Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying gave Ah Liang two consecutive injections, and this treatment was completed.

After completion, they began to clean the used silver needles.

Watching them put the silver needle back into the needle bag, Fu Yuan asked, "Okay?"

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "Life is okay."

Gayo seemed relieved. "Thank you."

With these two words, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other in amazement. They came to this Baizhou, this is the first time someone has thanked them so formally.

For a moment, the two of them didn't know what to say, they only asked two words to pay attention to, and they were busy cleaning their hands and stopped making any movements.

It took less than half an hour to heal A Liang.

It takes at least half an hour for the medicinal soup to boil. Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying understand that it is impossible for them to leave now, so they are also very acquainted. They asked, "I don’t know how the medicinal soup is going. Let’s go out and watch. Watch the fire?"

Gayo nodded meaningfully: "Okay."

As a result, they were asked to go to bed, and they were lifted to the side of the stove.

There were people sitting in front of the three stoves that were making fire and adding firewood. Several people were chatting. They heard the footsteps and saw that it was Gayo and others. They quickly stood up: "Boss."

Gayou nodded, Duanmu Yawang and the two sat on the sun, watching the fire under the pot, "It's too hot, let's draw less firewood."

Gayou’s subordinates followed suit, and one of them asked Gayou: "Boss, how is A Liang? Is there any help?"

"Life is worry-free."

"That's good."

There were joyful expressions on everyone's faces, and then they secretly looked at Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying.

Everyone rarely sees a dwarf, who feels like a child, but is particularly light and agile, and can't help but look and look again.

"A group of gentlemen, always staring at the ladies, it's rude!" Guyou reached out his hand and held the head of a subordinate next to him, and taught, "Go out and look again, ladies!"

Gayou's subordinate sighed, "Boss, you are about to break the pus on my head, it hurts me to death."

Duanmu Yawang saw that they were all wearing hoods on their heads, but they couldn't see their heads. Thinking of A Liang in the house before, he also had pustules on his head, and couldn't help asking: "You all have cells on your heads. ?"


Guy You said indifferently: "Brothers are all grown, this place is not for people."

Duanmu Yawang wanted to ask, since it is not for humans, why have you stayed here for five years?

Of course, she is not suitable to ask.

However, when one of the subordinates in the head of Guyou saw that there was a little pus on the hat on his hand, one of the subordinates hurriedly scooped a scoop of water and came over, "Boss, my head is dirty. Don't use it in the future to save it. Got his own hands."

"I know, don't you guys stare at the girls, do you know?"

Gayou glared at the subordinate, and while washing his hands, he educateed: "In the future, you will find women who are looking for virtuous people. It's useless to know if you look good! Otherwise, you will all be your boss!"


Several people became cautious when they heard Gayo take the initiative to bring up their own affairs, and they didn't dare to stay longer on this topic, and quickly moved to other topics to talk.

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawangxin said: "Gaiyou has a good relationship with his subordinates, and he looks rude and attentive. He feels that his character should not be bad. He should be a little bit powerful, his property. It must be enough to support his wife and children. I feel that this matter is indeed his wife's problem."

"I don't know the whole picture, don't comment, don't forget, they killed a lot of people." After Duanmu Yawang said, he added: "However, he and others are indeed much easier to get along with than Fu Yuan and others."

"Yes." Ye Nongying commented: "Fu Yuan is indifferent, Wang's second child is annoying, and the mayor is hypocritical."

"Hypocrisy?" Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "How can you see it?"

"Feeling." Ye Nongying curled his lips. "He helped us out on the face, and when Wang Lao Er said about us, he was silent, but he was silent every time when a problem was really involved. Isn't this hypocritical? "

After speaking, he narrowed his eyes: "Don't tell me you don't think he is sincere to us."

Duanmu Ya looked at him and said: "It is indeed hypocritical."

"That's not bad." Ye Nongying was satisfied.

Fu Yuan’s subordinates chatted a few words, and their eyes couldn’t help looking curiously at Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, and asked where they came from. Duanmu Yawang answered and asked: "Most of the dwarfs who come here are Going to the endless city, should you do the same?"

"Yes, so are we."

Gayou shook his head and said, "We don't dare to go anywhere in Hongzhou. You dwarfs are too weak but you still want to go. Why are you not afraid of death?"

"Is it so scary?"

"You outsiders are too naive." After Gayo finished speaking, he asked curiously: "In other words, why don't you dwarfs go to the endless city directly to Hongzhou? Every time you come, you always come to Baizhou, and I get caught every time I come."

Everyone came in through the door that appeared on the mountain. I guess this is the reason.

Of course, this can't be said, Duanmu Yawang shrugged: "It is estimated that we are all going in the wrong direction."

Then, what did she think of, she turned her eyes, and smiled: "Mr. Guy, why not do this, you tell us about the things you know about the endless city, how about we treat you the puss on the top of your head?"

As soon as he said this, Gayou didn't show any expression, but his subordinates' eyes lit up.

Gayo did not speak, his subordinates were a little nervous, and one of them bumped him with an elbow: "Boss, this is a bargain exchange. The pustules on our heads hurt and itchy. They have tortured us for almost five years. , Don't you want to cure it?"

Gayou glared at the subordinate, his eyes extremely majestic.

The subordinate hurriedly lowered his head, and dared not say any more when he withdrew his hand.

Gayou then retracted his gaze and looked at Duanmu Ya: "We generally seldom pay attention to Hongzhou, and don't know much, but if you really want to go, pay attention to mirages, because there will be many mirages every day, just like dreams. Normal. But the mirage in reality is illusory, but the mirage in Hongzhou does exist. If you make a mistake, you may go to a place you don’t know. It is said that after reaching the endless city, there is no mirage. Yes, although it is a city, it also belongs to a sea area. Since the natural water source is different from the sea area, please pay attention to the direction of the water source when you go."

This is the time that Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying have heard the most information about the endless city.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't hide his excitement, "Haishi Chenlou is real. Doesn't it mean that if you enter a mirage, it is like choosing a road without turning back, and each road will go to a different place?"

Gayo: "Yes, that's understandable."

Ye Nongying felt that the information was not enough: "Mr. Guy, what else do you know?"

Gayou shook his head: "I have said everything I know." After finishing speaking, he stared at the two of them: "Since you were caught by Fu Yuan, you can't have a chance to escape. Why are you still dreaming about the endless city?"

Ye Nongying said: "The affiliated courtyard said that he will let us go after we leave the Black Forest."

"Fu Yuan said?" Guy You snorted, "Do you believe what he said?"

Ye Nongying: "Fu Yuan still feels credible."

Gayou laughed again, no longer commenting, and only said: "I think Fu Yuan came in this time, he must have made a lot of preparations in the past few years. You leave, but at least you must have the ability to live in the Black Forest for a year."

"that is."

One of the subordinates in Gai especially said: "We have been living uncomfortably these years. Your dwarfs are weak. It is estimated that it will be a problem for a few months."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and did not continue the topic, and said to the person closest to him: "Come here, please, I will show you the puss on your head now."

When the man heard this, he didn't go over immediately. He looked at Gayou for instructions, and he nodded before he passed.

He is too high, he can't see it when he approaches Duanmu Yawang, and said: "I can't see it, can you please sit on the ground?"

The man sat down very cooperatively.

He sat down, the two were very close, and Duanmu Yawang could smell the unpleasant smell of each other.

Duan Muya looked at him and said, "Take off your hat."

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