The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1933: Break the formation, paperclip formation

Fu Yuan was the master. Duanmu Yawang couldn't refute the things he agreed with. She had to wait quietly for the arrangement.

The mayor said about you just now, and he was naturally referring to Fu Yuan and Wang Lao Er.

Fu Yuan asked Wang Lao Er, "Who do you want to accompany?"

"What kind of accompany?" Wang Lao Er didn't like this word very much. He looked at Duanmu Yawang coldly, pointed at her and said: "I want to monitor her."

Duanmu Yawang rolled his eyes secretly, and Wang Lao Er really aimed at her.

However, Wang Lao Er's words are honest and true. This is indeed not an accompaniment. It is more appropriate to say that surveillance is more appropriate.

Fu Yuan knew Wang Lao Er very well, took a deep look at him, and warned: "Be careful, don't get me moths."

Wang Lao Er was not very convinced, "Why would I get a moth?"

Fu Yuan stared at him coldly for a while, without saying a word.

Wang Lao Er touched the tip of his nose and dared not disagree, "I see."

Fu Yuan then retracted his gaze, and said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nong Ying: "Okay, you choose a direction each, let's set off now."


Finally, Duanmu Yawang chose Nanxiang, Ye Nongying chose Dongxiang, Wang Lao Er accompanied Duanmu Yawang, and Fu Yuan accompanied Ye Nongying.

When he left, Duanmu Yawang was quite worried about Ye Nongying. After all, although Wang Lao Er likes to prick, he is not as unfathomable as Fu Yuan.

Even she didn't want to be stared at by Fu Yuan all the time.

Ye Nongying clearly saw her worry, and she told her to convey to her heart: "In fact, I am quite worried about you. Wang Lao Er is too annoying. It's okay that Fu Yuan doesn't like to talk. I am not very capable of him. Yes, if he has an opinion on me, he will not say a word to me, he will only kill me directly."

Then, add another sentence: "Also, he needs you very much now. He definitely doesn't want to have trouble at this time. I'm dead, and it won't do him any good."

"It makes sense."

Duanmu Yawang was relieved.

So everyone set off separately.

In the beginning, Wang Lao Er followed Duanmu Yawang like this, and he really listened to Fu Yuan without saying a word.

Later, when she walked, she became Duanmu Yawang following him. Duanmu Yawang needed to pay attention to too many things. She kept observing and thinking, and sometimes even stopped.

Wang Lao Er has also seen the environment. He doesn't feel that he needs to stop and go to observe things. Coupled with the height difference of his lover, one step is equivalent to two or three steps in Duanmu Yawang.

He became more and more impatient, "Your eyes are better, you can use it to see the scenery, right?"

Duanmu Yawang's mind was spinning and playing, her thoughts were interrupted, she was really upset, her face sank: "I do this, there must be my truth, if you don't trust me when I go back, you can tell the master. Please also Now, don’t bother me when you are following me, thinking that something is interrupted is an uncomfortable thing, please understand!"

Wang Lao Er eyebrows and eyes: "What is your attitude?"

"Just the attitude you see." Duan Mu Yawang took a deep breath, "If you don't understand, we can go back now. You can stay where you are and let the mayor come and look at me."

"The mayor is good to you, of course you want the mayor to look at you."

Duanmuya looked at her forehead, only feeling that her brain hurts, and said coldly: "Since you think so, how about we go back now and let the master follow me?"

When the words fell, he didn't give the second child a chance to speak, he took the lead and continued with a sneer: "You think it's difficult for me to do it. You have to stare at me yourself. I think your thinking is quite funny. Your boss is not more capable than you. Okay, wouldn't it be better for him to stare at me?"

Wang Lao Er's face turned black, "I need you to teach me?"

"You really don't need it." Duanmu Yawang raised her head and looked directly at him: "But, I think you have to be clear about what you are doing. You are just following me to monitor me. You are not asking you to teach me how to do it. You have no right. Losing my temper or gesticulating me. Your behavior has seriously affected my thinking. If I can't break the battle in time, you will be the most affected!"

