After eating the noodles, Duanmu Yawang went on to go to Huang's kitchen to marinate her 20 chickens and the remaining ten fish, and then packed the half chicken that had been cooked but not served.

The chickens in the Giant World are larger than ordinary chickens. A half chicken is enough for the four of them to eat two meals. They just ate one for a meal, and the remaining half of Duanmu Yawang is reserved for the mother and father of the Huang family. of.

While she was packing these, the Huangs took the soup and noodles left by their parents.

After taking it over, the Huang family's parents felt that they must thank them well, let them go to the sheepfold and dare to have two sheep, and then give them to them after they were killed.

There was nothing unwilling to the Huang family, because let alone Duanmu Yawang, they bought 20 of their chickens at once, and even healed their mother for them.

Just to heal this love, even if it makes them bankrupt.

On the way back, the Huang family went to the sheep pen to drive the sheep, ready to rush back to the kitchen for processing.

When they drove the sheep back to the kitchen, they found that there was no one in the kitchen and the pot had been cleaned.

They hurried to the hall, where only their children were left.

The couple froze for a moment, and asked the children in the room: "Why are you only here, Miss Duanmu and others?"

"Go away."

Huang Dan Huang Mu nibbled a piece of candy, and took a candy in his hand. He ate it sweetly and said: "It didn't take long for you to give your grandparents food, they left."

The two couples looked at each other and sighed.

They felt a little embarrassed.

Huang Dankuisheng handed out the sugar in his hands to his parents: "The sugar is so sweet, you guys should try it too."

"Dandan eat it."

Huang Mu and his wife were complicated and looked at each other again, and they felt that their family really met a great man.

If there is a chance to see them again in the future, they must treat them well, not to mention two sheep, even if they kill all the sheep, they can welcome them.

It's just that there should be no chance, right?

On the other side, Duanmu Yawang quietly left the Huang's house, walked into the depths of the woods for a hundred meters, first flew with Yin Huiyin's aircraft for a period of time to avoid people's eyes, and then used the spacecraft to fly.

At this time, it was not too late. Everyone was full and not sleepy. They just sat at the table where they were eating in the morning and chatted.

Duanmu Yawang sorts the meat in the nearby kitchen, because the dried meat must be skewered.

The little white deer's belly is a bottomless hole. Seeing that half of the chicken is fat and exuding fragrance, he licked his mouth without blinking his eyes.


Duanmu Yawang tore off a chicken leg and handed it to her.

"Thank you sister!" Xiao Bailu thanked her sweetly and immediately took the drumstick.

After taking a couple of bites, he looked at Sinan's direction and asked: "Are we going to Er County next?"

Duanmu Ya sighed, seeing that Ye Nongying was still sitting at the table, and she couldn't help being curious: "Why are you still sitting here?"

"if not?"

Ye Nongying looked lazily, "I don't think I went to the Endless City right away anyway, and there shouldn't be any place to use spiritual power recently. I don't have to force myself to practice."

"It makes sense, I agree."

Such an intensity of cultivation is okay for three days and five days. If it lasts for a month, it will force yourself too tight. If you are impetuous, you will even get into trouble.

Ye Nongying relaxed herself, Duanmu Yawang was very happy.

While talking, Duanmu Yawang had already sorted all the meat, and quickly washed her hands and sat down at the table.

She thought for a while, took out the map and observed it carefully.

After a while, she pointed to the map and said to Ye Nong Ying: "I don't think we really need to follow the road pioneered by the Ai family on the map. This is too much trouble for us."

Ye Nongying also found out, pointing to the map and said: "Look at these places, you feel wronged, the mountain road is constantly walking around like eighteen bends. The Ai's people walk like this because they are walking or sitting. It’s a beast car, but we’re different if we take a flying vehicle. We don’t need to climb over the mountains, and we don’t need to care about winding mountains or city walls."

The little white deer understood it, and pointed his chin on the map of Earl County and Endless City Road: "Yes, we can walk straight in the sky! After we reach Earl County, we will be straight from the west of Earl County. The distance to Hongzhou where the endless city is located is the shortest and the fastest."

Ye Nongying: "Yes, this can shorten a lot of time."

Duanmu Yawang estimated, "If it takes more than two months for the Ai family to walk like this, then we will be able to arrive in about a month."

Little Bailu said in surprise: "The time has been shortened a lot!"

Ye Nongying nodded, "However, even if we get to Er County, we need to confirm the real direction, and the map may not be completely correct. Even if it is correct, there will be deviations. In order to avoid deviation, we still need to check whether it is from the spaceship. Go up and down to confirm the location."


In any case, it is really convenient if there is an aircraft. They will roughly confirm the location every day, and then they can continue to set off.

Ever since, they started flying in the evening and in the afternoon, choosing a deserted place to rest during the hottest period from morning to noon.

After walking in this way for a month, they finally reached the red continent.

Before arriving, I saw a piece of ground from white to red from a distance. Everyone felt magical, and the little white deer even stroked his palms and laughed: "It's great, this junction is really interesting!"

"And so beautiful."

This is probably the most amazing place Duanmu Yawang has ever seen.

She never thought that there would be white deserts and red deserts.

And when the white desert is adjacent to the red desert, it is even more a spectacle. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a camera at hand. If she had a camera, she would definitely take it immediately!

The little white deer pulled the edge of the spacecraft and looked down, staring at Duanmu Yawang eagerly: "I really want to go down and touch the red sand."

Duanmu Yawang indifferently refused: "Anyway, I haven't reached the destination yet, there are opportunities."

"All right."

Although I arrived at Hongzhou, Hongzhou is not the destination. According to the map, the last place on the map is Chengwei Highland.

At first Duanmu Yawang felt that the name was a little strange, but it was not until two days later that they finally reached Chengwei Highland and saw the situation of Chengwei Highland, and then they understood why it was called.

As the name suggests, Chengwei Heights is really high, the overall desert terrain is much higher than other locations, and many of them are high and low, uneven, forming a strip of borders like walls, and the borders are extremely deep.的wa Valley.

Seen from a distance, row upon row, very strange but with an ultimate artistic beauty.

"This place is so beautiful."

Looking down from above, everyone looked dumbfounded.

Duanmu Yawang looked at the sun on the horizon and the red desert below, and the desert like a walled city could not help but sighed again: "It would be nice to have a camera at this time."


Ye Nongying heard it and twisted her eyebrows: "What's that?"

Duanmu Yawang was difficult to explain, so he didn’t explain, and changed the subject very skillfully: “According to the dossier, the people of Ai’s family built a habitat station on Chengwei Heights. This habitat station is used to wait for endless access. People from the city came back. At the same time, this place is also the easiest place to observe the mirage, and the place where the mirage appears the most. If we find the location of their habitat, we should be able to see the mirage the fastest and go in."

Little Bailu pouted: "This place is more suitable for adventure. It's okay to play. The sand must be sloppy and slippery. Especially with so many uneven deserts, how can it be possible to build a house?"

"It doesn't work according to reason." Duan Muya said: "However, the dossier says that Aijia spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and it was built successfully."

"Even if the construction is successful, the perch station is not nearby." The little white deer looked down and said: "We can only see a piece of red desert, some black, green, and white plants. We haven't seen the so-called house. There is not a single family nearby."

Duanmu Yawang said: "The terrain here is too high, there are no rivers and streams, and there is no water for the most basic life of people. How can it be possible to live here?"

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