"You really don't have to be polite."

Duanmuya didn't want to say more. Seeing only Ye Nongying and Madam Huang, she asked Madam Huang, "Won't your father come over to eat together?"

Mrs. Huang said: "Miss Ye also invited my father to eat together, but my mother just felt better, so my father felt relieved and didn't want to go away. You can eat first, and I'll give some to my father and mother to eat."

"Alright, the noodles are ready, help put it into the bowl."

Duanmu Yawang When Duanmu Yawang said, he demonstrated it by himself. He picked up the noodles from the pot and put it into the big bowl that had been prepared a long time ago.

"Okay, I'll come." Madam Huang quickly took over.

After she took over, Duan Muya looked at the smell of the fish soup, and felt that the fish soup should be almost the same, so she lifted the lid.

"This is fish soup?"

Mrs. Huang smelled the fish on one side, but only saw two bags, no fish, but the soup in the pot was a white layer, constantly rolling, looking like goat's milk. very.


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and threw the prepared fish **** into the fish soup.

She told others: "If you want to eat chicken noodle soup, you can add chicken soup to the noodle bowl. If you want to eat fish noodle soup, you can wait for a while. After the fish **** are cooked, add fish soup to the noodle bowl."

Yin Huiyin said: "Both soups look delicious. Which one doesn't taste like a disadvantage. It's better not to have so many noodles. No one divides them into two bowls. Everyone try each one?"

Mrs. Huang and others are actually more inclined to chicken soup. The chicken is stewed, fragrant and tender, and much better than fish, but I am embarrassed to say that he echoed Yin Huiyin and said: "Yes, it's better to try it all."

So, because the fish soup took a little longer, I ate chicken noodle soup first.

There are a total of eight bowls of noodles. Duanmu Yawang has four people, and the Huang family has four. Because they are divided into two types of noodles, all the noodles are hot. Duanmu Yawang soaks the remaining noodles in cold water. Then go to the hall.

In the hall, Xiao Bailu and Huang Yuan Huang Dan kept chasing after each other in the room. They didn't know what game they were playing. The adults went in and accidentally ran into them like this.


Ye Nongying had no face in her hand, and she flashed away very quickly, holding Xiao Bai Lu and Huang Dan aside, preventing this unwarranted disaster.

Little Bailu and Huang Dan didn't expect to bump into someone and were shocked. Mrs. Huang took the lead to reprimand: "Dandan, what are you running around in the house!"

"The same to you!"

Duanmu Yawang put the noodles on the table, stretched out her hand and pinched Xiao Bailu's ears, "I'm so old, and I brought my younger brothers and sisters to play around."


The little white deer sticks out his tongue and dare not refute it.

All the noodles are served, as well as a whole chopped chicken.

Huang Yuan Huang Dan was panting just now, all sweaty, and they couldn't take care of it. When they saw the chicken and the yellow noodles on the table, their eyes brightened, and he grabbed the edge of the table and stretched his neck. Look.

Huang Mu felt a little impolite, so she wanted to teach a few words. Mrs. Huang took the lead to pull them away from the table and wiped the sweat on their bodies and faces with a towel. "Why are you all sweaty?"

While speaking, he looked at the little white deer: "Little white son can't sweat."

"He can run better than me." Huang Yuan reluctantly said: "I'm obviously taller than him, but he doesn't get tired and sweats no matter how he runs."

"I want to call my elder brother." Madam Huang felt her son was not polite, so she said warmly after she corrected her: "People are a few years older than you, and they eat a few years longer than you. Of course, you can't run away from him. This is the difference between your elder brother and your younger brother."

Huang Yuan is still very obedient: "That's great, I will call him brother from now on."

Duanmu Yawang was amused. Xiao Bailu didn't get tired from running because of his brother. How could a child like Huang Yuan compare to a **** with good spiritual power for this kind of children's housework.

Xiao Bailu saw what Duanmu Yawang was thinking, and told her in his heart: "I didn't bully them. If they said they wanted to play the game of chasing people, I would play with them in the spirit of the eldest brother."

"The eldest brother, don’t get cheap and be good." Duanmu Yawang knocked on his head. Seeing that everyone hadn’t sat down to eat noodles, she knew that the Huang family’s four were embarrassed, so she said: "Everyone, hurry up and eat. After this bowl, there is fish noodle soup."

