"How is it possible to be simple?" Duanmu Yawang said with no air: "If it were simple, would there be such a complicated array?"

Ye Nongying is so clever that she made a bold guess when she heard it: "In fact, we have not encountered any life-threatening things all the way, until Gayo and others inadvertently shattered hundreds of meters of woods. This is Isn't it that they actually destroyed the formation, the attack that the formation gave back?"

"Actually, I think so too." Duanmu Yawang took out the formation map that the mayor had always placed with her and said: "However, according to my previous speculation, there is no formation in our position, so it is not clear whether it is. what happened."

"In the array, the entire Black Forest may be a huge array? Then the huge array is composed of various incomprehensible small arrays. Perhaps we are in a position where there is no small array, and it is also part of the huge array. This part suffers. Until it is damaged, let us also be attacked."

"It makes sense."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, thinking for a moment, and said: "According to this calculation, the damage to a part of the array will probably also be affected. I don't know if the impact is big."

"At least we can't feel it for a while, don't we?"


Duanmu Yawang yawned and said, "It's none of our own business, and it's none of our business. If we are sleepy, let's go to sleep."

Ye Nongying raised her eyebrows: "We have to follow all the way, so why doesn't it matter to us?"

Duanmu looked at him but didn't laugh, and yawned again: "Go to sleep."

"All right."

The two quickly fell asleep.

After Gaiyou and Fu Yuan made an agreement, the relationship between the two sides became much more harmonious. Although it was not the joking of you and me, when did they come and go calmly.

Gayou needs Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying to help change the dressing. Fu Yuan nodded without saying a word and let Duanmu Yawang and the others follow Gayou.

Duanmu Yawang not only prepares them for the new medicinal soup every day, but also checks the condition of the pustules on their heads.

Under her treatment, both the body and the pustules on the head of Geyou and others are getting better and better.

Gayou estimated that it was also in return that he analyzed the river where they lived and gave them a bath, hands, and feet, and occasionally baked food, and let his subordinates send half of them.

Of course, there were secret conversations between the two.

Almost every day, Geyou would come over to find Fu Yuan, and then the two went to a place to talk in secret. Only two people knew the content of the conversation, and even the mayor did not dare to ask Fu Yuan.

However, Fu Yuan had asked her whether the formation she believed was solved.

Duanmu Yawang felt inexplicable at the time, and said: "There is still a long way to go without a formation. Only after passing this section of the road and reaching the range of the formation, I need to observe the natural situation of the formation before I can solve the formation. Now it is really solved. No more."

Fu Yuan seemed to be dissatisfied with the answer, his face was not so good, but he didn't blame him, only said: "I take a serious look at the array every day."

Duanmu Yawang: "I watch it every day, but I still have to go there to solve the battle."

Fu Yuan took a deep look at her, then turned and left.

Ye Nongying is very keen. After Fu Yuan left, he glanced at Duanmu Yawang, and said to her, "Why do I think you seem to be a lot bolder? You don't seem to be afraid of Fu Yuan anymore?"

Duanmu Yawang's face was innocent: "Is there?"

"Yes." Ye Nongying said affirmatively: "And I have seen your eyeballs twitching around several times in the past few days. It's obviously a horrible idea. Tell me if you want to rebel?"

Duanmu Yawang turned his back to Fu Yuan and the others and smiled meaningfully: "What if I say yes?"


Ye Nongying took a sigh of relief, and looked at her with an expression of whether you were crazy: "Want to die?"

"You're just looking for death." Duanmu Yawang was out of anger.

"What are you talking about in secret?" As soon as the two of them made a small move, Wang Lao Er always appeared on time and warned: "The boss makes you look at the array picture carefully?"


Ye Nongying sticks out her tongue and pulls through the pattern, and squeezes out a smile at Wang Lao Er: "Second master, we will take a good look now. Don't worry."

Wang Lao Er snorted, then glared at Duanmu Yawang before leaving.

So one day, Duanmu Yawang not only ate, drank, and slept, but also watched the formation with Ye Nongying, or went to Gayou's station to change a new prescription for them, and was sent back after drinking the medicine.

Three days passed.

Gayou came to find Fu Yuan that night, but this time the two did not hide from the chat, but discussed in front of everyone.

Gayo said, "It's been three days, and everyone's health has almost recovered. It's already this day, should we start a little better as soon as possible?"

Fu Yuan nodded: "Tomorrow?"


Gayou is very satisfied with Fu Yuan at this time: "Then where shall we meet tomorrow?"

"Many of you are also the only way we are going. We will find you to gather." After Fu Yuan finished speaking, he suddenly pointed to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying and said again: "But the dwarf is not walking fast, for us There is no delay in the itinerary. We need a few people to carry both of them. You can send four people over."

Gayo was obviously dissatisfied with this arrangement: "Didn't you have four subordinates before?" His own people didn't use it, but instructed his people to do things, so he naturally felt sorry for his brother.

Fu Yuan simply said: "Nothing."

"That's good." Gayou looked around, and he didn't see those four people. Thinking about Duanmu Yawang's kindness to his brothers, he didn't care about this.

Gayo: "Since we are going to work together, do we have to get to know each other?"

Fu Yuan raised his eyes and looked at him: "Who don't you know yet?"

Guy You pointed to Wang Laoer and the mayor, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying have passed by many times in the past few days. He already knew their names and knew each other a long time ago.

Wang Lao Er and the mayor, but he has never known each other.

"My second brother, Wang Lao Er." Fu Yuan pointed to Wang Lao Er after explaining, then pointed to the mayor and said: "This old gentleman is the mayor of Banyue Bay. You can call him the mayor."

When Fu Yuan introduced Wang's second child, Gayo glanced over and nodded politely, and called out Brother Wang.

When he arrived at the mayor, Geyou stared at him for several times before saying: "Ban Yuewan didn't expect to have such an old gentleman. I am also familiar with it, so I didn't pay attention."

The mayor smiled and looked kindly: "It is normal for Mr. Guy to not pay attention to me. After all, I am just a very ordinary old man, no matter what is not noticeable."

"This is a bad remark. Those who can come here with Brother Fu are all capable people." When Gayo said, he gave a respect to his elders.

"Mr. Guy is polite." The mayor hurriedly helped, and the two looked at each other and smiled, both of them seemed to admire each other very much.

After chatting for a few words, Gayou also said goodbye: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore, when the night is dark, see you tomorrow when we gather."

"Mr. Guy walks slowly."

The mayor handed over.

After Gayou left, the mayor still smiled, and he seemed to be in a very happy mood. He also said to the other people who looked at him: "Everyone, go to sleep. If you can't get up tomorrow, I will neglect others."


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both responded and looked at each other. They both saw their doubts from the bottom of each other's eyes.

However, Ye Nongying was obviously not interested in talking about it. She was forced to watch the formation with Duanmu Yawang, who didn't understand the formation these days. She was exhausted physically and mentally, and she became sleepy every time it was time.

She yawned and looked at Duanmuya: "I'm asleep."


Duanmuya answered her mouth and saw the mayor's three people closing their eyes to sleep. She secretly pulled Ye Nongying's sleeves and said to her, "Don't sleep now." "


Ye Nongying saw her heart voice transmission, knowing that he might have something to say, she yawned and reluctantly asked, "Do you have anything else you want to say?"


Duanmu Yawang said solemnly: "Let's find a chance to escape tonight."


Ye Nongying was frightened, choked by her own saliva, and opened her half-asleep eyes suddenly. While covering her lips and coughing, she calmly spoke to her heart: "I heard it wrong. Or are you crazy?"

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