Duanmu Yawang was not angry either, and said lightly: "Mr. Gai, I don't think it's time to talk about this, what do you think?"

Gayou didn't answer, and patted the shoulders of the two subordinates before looking at Duanmuya: "You can go in and show A Liang to see the situation."


The two nodded and went to the bedside.

The person lying on the bed looked a little thin in his thirties, his face was pale, his lips were so white that there was no trace of blood, but his eyes were blue and swollen, and his mouth, ears and nose had blood stains.

Obviously, he bleeds through seven holes.

Seven-hole bleeding is not easy to deal with, and the severe one will die on the spot. He estimates that the internal strength is good, and the damage received is not that instant fatal, so he can barely hold on.

Duanmu Ya glanced at Ye Nong Ying: "Should we divide the work?"

Seven holes bleed, chest and heart and lungs are also injured. Separate examinations will be much faster.

Ye Nongying nodded: "Yes."

Ye Nongying was in a tacit agreement with her. The two of them had a pulse, and the other checked A Liang's eyes, nose, and ears.

Duanmu Yawang was in charge of the pulse signal. After the pulse signal, she frowned, stood up and bent over and pressed her ear to A Liang's chest to listen to something.

After listening for a while, she reached out and took off A Liang's shirt.

As soon as he took off his shirt, he saw that his chest and abdomen were all purple and black!

Because the area is too large and the color is too purple and black, it looks shocking!

"Oh my God!"

The two people who had been serving in A Liang's room looked at them, and they were all stunned, "I, we all looked at the position of his seven holes, no, we didn't pay attention to his places."

With such an abdomen, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the situation is serious.

Duanmu Yawang was not surprised by the condition of A Liang's abdomen. Obviously she had guessed it. She stretched out her hand to gently press on the position of A Liang's chest and abdomen.

On the other side, Ye Nongying checked A Liang's face and head, and also checked his neck, and pressed his fingertips on his throat.


He burped momentarily, and suddenly blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Why is there blood again?" Geyou asked with an unpleasant face.

Duan Muya looked at him: "There is blood in his body and he can't vomit it out. In fact, he is seriously injured. You guys should have worked together to hang him with spiritual power, right?"


"This is good, at least it really delayed him and gave him a sigh of relief." After Duanmu Yawang's evaluation, he said again: "But he is very difficult to breathe now. Fortunately, we come quickly. If we come back late For a quarter of an hour, he estimated that this breath would not last."

After speaking, she reached into the Qiankun bag and took out the needle bag.

It was a silver needle bag, she noticed it when she took the medicinal materials just now.

Gayou's eyes lit up: "In other words, can you cure it?"

"Of course." Duanmu Yawang smiled. She looked at the wooden cup in the room, and she lifted the wooden kettle, which was full of water.

After reaching a cup of water, she took a silver needle, and passed the needle packet in her hand towards the night: "Let's use it together."


Therefore, Duanmu Yawang chose to insert silver needles into Gayo's chest and abdomen.

Ye Nongying inserted the silver needles into Gayo's forehead, behind his ears and in the middle of the person, and two into his neck.

Not long after the Silver Needle was inserted, A Liang's mouth kept bleeding out, and at the same time, his mouth opened, and his throat made a weird gasping sound.

Duanmu Ya looked at it and said, "Wipe off the blood for him."

Gayo's subordinates did so.

This lasted for about a quarter of an hour, Ye Nongying stretched out his hand to explore the place in his neck and among the people, and looked at Duanmuya: "I feel that the heat is enough, and the needle is about to be removed."


Duanmu Yawang also felt that the time was almost up, and the two of them pulled out the silver needle together and threw it into the cup that had been poured with water.

After the acupuncture was completed, when Duanmu Yawang gave A Liang's pulse again, he obviously felt that his pulse was a little normal, and his breathing became much smoother.

Duan Muya looked at him: "The next step, neither I nor Nongying can do. Please help Mr. Gai to sit him up, and then find someone to give him a little spiritual energy into his heart, and help him with the rest. Clean up the blood accumulated in the organs or chest cavity."


