
Duanmu Yawang nodded.

Lin Sui curiously asked, "You said that the moonlight and sunlight in the Black Forest can hurt people?"

"Yeah, don't you know?"

Lin Sui shook his head and said in confusion: "There are many legends about the Black Forest, and there are many evil ones, but I have never heard such a statement."

Duanmu Yawang turned his words: "I'm actually really curious, Fuyuan, Qin Fengyue, Gaiyou and others, desperately wanted to come to the Black Forest, what are they for?"

"Strength." Lin Sui did not conceal: "We can all feel that the spiritual energy in the Black Forest has been running freely, much stronger than the outside, and these spiritual powers, if you have enough comprehension ability, can also be a source of energy. Constantly being absorbed by the body."

Ye Nongying twisted her eyebrows: "Is it directly absorbed?"

"It sounds incredible, right?" Lin Sui smiled and said seriously: "But it's all true. We had a strong man in Baizhou a hundred years ago. His ability was unmatched in a hundred years. Bloodbathed a city and unified the entire Baizhou! His previous strength was only an ordinary strong, and suddenly no one could match it. It was because he had been in the Black Forest for several years. As for how he became stronger, he has rarely told people. Only after his death did he mention it to an old friend."

"Later, it was rumored that he entered the Black Forest and absorbed a lot of power. There are formations in the Black Forest.

"Then did he go in to the innermost point?"

"It shouldn't be." Lin Sui shook his head and said, "According to the story, he just went in less than half of the time." When he said that, he glanced at Duanmu Yawang and asked: "Where have you been before? How is the spiritual power around you?"

"In fact, although it is far away from here, it is still at the forefront of the formation, and the spiritual power around it is average." After she said that, she remembered to ask: "Do you have a formation?"

"The formation map is not something ordinary people can have. The formation map I saw was what Qin Fengyue needed me and showed me."

Duanmu Yawang took out a picture from her arms, "Is that true?"

Lin Sui was surprised: "Why do you have it?"

"Come in from the mayor." Duanmu Yawang replied briefly and asked him: "Look, is it the same?"

Lin Sui took it, only glanced at it, and immediately shook his head: "It's not like, it's very different."


Duan Muya raised her eyebrows, "So sure?"

"I have studied the array for many years. Although I don't know much about it, I am still very sensitive to the characteristics of the array. A different corner will lead to huge changes in each factor. There are too many different places in the array. I can see it."

"I really want to take a look at Qin Fengyue's array if you said it." Duanmu Yawang asked him, "Can you write down the array? Can you draw it?"

"No, Qin Fengyue is very protective of the battle map. I usually show it to me for a while before taking it back. I only scanned the macro situation of the entire battle map a few times carefully. In order to save time, I studied the beginning part at other times."

Ye Nongying looked at Duanmu Ya: "So, Fu Yuan already trusts you very much."

Duanmu Yawang and her looked at each other, and they all sneered, not wanting to continue this topic.

"Actually, according to what I said, these maps may not be accurate. Even if they are accurate, they are only accurate in the front." Lin Sui hummed and said contemptuously, "No one went in to the innermost part. No one doubted the map of the whole town, which is also ridiculous. !"

"When people are blinded, there will be no reason and logic." Duanmu Yawang also smiled, she was also very curious about this weird black forest, "According to your statement, everyone goes inside to absorb spiritual power. But what I heard about the information that Fuyuan Gayo occasionally revealed was for what, saying that only one person can get something, which seems a bit different from what you said?"

"It's actually the same. That is the ultimate goal, which is the source of power."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both widened their eyes, "What is that?"

"It is said that there is a source of power in the Black Forest. The reason why the power is rampant is that the source of power is constantly releasing spiritual power. As long as the source of power is found and possessed, it can be used by ancestors and ancestors for generations. Very powerful!"


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying glanced at each other. They both lost interest in questioning each other, and said very boringly: "It sounds amazing, but it can only be a legend."

Lin Sui couldn't help refuting: "If it comes from nowhere, the legend may also be true."

