The boss, Aishi, looked at Aili coldly and said: "The reason why we waste so much time walking so many wrong roads is not to blame you. If you didn't say that we were going to take this road, would we be in the opposite direction?"

Ai Li sneered: "Can I be blamed? Does your military adviser disagree?"

Ai Quan expressed his opinion: "I think the least should be to leave Qin Fengyue and the others. They should have gone very far now."

"It's not because you offended Qin Fengyue!" Ai Li stared at Ai Quan, "Otherwise we wouldn't just leave him alone."

Ai Quan furiously retorted: "What is it that I offend Qin Fengyue? We can't blame anyone for this. You are obviously not satisfied that he always waits in place for the country boy to break through and keep stagnating. When they said they could go separately, they agreed to go separately!"

This country boy is naturally referring to Lin Sui.

Duanmu Yawang glanced at Lin Sui, and Lin Sui said calmly, "Don't look at me sympathetically. They didn't call me this way behind my back, they called it this way in front of me and my father."


It can only be said that these three brothers have no cultivation at all.

The three brothers were still arguing and pushing, especially the two of Ai Li and Ai Quan who didn't let either of them. Yin Huiyin couldn't live broadcast, and with nothing to say, he stopped.

In the end, Ai Quan said bitterly: "If you want to blame the country boy, it must be he who hates us, so he deliberately broke the formation slowly and forced us to leave Qin Fengyue."

"Yes!" Ai Li gritted his teeth and agreed: "When we catch up with them, or go home, Lin Sui and the Lin family are my souls under the sword!"


Ace is the boss, and there is some reason, "Do you have any brains? Qin Fengyue listened to Lin Sui. Although he walked a little slower, according to the intelligence, he was all correct. Although Lin Sui hates him, It's also an individual talent. In the future, there will be more places that can be used. Will it be useful to shout and kill?"

The other two were muffled by the lesson.

"I'm afraid that no matter what you think, but I tell you, Lin Sui must not move!" After Ace said, he warned the two brothers, "For me, he is not only the Black Forest, but also other places. If you dare to destroy me, you will be welcome!"

Ace is the boss, with high status and high authority. Although Ailiaiquan is not reconciled, he does not dare to refute it.

Seeing this, Ace is also satisfied: "Well, everyone has enough rest, let's continue."


As a result, a group of people followed the correct route.

This process is all related to Lin Sui. While listening to Yin Huiyin’s live broadcast, Duanmu Yawang looked at Lin Sui. He saw his emotional ups and downs, especially when they mentioned that they were going to kill Lin Sui and the Lin family. It was terribly gloomy.

When it comes to family lives, everyone will be angry.

Before comforting, Duanmu Yawang still has a lot to ask Lin Sui: "They say they will kill you after they return home. They are familiar with your Lin family?"


Lin Sui's voice was a little dull: "They are the nobles in the city in our area. We are in a small county town, so they call me a country boy."

"In other words, do you know some details about each other?"

Lin Sui nodded.

Duanmu Yawang frowned: "In this case, you must pay attention to safety."

Lin Sui said, "I'll find a way." After speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and said to Duanmu Ya: "I never thought of it before. Hearing them talk about what I need again, I Suddenly remembered something."

Duanmu Yawang looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Their castle should have a dossier about the endless city."

Duanmu Yawang immediately aroused interest: "Why do you say that?"

Lin Sui said affirmatively: "Because Ai's family is an adventurous business house, they will go to camp as long as there is a business opportunity. The endless city is said to have countless species, and they have been trying to develop the business road of the endless city, so two For three generations, I have been looking for talents to spend money to explore, and I don’t know how the progress is. But for so many years, I don’t think anyone in Baizhou, an endless city, has recorded more records than them."

"Very good."

Duanmu Yawang patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you say that, after we go out of the Black Forest, we will go to your house, and I will enter Aijia Castle by the way to borrow a dossier."

Lin Sui was taken aback, and felt that Duanmu Yawang was too naive, and looked at her with indescribable words: "That's the Ai family, a nobleman, but they won't tell them that if they want to borrow something, they will lend you something."

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, Ye Nongying rolled her eyes: "Young Master Lin, you are naive. What she said is only a polite way of saying, what she really did is to steal."


Lin Sui was taken aback, obviously in disbelief, and asked again: "Are you going to steal?"

"Otherwise?" Duan Mu Yawang blinked, feeling his shock was too much, "You told me about this, didn't you just want me to go to Ai's house to look at the dossier, or to steal it?"

Lin Sui waved his hand again and again, with an expression of ‘I’m not me without you, don’t talk nonsense’, "I just said casually, but I never thought about stealing such a serious matter."


Duanmu Yawang was inexplicable: "Is the stealing serious?"

After finishing speaking, I felt too much, and said: "Stealing is serious, but after we read it, we will return it again. In fact, it means borrowing. Don't panic."

"No, I panic!"

Lin Sui was obviously still very scared. He regretted the matter and said to Duanmu Yawang: "You guess it hasn't been long since you first came to Baizhou. You don't understand the nobles, and don't understand how strict their castles are. of?"

After that, he said: "Also, even if you go in, their castle is so big, you don't know where they put things, how do you find it?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Duanmu Yawang patted him on the shoulder with a smile, letting him feel relieved: "As long as you go in, there will always be a way to find it. If one day doesn't work, two days, if two days don't work, just a few more days."


Lin Sui had a headache and helped his forehead: "That's the Aijia Castle. There are countless guards and countless slaves. Do you understand how conspicuous you are as a dwarf? It's impossible to go in without being discovered."

Duanmuya looked and laughed nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I won't expose myself, even if they find me, I can run away."

After talking about what he thought of, he hurriedly said: "However, if we follow you back to Linjiapu, it will definitely be eye-catching. Then you will find a way to prevent us from being exposed to everyone's sight. This will save you a lot of trouble. "

Lin Sui thought for a moment and felt reasonable: "Okay."

"Okay, let's not talk about other things." The two did not continue to track the situation of Ai Li and others. He asked Yin Huiyin: "Xiaoyin'er, where are they?"

Yin Huiyin said, "I'm almost at the place where Master Lin found them."

"Let's keep an eye on it. If there is any movement, we will immediately support it."


Yin Huiyin continued to stare, but Ye Nongying's thoughts were still on top of her head. She asked Duanmu Yawang: "Don't you want to go up and take a look again?"

"In no mood."

Duanmu Yawang said in a huff: "Didn't I say that, a little light makes people dizzy and painful. The consequences are the same as when we felt the light of Dao in the destroyed forest that day."

Ye Nongying is very curious: "You said it, but I still want to see it. Didn't you say that the moon and the stars are so big? I want to feel it."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless: "Your body is not completely healed yet."

Ye Nong Ying stared at her: "If you were me, would you want to see it?"


Duanmu Ya looked silent.

She knows the answer very well, she will.

Ye Nongying could see what she was thinking at a glance, and said in a bad mood: "Look, you know to talk about me."

"Well, well, they will be far away for a while. Once you are sure that Lin Dang and others are safe, you can go up and have a look."

"It's pretty much the same."

Ye Nongying is very satisfied.

"very nice."

Lin Sui was a little envious, "We are too strong, even if we want to go up and have a look, it is very troublesome, and few people can go up."

Duanmu Ya looked at him, and then at the tree trunk that was already overwhelmed at this height: "It's a little harder to climb, and it won't work to go up with the sword?"

Lin Sui shook his head: "Our brute strength is good, and our spiritual power is also strong, but flying with the sword is very difficult for us giants."

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