Ye Nongying couldn’t see it either. In order to clarify things, she asked Yin Huiyin in the medical system: “During the two times I fell asleep, what did the mayor and Fuyuan do? I really didn’t want to wake up. I?"

"Really not."

Yin Huiyin said: "The mayor and Fu Yuan went back and forth twice. After the first trip, they discussed for a while, and then went out separately. When they came back again, they also took care of discussing things. They looked quite secretive, yes. There was still a silent discussion. I originally wondered if I could hear something, but I didn't hear anything."


Fu Yuan and the mayor each went to find the rules. They each went in one direction, a total of four directions, and the two naturally went out twice each.

Because everyone goes out, regardless of whether there is a pattern or not, but they must have seen something, so they need to discuss and see if each other has found anything.

However, when they came back, they did not discuss with her, and even discussed silently, which is a bit strange.

Before she could think about it, the mayor came over again and said concerned: "Wake up? Do you feel better?"

"much better."

The mayor hummed, and said, "But I think your complexion is still normal, and you are very tired. Rest well, and talk about other things after you rest."

"It's okay." Duanmu Yawang smiled: "I'm much better now. If the mayor needs my help, it doesn't matter."

"I want to ask you for help, but I went out twice with the master, and we went to observe the situation separately. We couldn't find any pattern and found nothing."

"Getting nothing?"

"Yeah." The mayor sighed, patted her shoulder and said: "It seems that I have to rely on you. You will get better soon. You have to refine the base fluid to treat your eyes. The Black Forest environment is uncomfortable. It’s not good to stay too long."

"Yes." Duan Muya looked at it, remembering something, and said: "Nongying actually knows how to refine medicine. Now the situation is urgent. I am not suitable for practicing for the time being, so let her practice first."

"Oh?" The mayor said with joy: "This little girl also understands?"

"Yes." Ye Nongying nodded.

The mayor took off the Qiankun bag and said straightforwardly: "Well, how much medicine do you want, I'll get it for you."

When speaking, he took out the small medicine bag very carefully and let Ye Nongying hold it.

Duanmu Yawang explained the amount of each medicine he needed, and the mayor was responsible for taking out the medicine from it and putting it into the small medicine bag in Ye Nongying's hand.

As Duanmu Yawang was talking, the mayor paused, "Little girl, are you sure you are right? I remember you said 22 kinds of drugs before, three of which are not available here, but now you say it again. Twenty-two drugs."

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang said sternly: "Without the three drugs, the efficacy will be slower. They are the best, but there is no drug that can replace them."

"You mean, these three drugs you are talking about can replace those three drugs?"

"No, only these three kinds of drugs can't achieve the effect." Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, and then said three kinds of drugs, and said: "If these three mayors also have them, then the six drugs can almost achieve that. The effects of the three drugs."

The mayor said, "I have lived such a long time. Although I don't study medicine, I have some medical experience. How can I never know that these kinds of drugs can have such an effect when combined? Moreover, there are two kinds of drugs combined. When you get up, it seems that you will still be poisoned?"

"If it is used directly, it will definitely not have that effect, and it is really possible to be poisoned. I must have thought of this, and I will not make fun of my eyes."

"How about then?"

"Refining." Duanmu Yawang explained seriously: "Each drug actually contains a lot of molecules and elements, and each molecule and element has different functions. I only need to extract the molecules and elements I need from it. That's it."

"Molecule? Element?"

"The mayor has never heard this statement, right?"

The mayor nodded, "Really unheard of."

Duanmu Ya looked and smiled, "After talking so much, I wonder if the mayor do you have these six drugs?"

The mayor smiled and said: "It's a coincidence, I really have all the six drugs the little girl said."

"That's really great." Duanmu Yawang said happily: "Mayor, don't worry, I will definitely not make fun of my eyes. You can also take a look at how I treat my eyes and use drugs, absolutely not. What's the problem."

"Since you have said so, I naturally believe it, and I will give you the medicine."

"Thank you Mayor!" Duanmu Yawang was a little excited, and added: "Mayor, if there are more pill furnaces, can you give us more? Also, we need containers for medicines."

Duanmu Yawang was actually a little worried that he wouldn't give it. Unexpectedly, the mayor directly gave her a small universe bag and said: "What's inside, what can you use?"

Duanmu Yawang held Qiankun's bag and reached out to touch it in.

With this touch, she found all kinds of pill furnaces, large and small, as well as many utensils for holding medicines. She was really overjoyed this time, "I really need a lot of them here."

"Then take it and use it first, and then give it back to me after refining the medicine."

"Okay! Thank you Mayor!" This time she was very sincere, but also because she was too sincere. When she raised her head too hard, she pulled the wound on her neck again, and her face was distorted by the pain.

"Hey, little girl, you must pay attention to the wound, and don't make too much movement in your neck." The mayor also gave Ye Nongying the six medicines and put them in the small medicine bag, and said worriedly: "Otherwise, I should be sick again. How is it good?"

"Yes, I must pay attention."

Ye Nongying reached out and touched her neck. She really felt a little blood and sighed: "If you really pay attention, I don't know if your reaction is slow. Your neck wound is so wide that you still move like this. Move."

Duanmu Yawang touched the tip of his nose awkwardly.

Ye Nongying said: "Okay, I'll give you another medicine. Don't get the wound anymore, otherwise I don't know when it will get better."


Duanmu Yawang patted the back of her hand, "Thank you."

Ye Nongying ignored her. The mayor looked at the two of them, smiled and put the Qiankun bag on her waist again, patted Duanmu Yawang's shoulder and said: "Then you guys concoct medicine and cure your eyes, and I will go again with the master. Discuss the situation."


The mayor just left.

Before he left, Ye Nongying gave her a heart message while applying medicine to her: "You were going to die just now. He has so many medicinal materials on his body. Didn't we say that he knows more or less about medicine? He also asked for six more rare and precious medicinal materials. What elements and molecules did you give him back? Do you really treat him like a monkey?"

"Why do I play him like a monkey? I said it seriously."

Ye Nongying twitched the corners of her mouth: "Are you still lying to me?"

"Really not." Duanmu Yawang said seriously: "These kinds of drugs, to refine the elements and molecules, are really good for our eyes."

"Uh!" Ye Nongying was dumbfounded: "What you said just now is actually true?"

"Of course!" Duanmu Ya Wang said: "Moreover, these six drugs are still more important to our eyes at this stage!"

"Then why didn't you just talk about the six drugs before?"

"You are silly, our eyes have been regained, but our vision is blurred, but Fu Yuan and the others thought that our eyes were blind. We just started to ask for medicine. It must have regaining and healing effects. Directly It takes these six things to die!"

"Well, no matter what, as long as we achieve our goal."

"Yeah." Duan Muya looked in response, and yawned tiredly.

Ye Nongying looked at her, sighed, and touched her forehead. She noticed that she still had a low-grade fever. She patted her shoulder and said, "Don't think about it for now. You can sleep well."

"Forget it, don't sleep." Duanmu Yawang shook her head and said to her: "Let's deal with the medicine, and extract the base liquid as soon as possible."

Ye Nongying shrugged, "I still know how to refine the base fluid, but I don't understand what molecule or element, you will definitely be asked to do it by then."

"no problem."

This part of the conversation between the two of them was directly spoken. When the others listened, they just glanced at the two of them, and there was no response.

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