The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 973: Gong Yulan stops leaving, I want to repay

Gong Yulan lifted his lips and kissed twice.

Of course Duanmu Yawang is not angry, especially when facing such a good-looking face, being kissed by him is simply taking advantage of her. When she kissed her, she pointed to her mouth: "Then kiss twice."

Gong Yulan narrowed his eyes with a smile, and did not hesitate to kiss her delicate lips.

The two of them were playing pink in the room.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The two people's behavior that had become excessive from asking questions was interrupted instantly, Gong Yulan looked very ugly, "Who?"

"Lord, master, it's me..."

It is the voice of the Brahma Sutra.


"Master, I, I'm looking for you in an urgent matter." If the Brahma scriptures really roll out in normal times, his voice is a little anxious at this moment: "Really urgent."

Gong Yulan stopped listening, and his eyes sank, but he didn't say a word. He looked at Duanmu Yawang, who was shrunk in the quilt, only showing her pink face. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her face.

He maintained this action for a while, and Duanmu Yawang finally felt a little dignified, and sat up from the bed, "What's the matter?"

"I guess I'm leaving."

When Gong Yulan said this, his voice was very low and hoarse, as if there was gravel in his throat.

Duan Muya's heart sank, but she didn't say anything. She looked at Gong Yulan's messy clothes, stretched out her hand and gently tidied it up for him, and gave a gentle hum.

Gong Yulan didn't say much. Duanmu Yawang had just put on Duanmu Yawang behind him. He put on the clothes he had stripped off and put them on. Then they put on her shoes again. The two got out of bed and opened. Room door.

Outside the door, the Brahma Sutra was hiding in a corner, but Gong Yulan stopped the two of them coming out, and he did not respond.

"The Brahma Sutra?"

Duanmu Ya looked at him, but he still didn't respond. Duanmu Yawang was out of anger, went forward and patted him on the shoulder. He immediately jumped up.

Looking back, I saw that it was Duanmu Yawang, and he was relieved, "Xiao Yawang, are you out?"

When he said that, he secretly glanced at Gong Yulan.

Gong Yulan had no expression on his face.

The owner is not angry, but it's okay.

"What are you thinking about?" Is it so serious?

The old Brahma Sutra blushed: "No, nothing..."

Can he say that he is afraid of hearing something that he shouldn't listen to, and is he blocking his hearing?

You know, when he approached their room just now, his ears were too good, and then...

"Grandpa Brahma Sutra..."

Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei obviously also knew that Gong Yulanzhi and the Brahma Sutra were about to leave. At this time, they also walked out of the room. Little Bailu looked at the Brahma Sutra with a sad expression on his face.

The Brahma Sutra was holding a cane, whimpering and wiping tears with a sleeve.

Duanmuya's mouth twitched, and couldn't help but said, "Do you want to hug each other and cry?"

The Brahma Sutra probably thinks that Duanmu Yawang’s proposal is good. He raised his head, with red old eyes and nodded, and saw his master staring at him like a cold wave. He trembled and immediately shook his head, "No, no need..."

After he finished speaking, Gong Yulan looked at Duanmu Yawang in silence for a moment, then reached out and rubbed her head, "I'm leaving, contact me if you have something to do."


Duanmu Ya looked at his face, feeling a little bit unwilling, and softly responded.

Gong Yulan glanced at her, then looked at Huo Fei, "Take care of your sister."


Huo Fei nodded seriously.

Gong Yulanzhi glanced at Duanmu Yawang again, his body flashed, and together with the Brahma Sutra, there was no trace in an instant.

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback.

Little Bailu looked at the dumbfounded look of Duanmu Yawang, and couldn't help but tweeted: "Master, you look like the woman in Wangfushi now."

Duanmu Yawang sneered, stretched out his hand and pulled his cheek: "I like it, can you control it?"

"Ah! It hurts!"

Yes, because the strength is so great, Xiao Bailu wrinkled her face and quickly begged for mercy: "I can't control it, I can't control it."


Duanmu Yawang let out a cold snort and walked forward.

Little Bailu hurriedly called her: "Master, where are you going?"

Duanmuya didn't look back and said with no good air: "You don't have breakfast anymore?"


Little Bailu immediately took Huo Fei's hand and ran up when he heard it. While running, he smiled and said, "Master, I thought you were overwhelmed and couldn't eat anything!"

"Just say one more thing, believe it or not you won't want to eat for the next month?"

"Okay, okay, don't say it if you don't say it." Little Bailu shut up obediently.

When he arrived downstairs, Duanmu Yawang ordered a lot of dishes. Just as he was about to eat, he heard a familiar voice on one side: "Benefactor, when did you come back?"

Duanmuya looked at Xunsheng, and suddenly saw Ye Jiang walking towards him with joy.

Duanmu Yawang naturally did not answer his question. Looking at his face, he found that his face seemed to look better than before, and his facial features were incredible. "Why are you still here?"

"You are here, benefactor, how can I go?"

Ye Jiang smiled and said, while sitting down on an empty chair at their table familiarly, before waiting for Duanmu Yawang's reaction, he waved: "Ye Zi, a pair of chopsticks for my house."

"Okay! Ye Gongzi, wait, here comes the bowls and chopsticks." The leaf on one side responded cheerfully, and then happily went to the kitchen to get a bowl for Ye Jiang.

Duanmuya squinted at Ye Jiang, "You have been here these few days?"

Moreover, it seems that they are familiar with Ye Zi.


Ye Jiang nodded, and then complained: "But you are always absent during the day, benefactor, and you can hardly touch you. Then I went to play everywhere by myself."

"Do you want to meet me?" Duan Muya stared straight at his handsome face.


Ye Jiang Xiemei's face was stained with a stern face, "Benefactor, you saved me, how can I repay my gratitude."

"I said, I don't need it."

"If you don't repay me, my conscience is uneasy!" When Ye Jiang said, the corner of her lips twitched. She was handsome and evil. The two girls next to her blushed for an instant, and kept secretly looking at him with shame and joy.

Duanmu Yawang was about to speak. At this time, Ye Zi had already brought a pair of chopsticks and put it in front of Ye Jiang, and then asked Ye Jiang, "Ye Gongzi would like to add two more dishes?"


Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Just like the other day, add two of my favorites."


Ye Ye replied, nodded to Duanmu Yawang, and went busy again.

Ye Jiang picked up the bowls and chopsticks, unceremoniously ate the dishes that Duanmu Yawang had ordered, thinking of something while eating, looked at Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei, "Benefactor, these are your two younger brothers?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded.

Ye Jiang's slender fingers held the chopsticks, Fengyan stared at Huo Fei and Xiao Bailu, and finally looked at Huo Fei: "The benefactor's people are really good-looking, especially this older brother."

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