Huang Mu stared at his children and gave up. Everyone sat down, gathered around a table and started eating.

"It's very yummy!"

Huang Yuan took a mouthful of noodles, his eyes were round, and said to Mrs. Huang: "Mother, the noodles are delicious, the chicken soup is delicious, and the chicken is delicious!"

Mrs. Huang was also shocked by the taste of the noodle soup, and said with a smile: "It's delicious, but it's not made by mother..."

"My sister made it." Little Bailu said proudly while chewing on her cheeks, "The things she makes are just like that, especially fragrant and delicious."


The little girl Huang Dan was more timid, and she looked at Duanmu Yawang's eyes with more admiration.

Soon, everyone finished a bowl of meat, and a chicken on the table was swept away.

Duanmu Yawang said that everyone can try the fish soup meatball noodles.

The child was very honest, Huang Yuan pouted: "I still want to eat chicken noodle soup."

Huang Dan was timid, but couldn't resist his desire: "I also want to eat chicken noodle soup."

"Don't be rude!"

Mrs. Huang glared at the two children and said with a serious face: "Miss Duanmu took the fish noodles very hard. It must be delicious."

Huang Yuan remembered how bones the fish was. If the family hadn’t eaten meat for a long time and wanted to eat a little bit of meat, then his parents would catch the fish. It's still fishy, ​​so he doesn't like it.

Therefore, he couldn't help refuting: "But I..."

"No but!"

Mrs. Huang warned: "Guests are here, don't be so rude!"

"It's okay, there is still half of the chicken stock pot anyway."

Duanmu Yawang comforted Mrs. Huang and smiled and said to Huang Yuan and New Year's Day: "You can go to the kitchen to taste fish soup and fish meat, just a little bit. If you don't like it, then continue to eat chicken soup and chicken?"


The child was happy, no matter what the adult's hesitation and embarrassment, he ran to the kitchen with the bowl in his hand.

The Huangs were very embarrassed, "Miss Duanmu laughed."

"Children are like this, it's normal." Duanmu Yawang took Xiaobailu's bowl, and the Huangs and the others went to the kitchen with their own bowls.

The fish soup has long been boiled so fragrant and thick, and when the lid of the pot is lifted, the fragrance comes out.

Duanmu Yawang first served Huang Yuan and Huang Dan each with a little fish soup, and then gave each of them a small fish ball, let them taste it first, and served everyone with noodle soup.

Huang Yuan Huang Dan has never seen such fish meat. I tried it and found it was tender and elastic. It was really delicious. I couldn't feel the fish bones at all!

And a sip of the fish soup is also delicious!

I have never had such a delicious ID!

"Mother, it's delicious!"

The two little children tugged at the corners of their mother's clothes and stood on their toes to look at the soup in the pot.

Mrs. Huang was taken aback. She was a little surprised by the child's reaction. Duanmu Yawang smiled and asked, "Do you want chicken noodles or fish noodles?"

"Fish noodle soup!"

The two replied in unison.

When the others were ready, they were left. Duanmu Yawang served both of them, and gave them more meatballs. Xiao Bailu felt out of favor and pouted.

Duanmu Yawang gave him two more.

This time, everyone went back to the table again.

The Huangs originally thought that the children understood the minds of adults and deliberately said they were delicious, but they forgot that their children were only three or four years old, and they knew how to lie.

So, they took a bite of fish **** and found that the taste was really good. After the children didn't lie at all, they were shocked!

Mrs. Huang deliberately asked: "Miss Duanmu, how do you make this fish ball, it is delicious!" The soup is also thick and fragrant, and it is two flavors with chicken soup!

Duanmu Yawang explained the method, and Mrs. Huang listened carefully.

Duan Muya said, "In fact, fish is more nutritious than chicken to a certain extent, and there are elderly and children in the family, so they can make it later."


Mrs. Huang nodded and said to Huang Mu: "Tomorrow we will also go to the river to catch, catch a few more buckets, make more for fathers and mothers to eat, so that they can enjoy themselves."

Little Bailu slapped his tongue: "How many barrels are so many?"

"Once this practice spreads, it is estimated that everyone will rush to catch fish. It is good for us to catch more."

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