So all four people went up to see the situation in the sky.

As soon as they went up, except for Yin Huiyin, the other three people were very uncomfortable with the headache and dizziness caused by the moonlight.

Then, Yin Huiyin dragged the three people down to the ground.

The three of them didn't immediately go back to meet Lin Dang's family and the others, but stayed where they were and slowly breathed.

"It turns out... above the Black Forest." Lin Sui, a giant holding his head with a headache, couldn't speak clearly, but his tone was full of excitement: "But it's really amazing, such a special sky. This is the first time I have seen it. It feels like the starry sky is getting smaller, but the moon, river and stars are so big, the sky is so bright, I must draw it for my father when I go back."

Duanmuya didn't think it was magical. The stars and moons seen here were much smaller than she had seen with an astronomical telescope in her previous life, but they were indeed much larger than normal naked eyes.

It feels like it's very close to the sky.

However, she couldn't help but compliment Lin Sui's words.

Of course, what she is most concerned about right now is Ye Nongying. She stared at her leaning on the tree and couldn't say a word and asked: "All right?"

Ye Nongying's body was already weak, and this trip made her feel like she was taking her breath away, gasping for breath constantly, and she could only shake her head slightly for Duanmu Yawang.

"We are really good enough."

Duanmu Yawang sighed, took out three pills from Qiankun's bag, took one by herself, handed the other one to Lin Sui, and she helped to feed the last one to Ye Nongying.

"For?" Yin Huiyin didn't know why.

"Anyway, it's a derogatory term."

"Oh." Yin Huiyin didn't ask.

Lin Sui stared at Yin Huiyin, who was covered in black and could not see anything, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yin is really amazing, and he hasn't been affected at all."

Yin Huiyin: "Thank you."

Lin Sui pointed to Yin Huiyin's dress and couldn't help asking: "Why does Mr. Yin keep..."

From the beginning to the end, he had never seen a little skin coming out of him passing by, and the cloak was completely dark and could not see anything. If it wasn't for the sound and clean sound, he thought he was just a cloud of black gas.

Lin Sui also felt that such a question was inappropriate, and said quickly: "I just asked casually, Mr. Yin, please don't mind, or you can not answer if it is inconvenient."

"My situation is not convenient for people's eyes." Yin Huiyin answered briefly, with a calm tone without any irritation.


Lin Sui did not ask any more.

Everyone rested, and after taking the medicine, everyone eased up quickly, and Ye Nongying was able to speak. The first sentence of her mouth was to look at Duanmuya: "Feast your eyes, don't lose money."

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes, ignored her words, and asked her: "Can you stand up?"

"Of course."

Ye Nongying looked like you don't underestimate my appearance, and stood up with the tree.

Duanmu Yawang put her arms around her chest, "Take two steps to see?"

Ye Nongying stopped moving.

Her legs were trembling, she just barely stood up and couldn't walk at all.

"I knew it."

Duanmu Yawang pouted her lips and walked over to help her go back together.

After returning, Xiao Bailu was still sitting on the shoulders of Lin Dangjia. I don't know what he said, Lin Dangjia kept laughing happily.

When Xiao Bailu met them, he complained: "You have been going too long. Those people have been away for a while."

Master Lin was more careful, "Why Miss Ye's face is paler than before? Did something happen?"

Moreover, when Ye Nong Ying went to go, he could walk on his own, but now he needs help.

"It's nothing, it's just going to play too much." Duanmu Yawang said, pressing Ye Nongying on the bed, and said to everyone: "Let's go ahead."


This time the departure went smoothly. They never encountered any more people, and even fewer beast attacks. After about three days of walking, they finally left the Black Forest.

As soon as I left the Black Forest, everyone was still a little uncomfortable with the long-lost light. They squinted and covered their eyes, but couldn't help but sigh: "It's so comfortable outside."


Everyone agreed that the Black Forest is really not suitable for people to stay, the outside world is too comfortable and beautiful.

Even so, Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but glance back at the Black Forest when he left.

The trees in the forest looked very tall, but they were only one or two hundred meters away. She didn't understand why it took so long to get to the top of the tree.

Looking at the endless white sands in front of him, the Lin family said at this time: "At the beginning, all the animals and carts of the subordinates went to the inn. We need to walk this long way by ourselves."

Qin Fengyue and others all came by animal carts, and they got out of the carts almost in the Black Forest, and then their subordinates placed the carts in special inns.

Duanmu Yawang came together, and she naturally knew about it, "Then there is no way, everyone just leave."

So everyone went on foot.

As he walked, Duanmu Yawang remembered something: "Didn't it mean that the trailing dog was fostered in someone's house? Where is it?"

Yin Huiyin: "It's also an inn, similar to the place where other people are fostering."

"Well, let's pick it up together then."


Because of hiking, we walked for two more days before we walked out of an empty white sandy land and came to a small town with human populations, where we boarded animals and carts.

Before entering, Duanmu Yawang's dwarfs all disguised themselves, not allowing people to see their faces, let alone knowing that they were dwarfs.

They were very tired, but when they arrived in the small town, Lin Dang's family took the lead to see their animal cart, and Duanmu Yawang and others went to see the tracking dog.

"Unexpectedly, the tracking dog is still alive. We were injured so badly at the beginning. I thought it would definitely not survive, so it would never see its shadow."

Talking is Ye Nong Ying, after these days of cultivation, she is completely healed, and a few dwarves went to retrieve the tracking dog together.

"It should have no injuries at all." Yin Huiyin said: "Because, when we found it, it was intact, and no new injuries were found on the body. It was all old scars left by those people before."

Ye Nongying: "That's weird, we are all injured, why is it not hurt?"

Little Bailu pouted, wanting to say that he and Yin Huiyin weren't hurt much, but after thinking about their identities, they didn't say anything about them, for fear of causing trouble.

A few people went to the foster inn, and the inn's offenders took them and saw the long-lost dog.

The tracking dog was very keen, and immediately jumped in the guardrail when he heard a voice.

It couldn't jump out, but it was estimated that it saw Duanmu Yawang and the others, and immediately screamed, with bright eyes, and at a glance, it knew that it recognized them.

They pretended to be terrible, and Duanmu Yawang thought it recognized them by smell.

However, Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu should also be recognized. She and Ye Nongying didn't meet him too often, and they haven't seen him for a long time, so he probably wouldn't recognize them.

She thought so, but she didn't expect the inn subordinates to open the guardrail. As soon as it ran out, it immediately circled and jumped around her, yelling in excitement.


Little Bailu immediately yelled: "Obviously, I have taken him with Uncle Yin for more than a month, how long have you been with him? Why does he like you the most!"

Duanmu Yawang bent down and touched the furry head of the tracking dog, and squinted his eyes with a smile, "I guess I'm a kind hearted man."

"...You are really shameless."

Ye Nongying said this difficultly.

"You are jealous."

Duanmu Yawang snorted, and said to Xing Dog: "Go, let's go play."


The tracking dog jumped up and ran after her.

The other three: "..."

Of course, they quickly followed.

The Tracking Dog was not ungrateful either. After playing with Duanmu Yawang for a while, it seemed to confirm something, and then went to the other three people and kept going around.

"You still have some conscience." The others are quite satisfied.

Although they said they were going to play, everyone just went to a small river in the town. Because it was night and there were no people, the four of them sat on the rocks and chatted.

Ye Nongying looked up at the sky: "It's a bit unreal."

"What's not real?"

"We have actually left Fuyuan, and we are about to go to the endless city. Thinking about this is a bit unreal."

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