Duanmu Yawang laughed and said: "You just despise other people who believe in the formation, why don't you think about it, no one can get to the final destination, no one has seen the source of power, it is not a legend made up by humans. , What else can it be?"

Lin Sui was startled: "Sure enough, people only believe what they want to believe."

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "Yes."

Lin Sui smiled and said: "However, the Black Forest is still amazing. I would like to see it again if I have the opportunity. Not for anything else. If I can really destroy all the formations in the forest, it will feel very exciting! "

"It makes sense."

Duanmu Yawang thought of the formations one by one, and felt a little tickled. She patted his shoulder and said, "If I have time and don't rush back, I will play with you."

Lin Sui was so happy that he was about to say yes, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't say anything.

Because, he has never seen a dwarf who can go back after coming here.

I have never heard that there is an exit that allows dwarves to go back to their world, and giants can go to the world of dwarves.

I'm afraid they will never go back when they come.

He couldn't bear to tell Duanmu Yawang.

"What's the matter?" Duanmuya couldn't help asking when seeing his complex expression.


Lin Sui shook his head, thinking of his father, and hurriedly asked Yin Huiyin: "Mr. Yin, where are Aishi and others? Is my father safe for them?"

Yin Huiyin said: "Safety has passed. They did not find Lord Limburg."

"That's good."

Lin Sui nodded and looked at Ye Nongying: "Miss Ye, didn't you say you want to go there to see it?"


Ye Nongying's eyes were very bright, and she looked at Duanmuya: "Then you are here to wait for me? Shall I go up and have a look?"

Duanmu Yawang: "You can't be alone, let Xiaoyin'er accompany you, I don't want to go up anyway."

Ye Nongying asked her suspiciously, "Why is Mr. Yin okay?"

"How would I know."

Duanmu Yawang really didn't know, and pouted his lips and said: "Go up quickly, go back quickly, or you will be uncomfortable to death."


Ye Nongying snorted, and Ye Nongying climbed up the tree.

Duanmu Ya didn't look at it, but Lin Sui looked envious.

Duanmuya looked at the corner of her mouth twitching, and couldn't help but said: "If you want to go up and have a look, why don't you let Xiaoyin'er take you for a ride?"

"It should be possible, his sword guarding ability is particularly strong."

"Okay." Lin Sui was not polite.

The two waited at the same place. About half an hour later, Yin Huiyin and Ye Nongying returned. When they came back, Ye Nongying's face was as white as snow, and his lips were blue.

Duanmu Yawang's face sank, and she immediately pulsed her, and found that her heartbeat was accelerating sharply, her whole body was cold, and there was something wrong with her whole body, so she quickly gave her aura.

Duanmu Yawang asked coldly: "Are you out of the top of the tree?"

Ye Nongying couldn't speak at all and couldn't answer her. Yin Huiyin asked her carefully, "How did you know?"

"Because if you just feel it at the top of the tree, it won't be so serious." Duanmu Yawang was really helpless: "Xiaoyin'er, why do you really make her crazy if she is going crazy?"

Yin Huiyin cleared his throat: "I stopped, but Miss Ye didn't listen, so she wanted to go up and take a look, but she really took a look, and she was weak and dizzy when she couldn't see the second."

Lin Suixin has relatives: "Is it so terrible?"

Yin Huiyin nodded: "Yes."

Lin Sui thought for a while and made a decision: "No, I won't look at it for now, otherwise my father might be worried if he knows it, and watch it when he comes back next time."

At this time, because of the input of aura, Ye Nongying felt a lot more comfortable, knowing that Duanmu Yawang was angry, but still couldn't help saying: "It's very eye-opening, you should also go and see it."

Duanmuya looked calm and did not answer.

Ye Nongying saw through her at a glance: "Don't pretend, you want to see it too, don't you?"

Duanmu Yawang said nothing.

"Okay, don't be wordy." Yin Huiyin understood that the two could become friends for a reason, and said with no anger: "If you want to see it, go and take a look. I will bring you down in time. I should not be able to get out. Human life."

Duanmu Ya looked at the tip of her nose, "Okay, then go and have a look."

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