Later, I bought 20 chickens, plus two or two that had not been processed, plus one that was given later, a total of 23 chickens, 23 chickens, even if Duanmu Yawang Yin Huiyin and Huang The four of the couple were busy together, and they were also busy until the sun went down.

After finishing these tasks, the Huang couple would feed chickens to sheep and other poultry, and Duanmu Yawang took out flour from Qiankun's bag to make noodles.

Considering that the Daohuang family had a large food intake of four, this time she used a whole large pot of flour and divided it into two pots to knead the noodles.

When the noodles were soaking up, Duanmu Yawang first stewed two chickens in a pot, and then processed the fish together with Yin Huiyin.

She probably used five fishes, first processed the bones of the five fishes, and then let Yin Huiyin chop up the fish.

Yin Huiyin listened to the request and looked at the fish on the chopping board. He didn't use any knives. He stretched out his hand directly, and his palm was filled with spiritual energy. As soon as the spiritual power was pressed, the fish was crushed instantly.

"..." Duanmu Yawang wanted to say that such fish has no soul.

Yin Huiyin sighed: "I didn't expect my spiritual power to be used in the kitchen one day."

Duanmuya couldn't bear to hit him, took out the starch and prepared them and mixed them to process the fish. As long as the technique is patient and enough, the fish can still be saved.

After the fish was mixed, she made the minced fish into fish balls.

The **** are big and small.

Of course they eat the small ones, and the big ones are for the giants.

After the fish **** were done and the noodles were ready, she started to pull the noodles.

When ramen, Huang and his wife finally came back from outside after handling the matter.

When I came back, I smelled the scent of chicken as soon as I entered the kitchen. I saw Duanmu Yawang's ramen noodles, and there were meatballs in the basin of the stove. I couldn't help but start to be astonished. NS?"

"My speed is okay." Duan Muya looked at the noodles in her hand, turned her head and smiled.

"There are a lot of chores at home, and we were not able to help." Huang and his wife were a little embarrassed on their faces, and said: "Miss Duanmu, this is all your flour, I also have flour at home, it's better..."

"No, I still have this little flour, don't be polite to me." She must have stolen enough at Aijia Castle, and it's no big deal to give this family a meal of four.

Without their kitchen, they would have no chance to have a good meal tonight.

Asking this family to eat a meal of four is regarded as a thank you.

The Huang family had no choice but to stop being polite, but Mrs. Huang was very curious to see the meatballs in the basin, "These are meatballs..."

"Fishballs." Duanmu Yawang replied: "Chop the fish meat, add seasonings and stir to form a ball."

"Fish boned?"

"The spine has been removed."

Mrs. Huang frowned: "If the spine is removed, there are still many small bones?"

"If you chop it up, you won't be able to eat it." Duanmu Yawang said with a smile: "You'll know after you taste it, Madam."

Mrs. Huang paused and said, "But, the bones are still inside, will it be bad?"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't understand it because of time, and it took a long time to understand: "Isn't it good for bones to enter the stomach?"

Madam Huang nodded.

"No." Duanmu Yawang didn't expect that Mrs. Huang was worried about this, and smiled: "Do dogs specialize in eating bones. Isn't it okay for dogs? Although we can't chew bones directly, it doesn't matter if we chop them up."

Duanmu Yawang actually wanted to talk more about the bones, but she was even more confused when she thought of explaining the ingredients, so she gave up.

"Is it?"

Mrs. Huang was still skeptical.

Yin Huiyin helped: "Madam, don't worry, she has good medical skills. She says she can eat as much as she can."

"You know medicine?"

Madam Huang's eyes lit up and she looked at the yellow wood on one side.

Huang Mu knew what his wife was thinking, but he was actually a little excited, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

The expressions of the two were too obvious, and Duanmu Ya looked at it and saw that they might want to ask her something, and they took the initiative to speak, "You two, please don't hesitate to tell me if you have anything."

"We do have a request." Huang Mu sternly said: "My mother is ill and has been bedridden for the past two years. These days, I even call it hurts here and there. As a son, I have always been worried and went to the county center. I asked a doctor to come over, but the medicine didn’t help..."

"I wonder where the old man is now?"

"He lives with my father, a few hundred meters ahead."

