It's as empty as a dying person.

Ye Nongying, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was actually very bottomless, and the mayor asked her: "The girl's skin color is normal. Is it all right?"

Ye Nongying shook his head: "The pulse is still very chaotic, and the heart pulse is not normal. It's definitely not that two pills will be completely healed after a while, and it will definitely be treated later."

"Then when will she wake up?"

"Not sure."

Ye Nongying answered truthfully, she really didn't know. She didn't know the specifics of her grandfather's medicine, only that it was a life-saving medicine, and the effect seemed to be quite long.

It was only about an hour, and the two medicines hadn't fully exerted their effects, so she was not in a hurry, instead she was afraid that wearing wet clothes would make her catch cold.

After thinking for a while, she said to Fu Yuan: "Da Master, Yawang's clothes are soaked, I want to change her clothes."

Fu Yuan nodded and nodded.

The mayor said: "If you change clothes, everyone should turn their backs."

Everyone turned their backs.

However, Ye Nongying was still uneasy. She built a barrier so that people outside could not see the situation inside before changing clothes with Duanmu Yawang.

After the change, she withdrew the enchantment.

However, Duanmu Yawang still did not wake up.

Everyone waited left and right, from noon until night fell.

Wang Lao Er looked at the sky and frowned and said to Fu Yuan: "She seems to have said before that this enchantment can only last for half a day, is it almost time now?"

Fu Yuan didn't answer, and Wang Lao Er said again: "The sky is getting dark, and there is no sunlight. If this barrier disappears again, will Gayou and the others make a comeback?"

"The little girl is badly hurt, and it's useless to be anxious at this time." When the mayor said, he pointed in a direction: "If the barrier disappears and she hasn't woken up, we will run from that direction."

The direction pointed by the mayor happened to be the opposite direction from which Guyu and others had left.

To avoid encountering them, it is best to go in the opposite direction.

"Why don't you change the direction." Wang Lao Er hesitated to express his concerns: "If Gayo also guessed our thoughts, should he move to the opposite direction to stop us?"

After all, the trees are only a few hundred meters away, and it is not difficult for them to make a circle.

The mayor felt reasonable and nodded to agree, but Fu Yuan said: "Continue to go where we are going."

Wang Lao Er was puzzled: "Boss, that direction is the direction where Gayo and the others left. What if they are waiting for us on the spot?"

Fu Yuan said lightly: "I know Gayo, he will consider everything before he does something, and he will not leave it alone in any direction."

The mayor understood immediately, "You mean, he will arrange some people in every direction?"


Wang Lao Er: "Understood, in this way, which direction is the same, it is better to just go in the direction we want to go."

Fu Yuan hummed.

Ye Nongying sat on the nun, let Duanmu Yawang lie on her lap, listening to their conversation without saying a word, she gave her pulse after a while.

Fortunately, with every pulse, she can feel her body getting better, she is no longer so weak, and her lip color has also recovered.

After a while, she gave her pulse again, took out a small bottle from her waist, and fed her another medicine.

She moved very carefully, because she was sitting with her back to other people, and no one else noticed this time.

After taking the medicine, Ye Nongying was also a little tired, and she closed her eyes and rested.

After waking up again, it was almost two hours later. She pulsed for Duanmu Yawang again. The chaotic pulse was almost calmed down, but her breath was still a little weak.

But I am sure my life is safe.

She was relieved.

At this time, she also realized that the night was already late.

She raised her head and glanced up, because without the cover of trees, she could see a very peaceful night sky.

The night sky was dark blue, dotted with dots of stars, and the moonlight was bright, spreading silver frost on the ground.

Looking at the moonlight, Ye Nongying looked up and looked for the moon, only to find that the moon hung on the starry sky behind her was very round, probably because of the terrain, and the moon appeared close and large.

The moon in the middle of the sky actually looks bigger than the sun when it goes down.

"No wonder the moonlight is so bright." Ye Nongying murmured, and looked down at Duanmu Yawang. She was originally dressed in white, and against the moonlight was Shengxue in white, and her face was facing upwards. Against the moonlight, the whole face was white and flawless.

