Although the formation cannot be solved, both Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying felt that Fu Yuan couldn't just let everyone wait in place, because the four guards sent out the signal.

It is estimated that Qin Fengyue and others will catch up soon.

However, to her surprise.

Fu Yuan didn't really urge her and Ye Nongying to enter the city, all of them stayed in place for several days.

In the past few days, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were in charge of refining the base fluid while healing their own eyes. Fu Yuan and the mayor went out several times a day, obviously to find the regularity.

Every time they came back, the two had to discuss for a period of time, and they avoided everyone from discussing.

Surprisingly, several days have passed, and none of Qin Fengyue's people caught up.

For this reason, Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but asked the mayor curiously: "The mayor, why are we still not leaving? Are you afraid that City Lord Qin will catch up with them."

"The formation can't be solved, and it's useless to go. No matter how you go, it's just a waste of energy." When the mayor said, he smiled again: "As for the matter of catching up, they didn't do that. You can catch up soon. You guys don’t know much about the formation, but they happen to have learned a few brilliant formations. He knows Qin Fengyue too well, so he can probably guess how long it will take him to break the formation. ."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, Fu Yuan's formation actually stopped Qin Fengyue and the others for so long?

The mayor obviously saw her doubts and shook his head helplessly: "Little girl, you know how to understand the formation. I guess you can see through the formation of your boss at a glance. It's not a matter of course. However, if someone who doesn't understand enters that formation. , Is to look at the flowers in the fog. If you don’t remove the fog, you will always be blinded by the fog, and you will not be able to see what the flowers really look like."

"That's it."

Duanmu Yawang's three words drew the mayor's smile again, "I guess it's really correct, you really saw through the formation of your master at a glance."

Duanmu Yawang coughed lightly, touching the tip of her nose, "The mayor's remark is so bad, I can't see it. How can I see it through?" She almost admitted it.

She could indeed see through Fu Yuan's formation at once, and that was also Yin Huiyin and the others' help.

If it was revealed just now that she had seen through Fu Yuan's formation, it would be a troublesome upper body again.


The mayor patted his forehead and laughed: "I'm always confused, but I forgot about it." After that, he added: "However, if you can see it, you might be able to see through it at a glance."

Duanmu Yawang said modestly: "Not necessarily."

This time the mayor smiled and didn't speak, but the conversation turned around and asked her: "After a few days of treatment, what are your eyes now?"

"There is a white shadow in front of me." Duanmu Yawang's tone was a little excited, and when he said that he took off the cloth strip, and reached out to probe in the direction of the mayor: "I feel like I can see things soon."


The mayor took a close look at her eyes and nodded approvingly: "You have worked hard to refine medicine day and night."

"It's not hard work." Isn't that hard work when I've been on the road before?

"You continue, you and I will continue to see the situation."


The mayor is gone, and Ye Nongying is beside her with a heart message, "You can really pretend, every time you pretend to be a surprise expression, if it were I, I wouldn't be able to pretend to be."

Duanmu Yawang snorted, "Being able to pretend and acting is also a kind of ability, isn't it? According to what you said, you don't seem to have this kind of ability?"


Ye Nongying didn't bother to care about her.

After staying in place, another two or three days passed, and finally one morning, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both took off the cloth strips that bound their eyes and looked around.

This time, the sight is very clear.

They rolled their eyes and saw Fu Yuan and Wang Lao Er as well as the mayor in the light of the fire.

In fact, they had seen the appearance of three people once before, but they couldn't see clearly or clearly.

However, Duanmu Yawang felt that it was fortunate that she could not see clearly at the time. Otherwise, Fu Yuan's huge body, when he was going to use a needle to **** her eyes, she would not necessarily have such a strong sense of oppression.

Now that they can see things, they can clearly see the figures of the three people, they have to sigh, giants are giants, and...too huge!

Also, listening to the mayor’s voice, he thought that he was seven and eighty, he must be very old. However, he really did not look old, because even with a cane, he felt that he was very strong.

However, the skin on his face was drooping down, crumpled, and he looked young.

But the skin doesn’t seem to be in proportion to the posture.

Is it because of giants?

Duanmu Yawang looked at the mayor with a strange feeling.

As soon as they picked the cloth strips, Fu Yuan and others noticed.

Fu Yuan and the three looked at each other, the mayor nodded, and then walked towards them.

When he walked over, they looked at him like that.

When he approached, the two called out: "The mayor?"

"Yes, it's my old man." The mayor smiled kindly: "Can you see it with your eyes?"


"That's good." The mayor sighed, "It's unbelievable. In such a short period of time, the eyes were healed."

"It's really hard to believe." Ye Nongying secretly smirked with Duanmu Yawang Xinyu on one side. "The eyes are different from other places, but if they don't need us to see in such a hurry, then think about it carefully. I think it’s impossible for such a drug to regain eyesight within a few days."

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang agreed.

The eyes of the two of them were healed, but it took her a full two months, secretly conditioning, secretly dredging, and then slowly grew to be able to see things, although her vision had been blurred before.

And the treatment these days is nothing more than being able to see clearly.

In fact, without the previous conditioning, even if she was given the best medicine, she would not be able to really cure her eyes within a few days.

Ye Nongying said: "However, in the final analysis, it's because you have cured Fuyuan's legs so well, and they believe you too much."

"No, it's still because of the special situation now. They need us too much. Without our help, they would have been stagnant." Duanmu Yawang said very calmly.

"Anyway, it's really great that the eyes can see. I must protect it this time so that it won't get hurt again." When Ye Nongying said, she touched her eyes with great care.

Duanmu Yawang was almost amused by her.

The mayor saw that both of them were smiling, "I'm so happy that my eyes are restored?"


The two said in unison.

"Understandable." The mayor nodded, and then started talking to Duanmu Yawang: "After having breakfast in a while, you two will go to various directions to see if you can find a pattern as soon as possible."


The mayor smiled in relief and was about to leave. Duan Muya called him and said, "Can you show me the array now?"

There was only one array map, and the mayor took it back and studied with Fu Yuan when they were treating their eyes these days, so the array map was not in her hands.

"Of course." Duanmu Yawang personally asked for the formation map, but the mayor was very happy and immediately took it out of the medical system and handed it to her.

Duanmu Yawang took it, and then looked at the light of the fire carefully.

There is still a little difference between seeing and touching the array map.

There are two sides of this array, one is a direct-viewing drawing, and the other is to make her perceive, so the outline is drawn little by little with raised cinnabar.

The side marked with cinnabar is much rougher, and the side drawn is much more careful and clear.

From this look, the feeling is different.

It feels like a black-and-white movie and a three-dimensional movie, there is a huge gap between the two.

She looked at the array map and reorganized her thoughts.

Finally, I turned my thoughts back to the second stage. After a few rounds of thought, I felt thoughtful.

After eating breakfast, Duanmu Yawang said to Fu Yuan: "Then Nongying and I will look at each direction now?"


Fu Yuan nodded, and Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were about to leave. The mayor stopped them at this time and said to Fu Yuan: "The two of them are walking alone in the Black Forest. It's a bit hard to go with you. Shall we take a trip?"

One more person next to you might be distracted and say yes, Duanmu Yawang actually didn't agree very much, but Fu Yuan nodded, "Okay."

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