"It's me who saved the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." Guy You said lightly: "However, you obviously have something to say. Are you blaming us for killing countless people?"

"Don't dare."

One of Gayo's subordinates said: "You didn't know anything when you first came here, let alone what environment we were in at the time. If we don't kill them, they will kill us.

Duanmu Yawang listened to the explanation, smiled faintly, noncommittal.

She didn't answer, and there was no one on Gayo's side.

Ye Nongying said to her in heart language: "However, we don't know the environment at the time, and we really don't have the right to criticize anything."

"Yeah." Duanmu Yawang nodded: "I know."

At this time, they had returned to the place where Fu Yuan was stationed.

A few torches were also lit there, illuminating the surroundings very brightly.

Duanmu Yawang saw that the mayor fell asleep leaning on a tree, and Wang Lao Er sat beside him not knowing what he was thinking. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked in their direction.

Seeing both Duanmu Yawang, he was relieved.

Obviously he was worried that Gayou would not send Duanmu Yawang back.

It was Fu Yuan, as if he hadn't heard a sound, he lowered his head and carefully wiped the knife in his hand with a cloth.


Duanmu Yawang smelled something at this time, her nose wrinkled, and Xinyu asked Ye Nongying: "Do you smell anything?"

"Yes, the smell of blood."


It's the smell of blood.

Duanmu Yawang thought it was killing the evil beast, but his eyes circled, but he did not see the fresh **** corpse of the evil beast.

At this time, Ye Nongying asked Duanmu Yawang abruptly: "Those four guards seem to have disappeared?"

After she mentioned this, Duanmu Ya looked around and glanced around her eyes, and she really didn't see the four guards anywhere, her eyelids twitched, and there was an idea in her heart.

The four of Gayou put her and Ye Nongying down at this time, and Fu Yuan stopped the wiping action, raised his head, and nodded to Gayou.

Gayo also nodded at him and said: "We have reached an agreement. When we are in better health and can continue to set off, we will gather to discuss matters together and we can set off."


There is only one word for Fu Yuan, and Gayou is obviously used to it, he didn't say a word, nodded, glanced at Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, turned around and left.

"Heh, finally willing to come back?"

After Gayou and others left, the second king came over and said sarcastically: "It's been more than two hours, I thought you would recognize the master separately!"

"Second, all right."

The mayor didn't know when he woke up, and said helplessly: "I explained to you just now that the two little girls actually tried their best in the past. When will they come back, it doesn't count as much as they said."

"If you really want to come back soon, I don't believe that with her cleverness, she can't think of a way to come back soon."

"You are so stubborn."

The mayor yelled at him, and then asked Duanmu Yawang and the others: "Did you guys embarrass you in the past, Gayou?"

"Difficulty is not counted." Duanmu Yawang smiled and said: "But they are worried that we will be poisoned, so they want us to drink the medicine, and let us test the medicine before they are willing to drink it."

The mayor hummed and commented: "Guyyou is very smart."

"By the way, the mayor."

Duanmu Yawang pointed to the place where the four guards lay before, and asked: "Where are the four?"

"They..." The mayor sighed and said helplessly: "We just went out to find the prey of the evil beast. We walked away. Unexpectedly, when we came back, they were swallowed by the beast when they were lethargic. ."

"Swallowed by an evil beast?"

Duanmu Yawang was stunned, her clothes rubbed her arms in shock: "...Is there no bones left?"


When the mayor said, he pointed to Fu Yuan: "When we chased, the evil beast had swallowed the private person with only one head. Four people are still very useful to us, and it is too terrible to die like this. In order to write, your boss slashed the evil beast with a knife."

"I see."

"You are not in good health, and you are tired after going out. Take a rest. If you are better, continue to study the formation. We will only stay here for three more days at most. We can't stay too long."


The mayor nodded, then returned to the original place and continued to rest.

Wang Lao Er also slept by the tree, and the knife in Fu Yuan's hand should have been wiped, put it in place, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"Do you believe it?" Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawang leaned on the bed to rest. Ye Nongying Xinyu Transmission sneered and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Do you believe that the evil beast swallowed those four people?"

"Ghosts believe it."

Duanmu Yawang's closed eyes opened slightly and peeped toward the place where the four people lay before. The fallen leaves in that place were very messy. There were four very red long blood stains on the fallen leaves, and each blood stain had a footprint on it. , And there are blood spatters on the side to the right of the bloodstain.

She is so familiar with it, this is obviously the result of being cut through the throat with a knife, and blood spurting out in an instant!

In other words, these four people must have been bloodstained by slashing their throats at the same time!

And there are footprints on the blood stains. Looking farther, where the leaves have a downward drag mark, based on these two marks, Duanmu Yawang knew that after someone killed someone, the corpse was dragged away in that direction. NS.

The evil beast swallows people in one bite, and it can't spray out such traces, and it is impossible to have such trailing marks!

Ye Nongying said: "I think it's very likely that after they killed someone, they threw the person to feed the beast."


Generally speaking, it is not Fu Yuan's style to kill people and deal with corpses, but they still have to stay here for a few days. It would be unsightly to put them here, so they simply fed the beasts.

"It's so cruel." Ye Nongying said coldly: "Kill you kill, and you don't even leave a corpse for anyone. Anyway, Gayou and the others will leave a whole corpse for someone!"

"Life and death is the most important thing. Is the whole body important after death?"


Ye Nongying sighed, "They killed those four people because they were Qin Fengyue's subordinates. Since Fu Yuan and Gaiyou are in an alliance, they will naturally not be able to tolerate Qin Fengyue's people here. They will be hidden dangers. , So killed a hundred?"

Duanmu Yawang: "This is the reason."

Ye Nong Ying glanced at the mayor, "When a person is killed, he is killed. The mayor is really hypocritical. He actually made up a lie to deceive us. Are we so stupid? We believe what they say?"

Duanmu Yawang snorted and said, "Moreover, the mood of killing them Fu Yuan has obviously improved."

"Yes, although he just agreed, but the tone is obviously pleasant." Ye Nongying also felt: "How light and gentle is the wiping action."

It's so gentle that it's creepy!

Duanmu Yawang sighed, "I'm really curious about their purpose of coming in, but to be honest, this ghost place is so weird, I don't like it at all."

"You have fallen asleep twice, of course you don't like it." Ye Nongying said very understandingly: "However, I don't like it either. There is no gloomy sunlight at all. I feel uncomfortable for a day. I really don't understand Geyou and the others. How can I stay here for six years."

"Apart from this, don't you find it weird?" Duanmu Yawang reminded her: "Did you forget how we and Gayou and others hurt?"


Ye Nongying exclaimed: "I really think it's unbelievable until now, how can moonlight be so icy and cold, and how can wind bring such a terrible feeling of oppression to people?"

"This is just the external appearance. We have to see the essence through reality." Duanmu Yawang said meaningfully: "We have to think about a lot of questions, such as the sun, the sun, the moon, the moon, and the wind. Why in this black forest, I can’t see the light? Is the sun, moonlight and wind different from the outside? It’s the above that makes the light here different from the light outside?"


Ye Nong Ying Naoren was stunned, "The more you say, the more problems I feel."

"This deep forest is inherently mysterious, and there are already many problems." Duanmu Yawang said seriously: "However, after this incident, I think maybe it is more than just mysterious."

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