Ye Nongying shrugged, "I also find it strange, but we are all inside the barrier, and there are only Gayo and others outside. Moreover, they all feel uncomfortable with the sun. There is no other reason except the effect of the sun."

"The analysis is like this, but I don't know why, I still feel a little weird." Moreover, she always felt as if she had overlooked something.

Wang Lao Er has been listening to their conversation, and couldn’t help but interject: “Gayou is our enemy. You care about him so much. If you have time, it’s better to take care of your body. If it’s this barrier, Broken, we estimate that we will become Fu Yuan's undead under the sword."

Just as Duanmu Yawang was about to speak, the light golden barrier burst, and slowly it disappeared.


Wang Lao Er looked at it and cursed: "When did my dog ​​mouth speak so well!"

Ye Nongying rolled her eyes and was about to say something sarcastically. At this moment, she felt gusts of very light wind blowing over.

Obviously it was a very light wind, and it was also a refreshing season. It was not winter, but when the wind passed by, she shuddered, and she had goose bumps all over her body.

"Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

Duanmu Yawang also felt cold. He looked up at the sky and saw that the moon was bright and large, like a round tabletop.

She had never seen such a big moon before, and couldn't stand the surprise, but before she could say a word, she felt her eyes hurt so much.

She sighed and closed her eyes tightly.

The wind was getting colder and colder, and it was quickly accompanied by a terrible sense of oppression, which made people breathless.

"what happened to you?"

After the enchantment was gone, Ye Nongying actually felt that the moonlight was too bright and the wind was too cold, but she was in good health, and she hadn't felt the harm to the outside world so quickly. Seeing Duanmu Yawang suddenly became painful and worried: " Is there something wrong with it?"

Wang Lao Er looked at her about to die, and became even more angry, "Didn't you just be fine? Are you a bean sprout, so fragile?"


Duanmu Yawang had just had a trace of strength, and she was still very weak. She covered her eyes that were still very painful. She ignored Wang Lao Er's words and urged her unclearly: "Leave, get out of here..."

After speaking, she felt the pressure from the wind getting heavier and heavier, her chest was compressed so that she couldn't breathe, and she began to gasp.


Ye Nongying actually felt uncomfortable. Her ears buzzed when the wind came, and her chest was particularly stuffy and a little dizzy. She couldn't hear Duanmu Yawang's words and became even more anxious. He approached her mouth and listened: "You said just now. What? Where is it?"


Duanmu Yawang endured the pain and opened his eyes. Yu Guang glanced at Fu Yuan, her weak hand shook, and Fu Yuan saw her staring at him, coupled with the movement of his hand, he twisted his eyebrows and walked away. Come: "What's the matter?"

"Leave here." Duanmu Yawang worked hard to bite these four words very clearly. After she said the four words, she stopped shortly, took a deep breath, and continued to slowly bite the words with enough breath: "Nothing... …We will go back to a place covered by trees."

After finishing speaking, the pressure was too heavy, and there was a burst of sweetness in her chest. She groaned and lost consciousness.


Ye Nongying was frightened, there was no medicine in her body that could save her life!

She heard Duanmu Yawang's words clearly, and said to Fu Yuan: "The master, it's really wrong, in fact, I also feel headaches, eyes and chest tightness, don't you feel anything?"

As soon as she finished speaking, two guards suddenly cried out in pain, saying that their heads were very painful, and they felt a lot of spiritual pressure. Such a big giant almost couldn't stand it.

Fuyuan mayor Wang Lao Er, they are strong but feel uncomfortable.

Ye Nongying hugged Duanmu Yawang's shoulders tightly, and took a deep breath: "Master, it should not be that Gayou and the others are not used to the sunlight, but that this black forest cannot be without the'forest' and cannot really see the light. If we don’t leave, we will probably bleed and die!"

Fu Yuan actually thought of this level too, but he just wanted to verify his ideas.

Now, his idea has been verified.

He was not happy that this idea was verified, because it meant that his plan to use the daylight to break down Gayo fell through.

"Master, let's go."

The mayor covered his eyebrows and covered his head, his old face flushed with shortness of breath, "I can't hold it anymore."


At this time, Fu Yuan quickly chose the original direction, flashed a moment, and led the way.

Wang Lao Er helped the mayor and said to the four guards before leaving: "I have to hold on to the pain. You must carry these two women to the deep forest, or I will kill you!"

When speaking, without giving any response from the four guards, he helped the mayor away.

The four guards actually didn't want to die. Even if Wang Lao Er didn't warn, they didn't have any other thoughts, and hurriedly followed up without discomfort.

With big steps and strong power, the giant moved within half a minute of a few hundred meters to a place covered by towering trees.

However, half a minute is a very long time for them who are suffering.

In this half a minute, even Fu Yuan's lips were white and his breathing was difficult.

The mayor was almost unable to walk, but it was Wang Lao Er dragging him to keep up. The four guards had almost weakened their legs and couldn't move. Fortunately, they had a little willpower and barely supported them.

Besides, entering a place sheltered by trees is not finished yet.

Because, even though the sense of pressure was weakened when I first entered a place sheltered by trees, it still felt violent next to him, so Fu Yuan had to hold on and lead everyone in.

The further you go in, the less oppression you feel.

It wasn't until I continued to walk for several hundred meters that the sense of oppression finally disappeared.

Although the sense of oppression disappeared, everyone was in a bad state.

Ye Nongying's face turned white and her lips turned blue. Her whole body was about to explode in pain. She breathed and continued to bleed from her throat. She obviously felt that her heart and lungs were injured. I fed myself a medicine.

When the medicine was swallowed, her eyelids were heavy to death, but she remembered Duanmu Yawang and looked at her with her eyelids lowered.

At a glance, he saw that Duanmu Yawang, whose eyes were closed, were constantly bleeding from the corners of her mouth and nose. Fortunately, there was no bleeding in her eyes and ears.

She shook her hands, and reluctantly fed her Duanmu Yawang a medicine. She couldn't hold it anymore and her eyes went dark, and she closed her eyes heavily.

Others are not so well. Ye Nongying can still close her eyes along the way. Others can't. Their eyes feel pain as long as they touch the moonlight. Their eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes along the way, and the eyeballs are congested and bulging, and they have eyeballs. It feels like bursting.

No one of you is in good condition now. After Wang Lao Er dragged the mayor to a place where there was no sense of oppression, his legs became unstable, and the whole person fell to the ground, and the mayor was also pulled down by him. .

The four guards fainted with blood from the corners of their mouths and noses.

In contrast, Fu Yuan's state was indeed the best. Although he could not stand firmly and sat down with a soft leg, but fortunately he was still sitting.

After doing it for a while, it is estimated that he recovered a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes and started to operate Reiki, performing a closed-style meditation.

Time passed bit by bit.

Duanmu Yawang slowly regained consciousness. She felt a little pain in her eyes and pain in her chest and lungs.

She slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her eyes hurt even more, but she wanted to see the surroundings too clearly, so she resisted the pain and did it.

However, when she opened her eyes, she found that it was completely dark all around.

She took a cold heart for a moment, thinking that her eyes were blind again, but when she took a closer look, she found that although the darkness around her was completely different from the darkness of blindness.

She was relieved.

But why does no one light a torch?

She stretched out her hand and touched Ye Nongying next to her, and found that she seemed to be asleep too, breathing a little heavy. She rubbed her aching head and gave her pulse.

With this pulse, she realized that Ye Nongying was also injured like her.

Duanmu Yawang remembered what happened before she fainted, and sighed secretly, knowing that it was the result of entering too slowly to enter the sheltered place.

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