When they went downstairs to eat, Huo Fei also went. He didn't stop eating like before. Duanmu Yawang ordered him a bowl of porridge and sprinkled Xianlu for him to eat.

He ate it obediently.

Gong Yulan took the rare opportunity and took the initiative to eat a bowl.

After eating, Huo Fei was obviously thoughtful, with a sullen look.

Duanmu Yawang looked at him like this, just about to ask him, Gong Yulan sipped the porridge and said lightly: "You are still young, and the other party has lived for at least a hundred years. It is normal that you are not an opponent."

When Gong Yulan stopped speaking, Huo Fei raised his head and looked at him.

Gong Yulan didn't look back, and said lightly: "You are still young, and in a hundred years, you will be better than him."

Huo Fei's eyes lit up, and the whole person seemed to be alive, and he nodded seriously, "Thank you, brother."


Gong Yulan replied slightly coldly.

Duan Muya looked and listened, only to realize that Huo Fei was unhappy because of this!

However, for her age, her eyes were staring at Huo Fei: "Fei Fei, how old are you?" She always thought that although Huo Fei was still a teenager, in fact, she was at least several hundred years old...

Unexpectedly, he was actually younger than the two- or three-hundred-year-old evil spirit.

Huo Fei's face was a little red, and his ears were a little red. He shook his head well, "I don't know."

Duanmu Yawang had no choice but to ask Gong Yulan to stop science, staring straight at Gong Yulan.

Gong Yulan was helpless, "Actually, I don't know, but the Upper Realm has been extinct for many years. He probably didn't absorb too much abilities by himself. He probably hasn't been born. Then soon after he was born, he came down to look for you. "

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "In other words, I slept for thousands of years and woke up for less than a year?"


Gong Yulan replied.

Duanmu Yawang twitched the corners of her mouth, then glanced at the little white deer next to her, and tweeted, "Xiao Baibai, look at the other person Fei Fei, and then look at you. Where did your food go?"

He hasn't eaten much in less than a year, he has grown up so much, he is good, he eats more than anyone else, and he is still a kid!

Little Bailu held a big bowl in his small hand and flattened his grieved mouth: "Master, I know what a gene is, so don't bully me that my gene is bad!"

"..." She didn't know how to refute it.

After breakfast, Duanmu Yawang went to apply medicine to Ziyuan, and then the time was free.

Just when she wanted to practice medicine or practice, Gong Yulan stopped talking, "Would you like to take you to practice?"

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up: "Okay, go to the mountain to practice?"


Gong Yulan nodded, "You will show me all the cheats I gave you before."


Duanmu Yawang nodded with a smile.

Gong Yulan Zhi really took her to the mountain where she had operated on the three Lan Chengche before to practice.

The spiritual energy of that mountain was very full. When they went there, they found that there were other cultivators cultivating.

However, most of them practiced at the foot of the mountain.

Gong Yulanzhi took her directly to the top of the mountain, and built a small barrier on the top of the mountain, prohibiting anyone from entering.

After building the barrier, Gong Yulanzhi told Duanmu Yawang from beginning to end the secret book he had given her to practice before, and it took him an hour or two to finish it.

After speaking, they began to practice.

Under normal circumstances, Gong Yulan would always forget the time when he stopped practicing.

However, due to Duanmu Yawang's presence, as soon as noon, he came out of Jinling and found her about to take her back for lunch. However, Duanmu Yawang was still serious about entering Ding.

When entering Ding, he looked at the movements of her hands and knew that it would be impossible for her to stop for a while, so he had to wait for her.

As a result, after two or three hours, Duanmu Yawang came out of the concentration.

"Aren't you hungry?"

He rubbed her head and asked with a sigh.

"A little."

When Duanmu Yawang said, remembering something, he excitedly said to him: "Gong Yulanzhi, you show me, I have a secret. When halfway through the cultivation, my breath is a bit unbalanced, you show me Where is the mistake?"


Gong Yulan nodded when seeing her being so serious. He nodded, watched her actions, and corrected her.

Then, in this practice, they did not go back until late at night.

After returning, Duanmu Yawang was almost tired and paralyzed.

Eat and bathe, and then lie down on the bed and plan to sleep.

However, Gong Yulan had a particularly good spirit.

Especially when she saw her just out of the bath, her skin was white and slippery, and she was dazzling with her black hair.

Duanmu Yawang was lying on the bed half asleep and half awake, Jian Gong Yulan stayed not lying down, sat on the bed, half-opened his eyes in a daze, "What's the matter? Don't you sleep?"

After speaking, a hot kiss slipped to the ear.

Then, someone is more skilled and hotter than before.

Duanmu Yawang woke up instantly, her ears glowing red: "Aren't you sleepy?"

"not sleepy."

Gong Yulan replied decisively, his voice was low and dumb, and he seemed even more intoxicating at night.

Duan Muya looked and listened, couldn't help swallowing, turned over, changed from lying on her back to lying on her back, she grabbed him with her hands and feet together, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I suddenly Not sleepy anymore."

Gong Yulan's eyes deepened, "That's right."


Late at night, a room is ambiguous.

Last night, when Duanmu Yawang trusted, it was already three poles of sunrise.

The consequence of indulgence is body aches and pains.

She moved her body before she opened her eyes, and then she heard a nice voice asking: "Wake up?"


Duanmu Yawang responded, and then found that the tip of her nose was full of Gong Yulanzhi's breath. Two steps were pressed against something soft and comfortable. She opened her eyes and saw that Gong Yulanzhi was sitting leaning against the bed. Lie on him by himself.

With his head resting on his abdomen, half of his body lying on his thigh...

No wonder I sleep so well.


Duanmuya looked at the ears red, and immediately became sober. She came out of his arms and stretched out while looking at him. Seeing that he was still looking at the blueprints in his hand, she blinked: "Don't you have any ideas?"


Gong Yulan shook his head, put down the things in her hands, and took the robes on one side for her with her long arms. While helping her dress, she asked, "Go down for lunch?"

"Is it ready for lunch?" Duanmu Yawang glanced out of the window when he said, and found that the moon is really up to the sky...

Gong Yulan looked at her glowing and soft cheek with a change of expression, and instantly turned redder. Knowing that she was shy again, he leaned over and took a couple of bites.

"You still kiss!" Blame him!

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