As the steward listened, the host said respectfully: "Master, why don't I find more doctors to see the situation?"


Fang Zhu nodded, "All the good doctors on the exile street will find me."


The steward took orders and left in a hurry.

Xiao Wuzheng also stretched out his hand to signal the pulse for Duanmu Ya, and indeed his pulse was normal.

He observed Duanmu Yawang’s face, “I’ve heard that some people fall asleep for no apparent reason, and they can’t wake up because of a nightmare. They have been caught by something, so they can’t wake up. However, most people who suffer from nightmares will never wake up. I am emotional in my sleep, cold and sweaty, and I will not sleep so peacefully..."

"Do you know how to use words?"

Ye Nongying wanted to scold Xiao Wuzheng when she saw Xiao Wuzheng, "Is peace for a living person?"

"Okay, OK, can I use the wrong word?" Xiao Wuzheng was so excited when he saw Ye Nongying, unable to tolerate him to say something bad about Duanmu Yawang, feeling helpless in his heart, and at the same time feeling very surprised.

After all, it was the first time he saw Ye Nongying had friends, and he was so concerned about friends.

In the past, except for her family, she would never show such concern for others.

It seems that she really cares about Duanmu Yawang.

"Daddy, what happened to Miss Duanmu?"

At this time, Fang Ruoxing also heard the news and rushed over.

Fang Zhushang was helpless, "You are walking around again, why don't you stay in the room and rest?"

"I'm worried about Miss Duanmu." Fang Ruoxing bit her lip, staring at Duanmu Yawang, and said: "I've heard about it, why is Miss Duanmu suddenly doing this?"


No one can answer her.

Because everyone does not know why.

Fang Ruoxing burst into tears and choked, "Could it be that the exile punishment of the exile ceremony started to take effect? ​​Is someone trying to punish Miss Duanmu?"

Everyone's expressions changed as soon as this was said.

"How could it be punished so quickly?" Ye Nong Ying pursed her lips, and said calmly, "She was only punished for participating in the memorial ceremony. Aren't all the living people who participated in the memorial ceremony? They only had to enter the memorial ceremony and enter the memorial ceremony. Door, have you just begun to punish?"

"Yes, it should be the case according to common sense." Fang Zhu took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "We should not make guesses, nor should he be impatient. First wait for other doctors to see if there is anything. Method."

In normal times, Ye Nongying would definitely refute it. After all, she couldn't find the problem, and she didn't believe that someone could do it on Banquet Street.

However, at this time, she felt that everything should be tried.

They were saying that Xiao Bailu had been listening, her eyes were full of tears, and it was very distressing if she could not shed.

When Fang Ruoxing saw it, tears almost flowed out again, and he soothed: "Little Young Master Bai is not afraid, Miss Duanmu will definitely be lucky, and she will be fine."

Xiao Bailu wiped away tears and did not answer.

The steward moved quickly and soon brought four people.

"So fast? These four are all doctors?" Ye Nongying was a little surprised.

It hasn't been long since the steward went out!

She scrutinized several people.

Among these people, two are in their thirties and forties, one is very young in their twenties, and the other seems to be more than seventy and old-fashioned, but they are in good spirits.

"Yes." The steward led a person at the door and explained to everyone: "These doctors are the closest to our house, so the minion asked the four of them to come first."

"So that's the case." Although I don't know what the medical skills are, it is better to be watched first than to wait endlessly.

The other party in charge said: "Let the four doctors give Duanmu Yawang a diagnosis and treatment first, and then the minion will look for someone else?"

Fang Zhu nodded: "Okay, let's go."


The steward is here to go.

The Lord Fang arched his hands to the four of them, and bowed over: "I have four of you."

"The Lord Fang is polite."

When the three younger people saw Fang's present such a big gift, they quickly bowed their hands and bowed back.

The old doctor calmly accepted.

The Lord Fang didn't say anything, but Duanmu Yawang looked at the old doctor and couldn't help asking: "Isn't it said that the people exiled on the street don't live long? I think this old gentleman is at least seventy."

