
Ye Nongying gave a light cough and said softly: "I really didn't lie to you, her sachet is enough."

Mr. Xian twisted his eyebrows and said nothing.

But between his eyebrows, he saw that he didn't believe Ye Nongying's words.

Ye Nongying saw at a glance, "Mr. Xian, I really didn't lie to you, because she did a very good job when she participated in the exile ceremony, so those people broke the rules for her." When she said, she went to Fangzhu. Take a look, use his eyes to ask if you can tell the details.

Fang Zhu Shang shook his head.

"The exile ceremony broke the rules for her?"

Mr. Xian sneered, and there was no sage on him, "It should be she who broke other people's rules first."

Ye Nongying didn't like his smile very much.

His face sank, "Old Mr. Xian, I have already said what I should have said. Could you please give Yawang a diagnosis and treatment."

Mr. Xian nodded, stretched out his hand to signal Duanmu Ya's pulse, and then checked her situation, and said three words: "Ethanasia."

"What did you old doctor say!" Hearing these three words, the first person who jumped up was Xiao Bailu, and a sharp look appeared in his eyes, "Why is your mouth so stinky? Believe it or not. Now that you can't be euthanized?"

Old Mr. Xian seemed to have noticed Little Bailu just now, looked at his big, moist tearful eyes, glanced at him again, and commented: "You are extraordinary."

Little Bailu was startled, and retorted in a flustered manner: "Little master is naturally not a thing in the pool, you don't need to say that!"

Old Mr. Xian did not answer, and bowed his hand at him.

Everyone was shocked.

After all, Mr. Xian did not salute when he saw Fang Zhu.

Now he is so polite to a child.

It's really surprising.

Little Bailu quickly came to soften his heart, facing such an old man, he could no longer say anything hard.

In addition, he felt that this old man was quite wicked, and he could actually say such things.

There must be two brushes.

However, thinking of the three words he had just said, his heart sank even more, and he wiped his tears and said, "First tell me why you said euthanasia to my sister?"


Although Mr. Xian's tone could not be said to be respectful, it had other meanings.

Others looked surprised.

Mr. Xian said: "I think you have reservations and concealment about the exile ceremony. Since you don’t want to talk about it, then I’m not reluctant to tell the old man. However, in this situation, when I was young, I heard about it. People have said it's almost the same."

"Have you heard?"

Ye Nongying asked, "Someone overeated after participating in the exile ceremony, fell asleep quietly, and stayed awake?"

"Well, almost."

"The result of that person is..."

Mr. Xian said calmly: "I have been sleeping peacefully until I lost my breath. I was called euthanasia because I was sleeping peacefully and never suffered any pain."

The host raised doubts: "Why haven't I heard of such miracles?"

Mr. Xian glanced at him and said calmly: "Because the matter is not too big and did not cause a sensation, plus it is already a hundred years ago."

Ye Nongying was puzzled: "That person also finished thirteen ceremonies and took enough sachets?"

"No, he only has twelve red sachets, one is missing, and there is a penalty sachet."

"But Yawang is different from him." Ye Nongying quickly retorted, "Yawang has enough red sachets, it's not the same at all."

"Enough sachets? I would like to hear them."

Ye Nongying was at a loss for a while, looking at Fang Zhu.

Fang Zhushang sighed, "For the sake of Miss Duanmu's life, it is better to talk about it."

Ye Nongying briefly talked about the fifth ceremony.

Mr. Xian was stunned, "The dignified exile ceremony is such an exception? This is impossible!"

"What's impossible!"

Ye Nongying rolled her eyes, thought for a while, reached out into Duanmu Yawang's arms and took out a lot of red sachets, "More than twenty!"

Old Mr. Xian looked at the pile of red sachets and was shocked.

After living so long, it was the first time he saw a person with so many red sachets.

Fang Zhu raised his eyebrows and asked seriously: "Mr. Xian, you have also heard of the situation. What is the specific situation? Is there any way to wake Miss Duanmu?"

Mr. Xian shook his head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?"

"I don't know." Mr. Xian sighed, "This is beyond the scope of what I can understand."

Ye Nong Yingsu didn't speak well, and when he heard this, he was immediately smirked: "You have lived for so many years in vain."

"Okay, be polite to the old man." Xiao Wuzheng pulled Ye Nongying aside and warned: "If your grandfather listens to you talking to the old man like this, you will probably be **** off."

Ye Nong Ying pursed her lips and said nothing.

Mr. Xian was not angry. He frowned and thought for a while, "I still can't understand why the exile ceremony suddenly broke the rules for her. Has she really never broke the rules of the exile ceremony before?"

Ye Nongying was about to say no, Fang Zhu's eyelids moved, thinking of something, and said: "They went out twice to participate in the exile ceremony, and when they first went out to participate in the third ceremony, they seemed to think that those little things were not important. Yes, he gave a share of his brain to the exile."

When Mr. Xian heard this, his face was trembling with anger, "She can do such a silly thing? These things are usually given by others!"

After Fang Zhushang had reminded me, Ye Nong Ying had a flash of light, "Yes, I seem to have heard someone say to her at that time, ‘I hope you won’t regret it’. I don’t know if this has anything to do with it?"

"It must be relevant!" Old Mr. Xian shook his head and sighed: "Young people, always so reckless, why don't you think carefully about doing things before doing it?"

"We are outsiders, we don't know these things at all." Xiao Bailu retorted: "My sister is the most calm on weekdays."

Mr. Xian snorted: "The Exile Festival is full of traps, and we are always careful. Even the people in the Exile Festival are confused and unclear. You have to do it carefully by yourself."

After that, I couldn't help but teach a lesson: "You outsiders, it's fortunate that you don't have to participate in the exile festival. Why do you want to join in this excitement?"

As soon as this word came out, the room was silent for a while.

Ye Nong Ying pursed her lips: "It's what I want to play with."

"It's none of your business." Fang Zhu Shang said helplessly: "I think it's time for Xing'er to participate. All of you are extraordinary in strength and selfishly want you to accompany her."

Little Bailu whispered, "No wonder you guys, don't blame your upper body one by one, I know my sister very well, for such a novel thing, she can't let it go, she will definitely participate."

"Little Young Master Bai makes sense."

Xiao Wuzheng couldn't help but compliment when Xiao Bailu said that.


Little Bailu hummed softly, not paying attention to this point of praise.

After all, compared to Duanmu Yawang, he didn't care about these little things anymore.

"After all that, is there a way?" Ye Nongying was about to die, and asked Mr. Xian, "You think of a way!"

"There is no way."

Mr. Xian shook his head directly and looked at Duanmu Yawang with pity: "I think this should be a benevolent sentence of the exile against her."

"What kind of sentence is to be euthanized, and it's kind!"

Mr. Xian said calmly: "Everyone who dies will suffer. Young people don’t die for no reason. Young people’s death is generally fatal to disability and sickness. Elderly people who live to a certain age will also encounter various problems. , All kinds of pain, she was so young and died unconsciously, it was death's greatest tolerance for her."

"Ye Nong Ying!" Ye Nongying said annoyed: "True kindness and tolerance should let her live well! This euthanasia is false benevolence and righteousness!"

Mr. Xian was not angry, and calmly said: "She has been punished. Immortality is impossible. Moreover, if the punishment is to participate in the memorial ceremony and enter the memorial gate, she will die very miserably and painfully. Euthanasia was because she held enough red sachets and enough persuasion, so she was kindly euthanized."

He felt that this was really kind and tolerant.

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