Duanmu Yawang didn't see him in his eyes at all of these words, and Wang Lao Er's face was even more ugly. He touched his gums and stared at her, as if he wanted to pinch her to death.

Duanmu Yawang ignored him and walked to another tree to check the surroundings.

Wang Lao Er watched, took a deep breath, and slowly followed her with the torch.

Wang Lao Er was really quiet, and Duanmu Yawang was able to observe the situation with peace of mind. Sometimes she would pinch her fingers to estimate what she observed, or squat down to write and draw with branches.

They didn't walk far, and they couldn't stop for more than a hundred meters, but they spent more than two hours.

During this period, Wang Lao Er has been holding back.

Seeing, Duanmu Yawang stood up after drawing something on the ground. He thought that Duanmu Yawang was going forward, but Duanmu Yawang said, "Let’s go back first."

Wang Lao Er thought he had misheard, "I have just walked such a distance, are you going back now?"

Duan Muya glanced at him, too lazy to answer him, turned around and went back first.

The clenched fists creaked.

Duanmu Yawang and Wang Lao Er returned to their original places, and saw that there were only the mayor and the four guards trapped in the enchantment. Fu Yuan and Ye Nong were nowhere to be seen.

Duanmu Yawang asked: "They haven't come back yet?"

"No." The mayor asked her again after answering, "You went to observe, what did you find?"

Duanmu Yawang only opened his mouth, Wang Lao Er took the lead to throw the torch into the fire, and sneered: "Two hours, she has walked back and forth for a hundred meters. What do you think she can observe, the mayor?"

"Second!" The mayor's face condensed, "I want to ask Miss Duanmu now, I only need her answer."

Wang Lao Er gritted his teeth, stopped talking, and sulked away.

The mayor looked at Duanmu Yawang, and said gently: "Little girl, tell me what you think."

"There is a little idea. However, because Zhi has observed one direction, I am afraid that this idea is one-sided and rough. I still need to understand the situation in the other three directions first."

"It's fine if you have an idea." The mayor did not force her to ask her, instead he said: "In the past few days, I have been to your master in every direction too many times. If you want to know, it is better to ask me and look at me. Was the original observation useful to you?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, squatted on the ground, and said seriously: "I wonder if the mayor knows about paper clips?"

"Paper clips?" The mayor murmured, shaking his head: "Unheard of."

"I kind of think that the second dot design on the array is the way of paperclips." When Duanmu Yawang said, she drew a paperclip pattern on the ground.

She pointed to the pattern and said: "Look, it looks like the pattern is sealed, but in fact there are exits and entrances. If you don’t follow the pattern and follow the pattern, you may stay in the ring. Hovering."

"I see."

Because Duanmu Yawang drew a circular pin pattern, he knew it as soon as she said it.

At this time, Wang Lao Er raised a question: "You have only walked a hundred meters, how can you be so sure?"

Duanmu Yawang looked directly at Wang Lao Er: "First of all, my idea of ​​the formation of this clip is not determined by walking a hundred meters, but I have combined the basis of the previous drawing of the formation, plus my observations. When it comes to the situation, it’s a comprehensive formation."

After finishing speaking, he said: "You don't even know the paper clip, let alone how I inferred it. You will only question my thoughts. What role does your questioning play in addition to adding chaos?"

Wang Lao Er was dumb.

The mayor raised his own question: "Since you can probably determine the shape of the ring pin, can you leave?"

"Of course not." Duanmu Yawang shook his head and reminded him: "Did the mayor forget? As I said before, the formation direction on this picture actually changes according to natural changes. There are rings in all four directions. In addition, it is uncertain which direction is suitable for each day. Four directions, which direction we are going to take, can only be determined by considering the situation and environmental conditions in each direction."

The mayor asked again: "What is the judgment for the situation in all directions?"

Duanmu Yawang replied: "The loop formation is most closely related to the route, and this route formation also has a lot to do with the soil. In addition to the soil conditions, the most direct method is to judge it based on the wind direction."

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