The man took off his hat, and Duan Muya took a look. The pustules on this man's head were densely packed, almost every one of them was peanut-sized, and the entire scalp was red and swollen with pustules.


The little white deer in the medical system had seen Gayo's head, but was still very curious about the pustule on this person's head, so he even stared at the movement of the person's hand, waiting to see what it was like.

At this sight, he felt nauseous.

Where did he see such a head, and while nauseous, he covered his mouth and said: "It's disgusting." He fully understands why these people wear hoods, dozens of them, if you look at dozens of them every day My head is probably too disgusting to live anymore.

Duanmu Yawang was not angry: "Don't look at it if you are sick."

Yin Huiyin also looked uncomfortable, immediately closed his eyes, stood up and said to the little white deer: "For nothing, don't look at it, go to the lake to practice with me."

"All right."

Little Bailu wrinkled his face and was about to go with Yin Huiyin. Duanmu Yawang stopped him: "Wait, get me some medicine from the cabinet first."

Little Bailu turned her back and asked without daring to look at it, "Which cabinet is the medicine in?"

"Wait a minute."

Duanmu Yawang took a closer look at the pustule on this person's head, determined the type and symptoms of the pustule, and had a general idea in his heart, and said to Xiao Bailu: "First, bring me two cans of disinfectant, which is the last big shelf. It takes two cans of disinfectant as big as a bucket of ."

"so much?"

Little Bailu stayed, and didn't agree with him: "You only have a dozen cans in total, don't you feel bad after using two cans at once?"

"Don't worry, that kind of disinfectant is rarely used."

She didn't think it was a pity, these things all have a certain shelf life, and they are useless after the shelf life. Moreover, as long as there is enough space and materials, she can also make better substitutes in this world.

"okay then."

Now that Duanmu Yawang has said so, Xiao Bailu can't say anything. Yiyan mentioned two large cans of disinfectant to make Duanmu Yawang more convenient. "Is only the disinfectant enough?"

"Of course not enough."

Duanmu Yawang talked about the serial number of a cabinet, "Where is the ointment, you help me take ten out of it."

Little Bailu did what he said.

But wherever I saw it, only twelve were placed.

He instantly felt a pain for Duanmu Yawang, "Ten, you are really willing."

"Well, you miser, these things are all made by myself, made with Chinese medicine, and I want to make another twelve expenses at any time."

"okay then."

Little Bailu nodded helplessly, and took it out for her, "Is there anything else to take?"


After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, she pondered, she looked at Gayou, and said, "Mr. Gai, I will give you my own medicine for a long time. It will be much better than using the medicine to grind it into powder. However, I will treat you the pustules. Regarding the matter, you need to cooperate with me. At the same time, you can't mention this matter with Fu Yuan and the others. I wonder if it can be done?"


"That's good." Duanmu Yawang picked up the Qiankun bag, pointed to the house closest to him, and asked, "Is there anyone in this house?"

"That's my house." Gayo said: "What's the matter?"

"Borrow it." Duanmu Yawang was afraid of his misunderstanding, and explained softly: "I will go in for a while and come out soon."


Duanmu Yawang stood up, and Ye Nongying pulled her arm: "What are you going to do?"

Duanmu Yawang patted her arm to soothe her: "It's okay, I'll be back soon."

Only then did Ye Nongying let go, and Duanmu Ya looked forward to walking away.

Gayo: "Would you like someone to help you?"

"No." She can walk for ten steps.

She didn't go in for a long time before she came out.

After coming out, she whispered to Geyou: "Take out the water in the bucket from the house, please bring out the contents of the bowl."

When Guyou heard this, doubts appeared in his eyes.

Because there are two wooden barrels in her room, but there is no water in them.

He hesitated for a moment, not knowing what he thought of, he nodded after looking in a direction, and entered his house.

After he entered, he saw a few wooden bowls on the tabletop, filled with things, and they smelled of medicine.

And inside the barrel, there is water with a strange smell.

The water is bubbling a little, which looks strange.

In any case, he still took out the wooden barrels and one of them.

The few subordinates of Gayou looked strange when he saw him coming out with the bucket in one hand and the bowl in the other, and they all leaned together to take a look.

"What to see, walk around." Guy You got angry, and pushed the heads of several people aside, and put the wooden barrel in front of Duanmu Yawang, while the bowl was held by himself.

As soon as Ga You approached, Ye Nongying could smell the medicine and the peculiar smell. She thought of something flexibly, looked at Duanmuya and said, "Where did you get the medicine?"

"I will tell you then."

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, pointing to the water in the wooden bucket, he explained to Guy Youji: "This is a disinfectant. The reason why you have pustules on your head is because you have not seen the sun for many years. The environment is moist and moldy. For fungi, pustules must be disinfected. It will be better to remove some of the bacteria and apply ointment."

After speaking, he pointed to the bowl again: "This is the ointment."

Gayo: "Understood, how do you use these two?"

Duan Muya looked at it and said, "I will show it to you."

When she said that, she picked up the water scoop in the bucket and filled it with a small scoop of disinfectant water, and said to the subordinate sitting in front of her: "You sit and keep your head down, I will disinfect you now."

After speaking, she poured water onto his head carefully.

The shower came out with yellow dense but dirty bubbles.


The others were stunned, "What kind of water is this, is it so magical?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer. Ga You cared about his subordinates. Instead, he asked the subordinate who had been sprayed with disinfectant with his head down: "How do you feel? Will it hurt?"

The subordinate replied: "Boss, don't worry, it doesn't hurt, it feels very refreshing and comfortable."

Gayou was relieved now, but he was still afraid of something wrong, so he stared at Duanmu Yawang's movements carefully.

"This is actually a potion. It is very rare. You need to control the dosage." When Duanmu Yawang said, he had already disinfected him with a disinfectant. "You are in a serious condition. You can disinfect it twice."

By the second time, the bubbles had been reduced a lot, and the bubbles were much whiter.

People are all curious, and the subordinates of Guyu curiously asked, "Why is it white this time?"

"Clean, it was too dirty the first time."

"So that's it." The subordinate felt embarrassed and touched the tip of his nose without asking.

"After two times, the medicine can be applied." Duanmu Yawang waved to Ga You, who held the bowl and handed it to her.

Duanmu Yawang had already put a spoon in the bowl, she used a spoon to spoon a spoonful of ointment on the person's head, and evenly applied it to the person's red and swollen head.

After the application, the subordinate who was applied was pleasantly surprised to Gayou: "Boss, it's so comfortable, the cold puss no longer itch."

Gayou looked disgusted: "I see, don't sit on the ground, get up."

The subordinates got up with a smile, and thanked Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang shook his head and said, "This ointment is very malleable. You can apply it once with a spoon. This bowl is enough for forty of you to apply it once. I gave you six bowls, and you apply them for three days. The pustules will deflate and the redness and swelling will disappear. Just wait for the scab to form."

Gayou's subordinates have bright eyes: "It will be all right in three days?"

Duanmu Yawang: "The scabs start to form in three days, and it will take a few days for the scabs to fall off."

The subordinates are satisfied: "That's also very fast."

Duanmu Yawang said: "However, you'd better clean the house these days, don’t wear hoods on your head, and take a bath every day. Be careful not to get water on your ointmented head during bathing. ."

Hijab nodded, soiled her hands with the ointment applied to someone, and then ordered a subordinate: "Scoop a scoop of water and let someone wash their hands."


The subordinate took the order and immediately took water to wash his hands for Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang said while washing his hands: "You have a lot of people, and I can't stay here too much. You have also seen how I did it. You help each other disinfect and apply medicine."

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