The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 113: The crisis begins

After listening, Lin Jue fell into silence.

If Fatty Wang is right, what happened to Hidamamaru can hardly be explained by just "coincidence".

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but it is not once or twice.

Fatty Wang patted Lin Jue's shoulder: "Although it is a rumor, there is always a factual basis for the rumor, otherwise it would not be spread. Brother, I advise you to be careful and try not to get too close to her." close."


Fatty Wang was stunned by a firm answer: "Huh?"

"What are the specific facts? Only those who have truly experienced it can tell. If you are frightened into thinking ahead and taking action just because of some illusory words. This is not what a person should have - at least, I, Lin Jue, will not be like this. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Jue habitually wanted to take a sip of soy milk, but ended up taking a sip.

After a pause, Lin Jue stood up, ready to throw away the trash, and took out the trash on the way.

Behind him, Fatty Wang sighed: "Oh, it's up to you. Anyway, be careful."

"Do not worry."

Lin Jue walked out of the class door, picked up the trash can, and walked slowly toward the garbage pool.

Fatty Wang's suggestion was out of good intentions, and Lin Jue could feel Fatty Wang's sincerity.

But, as Lin Jue said, rumors are just rumors after all, and the ingredients in them have been exaggerated many times. He would not break off his friendship with Hitamaru just because of a small rumor.

At least, after spending the past few days together, he felt that Hitamamaru was kind-hearted and simple-minded. Occasionally there are cute and naughty scenes, which can liven up everyone's atmosphere from time to time.

Kiana, Mei and Bronya may also think so. They have their own choice of friends. Since Hitamamaru can play with them, they also agree with Hitamamaru as a friend in their hearts. .

Especially Bronya, she is well-informed, and she may have known about Hitamamaru's rumors for a long time. But she still treated Hitamaru as an equal as always.

"However, the spread of rumors will still cause harm to Hidama Maru." Lin Jue murmured, "I don't know what the teacher thinks of rumors. Let's go find Teacher Theresa later."

Outside the school gate, Bronya was leaning against the wall quietly, seeming to be waiting for something.

After a while.

"Bronya! I've bought it!"

Hitamaru waved and handed the purchased breakfast to Bronya.

"Well, let's go. Let's go in."

Bronya and Hitamaru entered the school gate together.

Along the way, Hitamaru felt as if the students around her were pointing fingers at her.

There were even some people who suddenly changed their expressions and ran away when they saw Hitamamaru, as if they had seen some great beast.

Seeing this situation, Bronya frowned and glanced at Hitamamaru from the corner of her eye.

Hitamamaru also noticed this situation, but she just watched her nose with her eyes and her heart with her nose, and walked silently.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bronya suddenly asked.

"Ah? I'm thinking about something." Hitamaru's eyes flickered and he stammered.

Bronya didn't ask any more, just grabbed Hitamaru's hand with her hand.

When she caught him, Bronya clearly noticed that Hitamamaru's expression was suddenly dazed.

The two came to the classroom in silence.

After Lin Jue took out the trash and washed his hands, he happened to come to the classroom.

So he saw that when Hitamaru walked in, the expressions of almost everyone in the classroom changed.

The students on Hitamamaru's path were like frightened birds, and they all avoided Hitamamaru as if they were rubbing oil on their soles.

The students sitting near Hitamamaru also packed up their books, moved their desks, and moved to another place to sit.

Hitamaru came to his seat silently and put down his school bag.

Bronya was following Hitamaru when suddenly a hand grabbed her clothes.

Looking back, I saw a girl with a delicate face.

Bronya recognized her—she was the monitor of this class.

I saw her shaking her head at Bronya, with a look of fear and uneasiness on her face.

Bronya also shook her head at her, took her hand away from her clothes, and then walked to her seat and sat down.

She is still Hitamamaru's deskmate.

The monitor didn't try to persuade her any more, and just muttered in a low voice: "I don't know what's good or bad."

The whisper was very small, but Bronya was not a normal person, so she could hear it.

Bronya didn't react at all. She just took out the breakfast she had put in her schoolbag and said to Hitamamaru: "Where's yours? Take it out and eat it quickly. You'll read it later."

Hitamaru hesitated, as if he was thinking about whether to take it out and eat it.

At this time, Lin Jue walked beside Fei Yuwan.

"It's okay, just eat."


Hitamaru carefully observed the reactions of everyone around him before carefully taking out his breakfast.

At night.

Everyone is studying quietly in the evening.

Suddenly, the door was violently kicked open.

A group of people came towards Hitamamaru aggressively.

"You must be Hitamaru."

The leader sat directly on Hitamamaru's table, and the others approached and surrounded Hitamamaru.

"Now, immediately, get out of St. Freya High School."

The words that sounded like orders made Hitamaru startled.

"Don't ask us to ask you out."

The leader continued to exert pressure, and the others got closer and closer to Hitamamaru.

It was obvious that they were trying to force Hitamaru to leave.

Hitamaru was surrounded and at a loss.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed the leader's shoulder.

"Who is it? Don't touch me!"

Suddenly, the leader felt a strong force coming from his shoulders, followed by a sudden spin.

Bronya knocked the leader unconscious with a throw over her shoulder, and her hands continued to move.

With sharp and decisive moves, he quickly eliminated this group of people at lightning speed.

Kiana, Mei and Lin Jue, who originally wanted to help, didn't even see clearly what happened, and a group of people all fell to the ground.

"Who's messing around here?"

At the door, Theresa heard someone storming into the class door aggressively, and immediately ran over.

But when she arrived, she only saw a group of people lying on the ground.

Among the group of people, Bronya clapped her hands up and down, calmly sat back in her seat, and continued to write her homework.

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