse voice: "Sister Mei"

"I'm here, I've always been here." Listening to Hitamamaru's hoarse voice, Mei felt even more distressed.

"Sister Mei, I had a dream a long time ago. I dreamed that I went to another world. In that world, as soon as I was born, I was taken away by a group of terrible scientists. They said that I was in danger and that I was going to die. kill me"

Hitamaru's vision gradually lost focus as she recalled.

Meiyi listened quietly.

"Then I met a big sister named Yae Sakura. She destroyed the other me and restored my freedom."

Words like Honkai, Herrscher, Valkyrie Destiny Organization, Yae Sakura, Kallen, etc. Mei had never heard of these things before.

However, when she heard these words, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It's like the most familiar stranger, a feeling that I should know.

"In the end, the eldest sister washed away the demon power of the demon sword, and the demon sword Akane Sakura became the spirit sword Sakura Fubuki. From then on, I became a doll and no longer have the power of the Herrscher."

Hitamaru slowly finished telling her dream. ???

"It is impossible for us to remember ordinary dreams so clearly and in so many ways. It seems that this dream is unusual for you." Mei Yi asked gently, "So, you want to tell me?"

"Sister Mei, if I really have the power of a curse, how will you treat me?" Hitamaru turned his head, and his dull eyes once again took on a weak color.

It was a look full of expectation, but extremely frightened.

Looking forward to Yu Yayi's answer, but also afraid of Yu Yayi's answer.

In response, Mei Yi just smiled softly again.

Then, to Hitamaru's surprise, Mei hugged Hitamaru tightly into her arms.

"This is my answer, and I think this is our answer too."

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