She is like a snow fairy who has fallen asleep under the moon.

As soon as this idea came out in her mind, Ye Nongying couldn't help but laugh at the corners of her mouth. What did she think, Duanmu Yawang was agile, how could she be a fairy of ice and snow?


At this moment, Duanmu Yawang on her lap suddenly choked.

"Woke up?"

Ye Nongying's heart was ecstatic, and before he spoke, the others heard the sound immediately, and they gathered around.

Duanmu Ya looked at the head shaking twice, twisted her eyebrows in pain, Ye Nongying immediately kneaded her temples, and said unpleasantly: "Everyone, don't make a noise, you are giants, and the voice that speaks casually is for us. It's too loud, she's weak now, and being too noisy is a painful thing for her."


Wang Lao Er couldn't help but complain.

Ye Nongying pursed her lips and forcibly suppressed her anger. While kneading for Duanmu Yawang, she put a few wisps of spiritual energy into Duanmu Yawang's head through the kneaded fingertips.

After the spiritual energy entered, Duanmu Yawang's frowning brows really loosened.

After a while, her eyelashes fluttered twice before she opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes and regained her consciousness, she suddenly felt that all her bones and muscles were sore, her chest and abdomen were also painful, and she was a bit hard to breathe.

She saw Ye Nongying at the first sight and blinked: "You...cough cough!"

As soon as I opened my mouth, my throat coughed dry and itchy.

Ye Nongying hurriedly fed her a drink.

Duanmu Yawang drank some water to feel comfortable. She remembered what happened before she fainted. Her eyelids twitched and wanted to check her spiritual power, but she was too weak and had to give up.

She always felt that it was a little unusual to be quiet. She felt that something was missing. It took a while to remember that the medical system was too quiet. It should have happened that she woke up, and Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu would not be so quiet.

She glanced at the medical system and found that Xiao Bailu was lying quietly on the small bed, while Yin Huiyin was lying on the ground.

Duanmu Yawang soon felt that something was wrong. Although Yin Huiyin was a bone, but because he had stayed in a dark and dirty place for too long, the most annoying thing was sloppyness, and it was impossible to just lie on the ground like this.

Also, the little white deer slept too hard.

The two of them were affected by themselves, so they fell asleep, right?

Thinking about this, she pretended to be uncomfortable, reached in and touched the little white deer, and found that his temperature was a bit high, but his breathing was normal, and other conditions were normal.

Yin Huiyin had a bone, and she couldn't detect the situation for him.

But there was still some urgency, she asked Ye Nongying: "What happened after I passed out?"

Ye Nongying told him about the chaos in his body and the hotness all over his body.

Duanmu Ya looked at and listened, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

She must have affected the two of them, just like when she was in a coma on Exile Street and Xiao Bailu was also in a coma.

She is awake, they are extraordinary people, they must be fine.

After relaxing, she knew that she was lying halfway on Ye Nongying's lap, so she struggled to sit up.

Ye Nongying was out of anger: "Lie down first, you don't have the strength to sit now."

"You rest, I'm sitting against you, it should be ok."

Ye Nongying's legs were indeed numb, and seeing that she refused to listen, she had to help her sit up.

After sitting up, she leaned her head on Duanmu Yawang's shoulders before she had time to look around and asked: "We are still in the barrier? Why is this a clearing? Can I still see the moon?"

Ye Nongying explained a sentence or two to her.

Duanmu Ya looked at his eyelids, "You mean, these trees were destroyed by the spiritual power of Gayou and others?"


Ye Nongying also told her about the situation of Gayou and others, and Duanmu Yawang frowned.

When Ye Nongying looked at it, she was a little worried: "Why, is there any problem?"

Duanmu Yawang really felt that there was a problem: "Ordinary people, even if they don't see the sun for a long time, they just feel a little uncomfortable, or a little bit dazzling, they should not bleed so severely from the seven holes."

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