The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1942: Discomfort, bleeding from seven holes

It's been a long time since everyone had such a bright light, everyone was very happy at first, and they all laughed.

In the enchantment, Ye Nong Ying probed Duanmu Yawang's situation and found that her situation seemed to be getting more and more complicated.

"How can she have such a powerful aura in her body?" Ye Nongying asked secretly, "Could it be that the aura in her body is all gushing out together?"

No, it's not right.

Soon, she denied this guess.

Because, if it were her, even if the power in her body was exhausted to the point of drying up, the spiritual power released would not be as much as 10% of her body!

Of course, this 10% may be overestimated by her herself!

She felt that the spiritual power in Duanmu Yawang's body was very strange, and the changes in her body were also weird. At first, it was not too serious to check, but soon, as those powers boiled and rolled, her body temperature became higher and higher, almost immediately. But her fair skin was turned red.

She suddenly looked like a cooked shrimp!

Fu Yuan, the mayor and Wang Lao Er were all shocked by the rapid change in Duanmu Yawang.

Fu Yuan's eyebrows condensed and asked Ye Nongying: "What the **** is wrong with her?"

"Didn't you say it, you're going to be crazy!"

Ye Nongying said irritably.

Fu Yuan is very concerned about the life and death of Duanmu Yawang, this is very clear, but she cares about her more than any of them.

The situation in Duanmu Yawang's body is getting worse.

Her body was too hot, and she felt that her skin would also be burned when she held her.

The temperature is too high, and she is constantly sweating.

Giving her her pulse, she even discovered that she could not detect it clearly, because the temperature was too high, her pulse, or something, had long been disordered like a pot of porridge, and sometimes no information was even detected!

If she continues like this, it is estimated that the spiritual power in her body will really cook her alive!

Seeing Duanmu Yawang's almost **** face, she bit her teeth, and then stretched out her hand to touch her waist.

She took out a small, delicate box the size of a knuckle.

She opened the box and took out two very small black pills from it.

When Wang Lao Er saw it, he was almost dizzy: "You actually have medicine in it?"

Ye Nongying didn't answer him, and fed the medicine to Duanmu Yawang.

In fact, Wang Lao Er is right, this is indeed the medicine she hid.

This medicine was the most proud research of her grandfather's life. It was very difficult to make. It could not be made with the materials. It was very powerful. Even her grandfather could refine two or three pills a year.

This time she decided to come to the endless city, she took advantage of her grandfather not paying attention to steal two out, to save her own life in a dangerous moment.

Therefore, she didn't even tell Duanmu Yawang about these two medicines. There were only two in total, so they were also very easy to hide. She did not expect that these two medicines would be used on Duanmu Yawang's body.

"say something!"

Seeing that Ye Nongying didn't speak, Wang Lao Er asked her: "What else is left on you, hand it over immediately, don't force me to let you undress and search in public!"

Ye Nongying pressed her lips tightly and said nothing.

Wang Lao Er was anxious and wanted to say something. The mayor shook his head at him: "Okay, don't say this at this time."

Wang Lao Er had a meal and looked at Fu Yuan.

But seeing that, Fu Yuan's face was thoughtful, but she didn't mean to ask Ye Nongying, her face couldn't help but sink.

The enchantment was not peaceful, and the outside of the enchantment also began to become unstable.

Guyu and the others were very happy at first. They all looked up at the long-lost sky and the clear clouds, but they didn’t know if it was the reason why they hadn’t seen such bright and clean light for a while. My eyes hurt unexpectedly.

And it hurts more and more.

In addition, everyone felt that after the tree fell, the wind seemed to increase, and the feeling of the wind had changed from the original peaceful and soothing feeling to an abnormally cold.

However, the ice cold is still temporary, and slowly these winds become weird, and they start to breathe as they hang down.

Everyone began to feel chest tightness and breathing difficulties, but it was not too serious, but slowly, it would not work, just feel the wisps of blowing, like dense needles, poking their skin.

Later, when the wind is unknown, it is not too big, but when it blows over, it gives them the ultimate. It is like a powerful person who is so powerful that they are immeasurably releases their spiritual pressure by their side. Everyone only feels that their muscles and bones. , Facial features, internal organs, and even the whole body, are all being squeezed and pulled!

These winds come from all directions, they have nowhere to hide, and the pain swept all over the body!

Guyu and the others closed their eyes and squatted on the ground, their faces buried in their legs, and they curled up, feeling that this would relieve the pain.


However, this can only make the eyes a little more comfortable. One of the weaker ones, the internal organs will be the first to bear it for a while, and the corners of the mouth will overflow with blood after a snorting.

The man next to the man looked over and asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

He glanced over and saw that the other party not only vomited blood in his mouth, but also in his nose, eyes and even ears, blood was constantly flowing out again!

"Seven, seven holes bleed?"

The man was stunned.

Originally I wanted to take a closer look, but my eyes couldn't bear the light, and the pain was so severe that I quickly closed my eyes in fright.

Everyone looked over when they heard that there was bleeding from the popular hole.

However, I soon saw someone falling to the ground bleeding from seven holes.

This is a terrible situation, and all of Gayo’s subordinates are broken. One of his subordinates anxiously said: "Boss, the sun and the wind of his mother are too weird. Everyone's lives are critical, or we leave here and return to the dark Where?"

This kind of sunlight and wind, especially Gai couldn't bear it. He glanced at the barrier and found that the people in the barrier didn't seem to feel much.

How is this going?

Gayou couldn't understand it, but he couldn't wait any longer, and quickly stood up and called on all his subordinates: "Everyone, go back to the dark!"

Come on, I took the lead in a flash, and disappeared.

Others left quickly.

In just a few seconds, dozens of people outside the barrier all left.

The people in the barrier also have their own things to pay attention to, so at first they didn't pay much attention to the situation outside the barrier, but the performance of Gayou and others was too special, so Fuyuan still noticed the situation to some extent.

They are gone, and everyone knows for the first time.

"Hey, boss, how did they go?" The second Wang Lao focused his attention on Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, so he didn't pay attention to the outside situation at all, so he was completely unclear.

Fu Yuan’s lips were evil and he was obviously in a good mood, so he replied: “It is estimated that they have lived in the dark for too long, so they are not very comfortable with the sunlight. Such sunlight will make them feel painful, so go back to the dark to avoid the sunlight. NS."

"There is such a good thing?"

The second king exclaimed, and then began to laugh, "It seems that God is going to help us! Boss, if Gayo and the others still embarrass us, we will cut down the trees. These daylights are our good helpers!"

Fu Yuan nodded.

The reason why he is in such a good mood is because he thought of this.

What Ye Nongying cared most was Duanmu Yawang's situation. She didn't care what she was out there.

Or it should be said that she was upset, nervous and agitated, and didn't have any energy to pay attention to other things.

After she fed Duanmu Yawang medicine, she stared at Duanmu Yawang's face without blinking.

As time passed, she finally felt that Duanmu Yawang's body temperature began to drop little by little.

The mayor has been staring at Duanmu Yawang from the side of Ye Nong Ying, but his old eyes are very clear: "The skin on her body is not so red anymore. She shouldn't burn so badly, right?"


Ye Nongying's nerves tightened a little, but they also relaxed a little.

Next, Mo Yue passed an hour, Duanmu Yawang's body temperature dropped almost, her body was also wet, her lips were dry and skinned, and her lip color was pale.

In fact, Ye Nongying had fed her a lot of water during this period, and her lips were still very dry.

The most important thing is that although the spiritual power in her body is not boiling, it is still chaotic, and her body is now so weak that she can barely feel her breathing.

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