"Mr. Xian is eighty-two this year." Fang Zhu said in a speech: "It made us exiled from the street for two or three hundred years, the oldest person."

"So it's like this." Ye Nongying nodded and asked Mr. Xian, "I will ask Mr. Xian to pay attention later."

Mr. Xian did not answer.

Ye Nongying didn't mind, and said something nice to the other three people. Only then did they invite the four from outside the door to Duanmu Yawang's bed.

The four doctors, the young three, saw Duanmu Yawang lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her black hair on her head as smooth as silk, black and shiny, and she was taken aback: "Black hair...could it be someone with dark eyes?"

"And the last name is Duanmu." Someone took a deep breath, "Could she be Duanmu Yawang, the black-haired and black-eyed person who recently shook the entire exile street?"

"It should be."

The discussion is about three younger people.

Ye Nongying raised her eyebrows.

In the presence of so many people, it was really rude to start commenting on Duanmu Yawang.

Ye Nongying put her hope on Mr. Xian, and said sternly, "Mr., please give Yawang a treatment."

Mr. Xian was calm and composed, without a trace of surprise or a word of nonsense. He had the air of a sage. After he came in, he began to look at Duanmu Yawang who was lying on the bed with a pair of eyes, and asked calmly: "During the old man's diagnosis and treatment. Before, it’s better to tell the story first."

Ye Nongying had to say three or five sentences.

Several young people were surprised at hearing, "Is there such a miracle?"

Mr. Xian raised his eyebrows, "Eating for no reason, and still sleeping?"

Ye Nongying was not pleasing to the younger doctors, but she patiently nodded to Mr. Xian, "Yes."

"No, did you neglect something?" The old man stared at the people in the room: "A person suddenly wants to overeating. It must be because she is extremely hungry. Before she was hungry, she must have worked for a long time, right?"


Ye Nongying was about to say that she caught a glimpse of the other three doctors staring at her expectantly. Seeing that she was not sure about the disease, she seemed to be more curious about gossip.

Her face sank, and she glanced at Fang Zhushang.

Fang Zhushang also felt in his heart, and said loudly, "Yuanling."

Yuanling immediately walked in from the door, and knelt down on one knee respectfully: "Master."

"Give these three doctors a sufficient amount of consultation fees, and send them out."


Upon hearing this, Yuanling stood up, walked to the three young doctors, and said politely: "Please, three."


The three of them were dumbfounded, and some of them couldn't respond, "But, but we haven't started diagnosis and treatment..."

They still want to play a little bit, get Fang Lanzhou's appreciation, and make progress in the future!

Although they are all people from the polar regions, they are incomparable with Fang Mansion. They originally thought they could serve Fang Mansion, so they didn't know how happy they were. 1

"no need."

The host is very polite, "Today, the three of you have gone for nothing, Lan Zhou is very sorry."

The three of them were unwilling, but they looked at Mr. Xian, and they knew the gap between themselves and him, touched their noses, and followed Yuanling out in a desperate manner.

Mr. Xian had been staring at Duan Muya, and had no response to their conversation just now.

After listening to those people walking away, Mr. Xian turned his head, "I was attending the exile ceremony yesterday, but did she go to the exile ceremony?"

He guessed at a glance, Ye Nongying's eyes lit up, "Yes, after eating at noon, I didn't return until late at night."

Mr. Xian continued to ask: "Have you been punished?"


"What punishment?"

"Punished and exiled by the price difference."

"Yeah." Mr. Xian was not surprised, and continued to ask: "In other words, did she participate in all the exile rituals?"

"Um... you can say so."

Old Mr. Xian seemed to be dissatisfied with Ye Nongying's answer, frowned twice before continuing to ask: "Then she is missing a sachet and has twelve red sachets?"

"No, there are enough sachets." There are even more.

"Enough?" Mr. Xian listened, his brows wrung up, seeming to be a little surprised, "Since I have been punished, there must be a sachet that is not a red sachet, but it should be 13 sachets enough. How can punishment be enough?"

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