Duanmu Yawang can't leave now, they have to leave after eating, so she said: "Mrs. Huang can tell Miss Ye about the situation. She also knows medicine, and medical skills are not under mine. Let her go and see you. Mother."


Mrs. Huang hesitated.

Because the other lady has been holding a book to read, the kitchen is busy and she doesn't come in for a while, she doesn't chat much with them, and she doesn't look very friendly.

She didn't dare to talk to Miss Night.

Duan Mu Yawang saw her concerns and smiled: "She is very nice, just tell her, I asked her to help, she will never refuse you, don't worry."


For the sake of her mother, Mrs. Huang felt nothing to be afraid of, so she asked Huang Mu to stay in the kitchen to help, and went to find Ye Nong Ying by herself.

After a while, Mrs. Huang brought Ye Nong Ying to the kitchen.

Seeing them, Huang Mu cast a glance at his wife, and Mrs. Huang said gratefully: "As soon as I said, Miss Ye really agreed."

Huang Mu quickly bent over and thanked him: "Thank you Miss Ye for willing to help."

Ye Nongying waved her hand and stretched out her hand towards Duanmu Yawang: "The medicine is in your Qiankun bag. Give me the Qiankun bag."

"Pick it yourself."

Duanmu Yawang's hands are inconvenient.

Ye Nongying took the Qiankun bag from her waist and said to Madam Huang, "Madam, please lead the way."

"Eh, good!"

Mrs. Huang quickly led the way.

It took Duanmu Yawang about half an hour to finally process all the ingredients.

After handling it, she quietly took out two gauze bags from the medical system. She used three fish to fry the fish, put them in the gauze bag and put them back in the pot, and added water to the pot.

Yin Huiyin curiously asked, "Xiao Yawang, what do you want to do?"

"Boil fish soup."

The kitchen is full of the smell of fish and chicken. Duanmu Yawang is too greedy: "Let’s eat noodle soup then."


Yin Huiyin Xin Duanmu Yawang, the things she makes are not unpalatable.

The oily noodles this morning refreshed his knowledge of pasta. Now that there are noodles with broth and meat, it will certainly not be bad.

The chicken was almost stewed. Duanmu Yawang asked Huang Mu to help pick up two whole chickens and chop them, and then pour out the hot pot.

After pouring it out, she boiled water to scald the noodles.

She checked the time and asked Huang Mu: "Have my friend and Madam Huang come back yet?"

"Not yet." Huang Mu knew that the food was almost ready, so he said, "Why don't I have a look now?"


Huang Mu went out, but as soon as he went outside, Duanmu Yawang heard Huang Mu ask: "Have you come back?"


Mrs. Huang was very excited and said to Huang Mu: “Miss Ye’s medical skills are really amazing. Not only did she relieve her mother’s pain with a few silver needles, she also said that as long as she followed her instructions and gave her mother a drink, her mother could stand up again! "

"Really, really?"

"Of course it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. Miss Ye gave her mother a few strokes with a silver needle, and her expression improved a lot, and she didn't call any pain anymore."

Mrs. Huang hasn’t finished her words, “and Miss Ye prescribed a lot of medicines to my mother at once, and taught my father and me how to fry them. As long as the medicines are finished, my mother will be fine.”

"That's good, then that's good." Huang Mu was so excited that he was incoherent, watching Ye Nong Ying chuckle, and knelt down, kowtow while saying: "Thank you, Miss Ye! Thank you!"

"stand up."

Ye Nongying curled her eyebrows and didn't like to deal with these scenes.

Mrs. Huang pulled her husband up and whispered: "Miss Ye has prescribed a lot of medicines at once, more than ten packs. It is said that one pack can be eaten for three days. We have to give the money to Miss Hui Ye."

Huang Mu nodded repeatedly, "Hey! Of course I have to."

"Don't give it."

Ye Nongying said: "Those medicines were also obtained by accident, not ours, so don't need to pay."

When she said that, she looked at Duanmu Yawang and told her heart-words: "You use the medicine you stole from Aijia Castle."


Duanmu Yawang understood.

Huang Mu and his wife were embarrassed, and said: "If you accidentally get it, it's yours. How can you not collect money?"

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