
With such a big head and tall people like him, Gayou saw that Duanmu Yawang was also very inconvenient to give medicine to his subordinates, so he didn't force her.

Gayou told several subordinates who were in good spirits: "You just watched and listened to it. Hurry up and divide these ointments with these medicinal waters, and then go and treat the puss for the brothers."


Everyone responded twice and recruited according to their words.

Gayo was worried and followed.

Only Duanmu Ya Wangye Nongying and his three burning subordinates remained in place.

Duanmu Yawang checked the decocting medicine, "It's almost done, it should be done after another quarter of an hour."

"Dwarf thank you."

Subordinate A stretched out his hand and shook it, and said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nong Ying.

Duanmu Yawang feels that they are kind. They have been here for so long and have not received the slightest disrespect. Both of them are surprised at this point. They smiled and shook their heads: "You are welcome."

"Is your master okay with you?" Subordinate Yi Xiao said in a low voice: "Our boss said, your master is a genius and a cruel person. You should have a bad life, right?"

Duanmu Yawang paused and replied, "Fortunately, I can eat and drink without being beaten."

"That's fine." Subordinate A asked again: "Do you like your master?"

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both shook their heads.

Subordinate B said quietly at this time: "Don't worry, you are kind to us, when we kill them, our boss will definitely let you go free."

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids, "Aren't you going to cooperate?"

Subordinate B snorted, "Now it's cooperation, but it's really time to meet the destination. This is something we know each other well."

Duanmu Yawang asked curiously: "Is it worth staying here for six years?"

"It's only six years. If the goal is achieved, sixteen years will be worth it!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help asking: "What is your purpose?"

Subordinate A naturally said: "Get strength and live forever."


Duanmu Yawang couldn't think of such an answer.

"certainly not."

Subordinate B bumped Subordinate A with his elbow, and stared at him with a smile before looking at Duan Muya: "Don't believe what he is talking nonsense."

"That's right, stop talking about this. We haven't seen anyone other than my brothers for a long time. It's so fresh to see you." Another subordinate, B, who has never spoken before, stared at Duanmu Ya and asked curiously: "Yours. Why are the hair and eyes black?"

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "You have to ask why, I don't know how to answer, anyway, it's black when it comes out of the mother's womb."

"What about your parents?"

"Silver-haired purple eyes."

"This is amazing." Subordinate C said: "How can a person with silver hair and purple eyes give birth to a person with black hair and black eyes?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "What I want to say is indeed a bit magical."

Subordinate B added firewood to the stove, leaned in, and said straightforwardly: "You dwarfs are really too small, are you tall or short?"

Ye Nongying said: "The female is of medium height, and it must be shorter than the male."

"How tall is that man usually to be called mighty and tall?"

Ye Nongying probably said a certain height, and all three of them showed disgusting expressions, "That's too short, and the men in your place are not mighty."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both laughed and laughed, speechless.

"But the dwarf's girl is beautiful, delicate and beautiful." I don't know if I am afraid that Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying are sad or not, Subordinate A hastened to add: "You two are more beautiful than the women I have seen. !"


The other two quickly agreed.

Subordinate A was worried about not being praised enough, and added another sentence: "And it's much more beautiful than the wife before the boss."

"What do you chew while I'm not here?" Gayo came back at this time, and slapped everyone on the head with anger: "Will add firewood!"

Several people stick out their tongues and hurried back to guard the stove, not dare to speak any more.

When Gayou came back, the atmosphere was much calmer.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying waited for a while, and the medicine was finally ready.

Hearing Duanmu Yawang said that the frying was done, except for firewood for Class A, B, B and B, Gayou looked at Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying and said: "After you left the barrier, you were also affected by the moonlight, and your bodies were weak. Drink a little before you go back. Bar."

Duanmu Yawang knew that the time to test the drug had arrived.

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawang are actually better medicines, but at this time they naturally can't oppose Gayou and can only nod their heads.

Gayou saw that they were so well-behaved, and was satisfied to let the three people of A, B and C to serve the bowls, and said: "Bring two more than usual."


The three took orders to do it.

Soon, the three brought a pile of bowls.

After bringing the bowls, Ge You reached out and took two of them and placed them on the stove. He took the lead in filling the two halves of the bowl, and then gave them to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, "Please, please."


The two took it, but because it was too hot, they didn't drink it right away.

Gayou didn't urge either, but A, B and C started to pick up the bowl to scoop out the medicinal soup, and Gayou said, "Wait first."


A, B, and C were a little puzzled: "Why?"

Gayou glanced over, and the three of them obediently let go of the spoon they were holding and sat aside.


Little Bailu sighed, "Master, you are right, Gayou really wants you to try the medicine."

Duanmu Yawang didn't feel proud of what was expected, she blew the medicinal soup, and quickly drank half of the medicine.

The same goes for Ye Nong Ying.

Gayo took the bowl back and faintly ordered: "It's not good to be bumpy right after I drank something. I will send someone to send you back after our people finish drinking the soup."


The two of them sat in front of the room and waited.

During this period, Gayo kept staring at the two of them, trying to see the abnormality from their faces.

When Gayou did this, A, B, and B felt that something was wrong, and guessed his purpose for doing this, so he didn't dare to speak.

After a quarter of an hour Moyue, Gayo saw that there was nothing uncomfortable on the faces of the two of them, and then he withdrew his gaze. People, wait until I send them away, you drink again."


The three of A, B and B quietly looked at Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, and then began to pour the medicinal soup.

The little white deer in the medical system tweeted: "Okay, you guessed it again. He really let some people drink it first."

"This is nothing to admire." Duanmu Yawang was not angry, "You see Duanmu Yawang has thought about it a long time ago, so people are not surprised."

"Hmph, I'm just a fool!" Little Bailu pouted, snorted and twisted his head.

At this time, the three people of A, B and C had already filled the medicinal soup, and carried it to others.

Seeing that they had taken all the medicine away, Gayo lost a bowl of medicinal soup by himself, so he drank it hot, and then built a barrier with a wave of his hand, sealing the stove inside, and then I found three subordinates who were in a fairly good state, and said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying: "Now I will send you back."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying said politely and politely: "There is Mr. Laogai."

Gayo didn't answer, and the four lifted up to send them back.

On the way, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying heard Gayou's subordinates ask him several times: "Boss, can you feel unwell?"

Gayo replied: "No."

After asking a few times, he was about to return to Fuyuan’s place of stay. Gayou's subordinate asked again. This time, Gayou’s answer changed, "No discomfort, chest cavity." The pain has subsided and breathing has become much easier."

This part of the journey is not a long one. Why did the subordinates of Gayou never expect to get such an answer, and the subordinates of Gayou screamed, obviously surprised: "This medicine will work?"

Gayou didn't answer, obviously he was in a complicated mood.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other. Duanmu Yawang smiled and said lightly: "Mr. Gai, you have been worried about it from the beginning. In my opinion, human life is very precious, although you and Fuyuan have an interest. There is no conflict with us. We have our principles. Even if Fu Yuan threatens our lives, we cannot kill more than forty of you at once for our two lives."

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