The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 971: Come back, a genius who practices sorcery

Gong Yulan stopped this, and Duanmu Yawang finished her dinner and fell asleep in the room. He did not come back, neither did Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei.

Until the next morning, Duan Muya looked up, and she did not see them.

"Could something really happen, right?"

Duanmu Yawang was a little confused, and reached out to take the bone around Gong Yulan's ears, and was considering whether or not to blow it. There were four more figures in the room.

And these four people are here, the Brahma Sutra, Huo Fei and Xiao Bailu!

Seeing them, Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief, put away the ear bones on her hands, and looked at them weirdly: "Why are you back together?"

The little white deer lowered his head, hiding from Gong Yulan, so he didn't dare to speak.

Huo Fei also lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong.

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes dangerously: "Don't tell us, did you do bad things?"

"No no."

Little Bailu’s nest kept chubby hands in the corner, and hurriedly retorted: "I, we just accidentally ran into some barrier, and then got caught in the barrier and couldn’t get out. Then Fei asked for help. Gong Yulan stopped."

Duanmu Ya looked at it, but felt even more weird, "Where did you go, there is a barrier that can trap Fei, and Gong Yulan has to save you?"

"Little master doesn't know either."

Little Bailu wrinkled her small faces into two groups, and she was so wronged that she would cry, "You go to play, we want to play too, that is, I don’t know why, we were intercepted midway during the teleportation process. ."

"When Fei was moving with you, was intercepted and trapped in the barrier halfway?" Duanmu Yawang was the first to hear such a thing, and looked at Gong Yulan, "Is this true?"


Gong Yulanzhi's expression was rare and serious: "The other party doesn't know who it is. It is estimated that since Fei moved instantaneously, he has been following Fei with strength, and then suddenly increased his strength on the way to instantly build a large-scale enchantment. Lived them. They probably didn't defend themselves. Not only were they trapped, they also hurt their hearts."

Duan Muya saw that Gong Yulan didn't seem to be telling lies, she also got serious: "We know all about Fei's strength. Who is so powerful and can actually stumble Fei like this?"

"I don't know."

There was a dark light surging in Gong Yulan Zhi’s eyes: "The opponent’s enchantment mode is very weird, and it feels more like a sorcery. The enchantment built is like a forbidden evil spirit enchantment, and the enchantment seems to drag them Entering the abyss, if Huo Fei hadn't stabilized his breath and used a special method to get in touch with me, they might not be found until they died."

Duanmu Yawang was startled: "So terrible?"

"It's rare to see an evil spirit that practices sorcery and is so powerful that it is so powerful." Gong Yulan didn't say that it is not terrible or not. "Evil spirits are nothing more than an evil word and cannot be treated in an ordinary way, because Its enchantment is special and its location is not clear. It took a while to find their exact location."

After speaking, he reached out and touched the bruise on her eyes, "Worried?"

Duanmuya blushed and coughed lightly, "It's fine to come back."

After that, he looked at Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei angrily: "I have been trapped for a day, are you hungry?"

Huo Fei shook his head.

Little Bailu quickly raised her little hand: "I'm hungry, hungry!"

"Where do you shrink when you are hungry, why not go and wash it quickly, and then go downstairs to eat together?"


Little Bailu cheered immediately, jumped up and took Huo Fei's hand and ran away.

The Brahma Sutra also followed.

Only Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulan were left in the room.

Duanmu Yawang looked at him: "Have something on my mind?"


Gong Yulan shook his head, "I just think it's weird. The other party actually has the ability to kill Huo Fei and them, but he doesn't do anything. He just chases them and traps them. I will save them. The evil spirits will not come to stop them. I don’t know the purpose of the other party."


Don’t kill, just chase them, trap them, and watch them be rescued.

It seems that there is no purpose at all, what kind of psychology is this?

She cautiously guessed: "Could it be that you want to play with you?"

Gong Yulan nodded, "Perhaps it is so."

"If this is the case, then that evil spirit is probably very familiar to you, do you know such an evil spirit?"

"I never knew him." Gong Yulan pursed his lips, "So, weird."

They don't know each other, but the other person is very familiar with them.

This has never happened before.

It is really weird to trap them without killing them, just to play with them.

"You said evil spirits are practicing sorcery?" When Duanmu Yawang was listening to evil spirits for the first time, he couldn't help being a little curious, "Then are they human or what?"

"It was originally a human."

Gong Yulan just gave her popular science: "As for what he is now, it depends on what sorcery he cultivates. If he cultivates demons, then he becomes demons. If he cultivates demons, there are ghosts, but it is still not orthodox. The demons and ghosts of the country are collectively referred to as evil spirits."

Duanmu Yawang understood what the evil spirit meant, but he still didn't understand, "What is the so-called sorcery?"

"It's an improper technique."

Gong Yulan stopped pondering and explained, "The cultivation mode is weird?"

Duanmu Yawang tilted his head, "How weird?"

"Ordinary people who practice sorcery must involve human lives." Gong Yulan explained: "That is to say, the stronger the evil spirit, the more human lives will be contaminated by his subordinates."

Duanmuya's heart trembled, "I understand."

"However, evil spirits have never been so powerful before." Gong Yulan said: "Evil spirits have always been limited. Once they force too much, they will fall into ruin, and I think this is at least two to three hundred years old. Evil spirits."

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, he was silent for a while, and added: "An evil spirit with more than a thousand years of Taoism, but only two or three hundred years."

"What do you mean?" Duanmu Yawang was a little confused.

Duanmu Yawang knocked her head: "Genius."


Duanmu Yawang's mind finally turned, "You mean, a genius who practices sorcery?"


Gong Yulan nodded, "Perhaps, maybe he hasn't been two or three hundred years old."

"How did you know?" He didn't know who they were, and he had never met him. He could actually say how old they were. It sounded very mysterious!

"Look at the barrier he built, and the distance he traced Fei Fei."


Duanmu Yawang still didn't understand. Gong Yulanzhi obviously noticed it too. He curled his lips and squeezed her cheek. "This is hard to tell, and the meaning is not clear to you."

"okay then."

Duanmu Yawang thinks it is also very profound, it is not a category that she can understand at all, and she is very self-aware: "I'm still going to have breakfast, I don't want this for the time being."

Gong Yulan stopped curling his lips: "Okay."

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