Gayou didn't hesitate, and said, "I will lose the spiritual power."

Little Bailu couldn't help saying: "Seriously, this Gayo looks reckless, but he really has nothing to say to his subordinates. He obviously cares about his subordinates, and everyone is very convinced of him."

Duanmu Yawang also noticed this.

She hummed, and said to Guyu: "Mr. Guy, you can't be too violent when you lose. You have to control your strength. It's best to go in slowly like a cool breeze. Too strong alcohol will cause the organs in his body twice. Damaged."

"Understood." Gayo nodded, "Apart from this, is there anything else that needs attention?"


"Okay." Gayu didn't ask too much, he went to bed and sat down, asked two subordinates to help him up, and he began to lose spiritual power to A Liang.

After losing his spiritual power for about ten seconds, Ah Liang frowned, and then with a grunt, black bloodshots came out of his throat continuously.

As soon as the blood came out, someone wiped it off, and it didn't stain his clothes.

While they were doing this, Duanmu Yawang reached into the Qiankun bag and began to search for the contents.

There are many medicinal materials and some necessary tools for ancient healers, but there are very few pills and the like.

There were a lot of medicinal materials in it. After searching for a long time, she found a dozen or so bottles of medicine. She took out these medicine bottles and smelled the medicine with Ye Nongying.

Among these medicines, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying only found a bottle of medicine that could be used on A Liang.

Ye Nongying exchanged opinions with her Xinyu Transmission: "Only this kind of medicine is suitable."

"Yeah." Duanmu Yawang agreed, "However, it's just a bit suitable."

Ye Nongying: "A little fit is also suitable. For him now, it can also save his life."


Speaking of this, Duanmu Yawang actually remembered one thing, the medicine Fu Yuan gave them.

She had smelled the two pills, but they were actually more suitable for A Liang, but she threw them away.

Another point is that such medicine is not in these medicine bottles, and there are not many particularly good medicinal materials in it. Obviously, there is no real good thing in the Qiankun bag.

Duanmu Yawang remembered again that he had never seen this Universe Bag before, and it was estimated that there was a Universe in the Universe.

In other words, this Qiankun bag is placed in the mayor's Qiankun bag, and the mayor may have many such bags, otherwise Fu Yuan would not be willing to give her a whole Qiankun bag of medicine to help Gaiyou They treat illnesses.

Thinking of this, she took out the bottle of medicine from the inside. Seeing that there was no black blood spilling from A Liang's mouth, Ga You was obviously sweating on her cheeks because of the loss of spiritual power, so she said: "It's okay."

Gayo and others stopped, and put him back on the bed carefully.

"Wait a moment."

Duanmu Yawang stopped them, handed the medicine bottle in his hand to one of Gayou's subordinates, and said, "Feed him two first and lie back."

So Gayo's subordinates brought water to give Aliang medicine.

After feeding, Gayou wiped his sweat and asked, "What else should I do next?"

"Next I need a basin of water and a few containers that can hold water. These cups are estimated to be insufficient. After preparing these, we will continue to give the rest to us. We will continue to use silver needles to guide his body. of."


Guyu's subordinates are busy again.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both continued to give Ah Liang acupuncture treatment.

They were sitting, Gayou watching by the side, Duan Muya said: "Mr. Gai, your body is also weak, in fact, you can go to rest first, this is your site, you don't have to worry about anything."

Gayou glanced at her and didn't answer, but his eyes were a bit big, which was actually quite fierce when looking at people.

Duanmuya didn't seem to be afraid of anything. Seeing that he didn't consider his opinions, she stopped talking. After the silver needle was inserted, she stood aside and waited.

Gayou looked rude, but he was attentive, considering that they were uncomfortable and even asked people to bring chairs to sit for them.

However, they...can't sit on the giant's chair.

In the end, it was someone else pulling them up before climbing up and sitting on them.

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