Xiao Wuzheng said calmly, "However, she slept for so long, and now she is still breathing, and she is not dead. Can you tell me, how long did the person you know before slept before he died?"

Mr. Xian replied: "The memorial ceremony uses technology. When the sacrifices participating in the memorial ceremony enter the memorial gate, the person immediately died."


The crowd fell silent.


Hearing this, Fang Ruoxing finally couldn't help crying. She grabbed the sleeve of Fang Zhu's shirt, "Daddy, think of a way, Miss Duanmu is so powerful, such a good person, she can't just die like this, this is for her unfair!"

Fang Zhushang sighed and patted his daughter's hand with a sad face, not knowing what to say.

There is some comfort, no way to talk about it.

Because any comfort is no longer useful.

At this time, the steward came back in a hurry, with several people around him, he said, "Master, the slave has found some doctors again..."

"It's useless."

Mr. Xian always looked at the doctors, and said calmly: "They can't see anything, it's impossible for the doctor to be saved."

There were three doctors outside, one in his thirties and two in his 50s and 60s.

When the young man heard Mr. Xian's words, he felt a little at a loss. He naturally knew that Mr. Xian's, and he was the only one who exiled such an old age on the street.

The young man embarrassed: "I don't know if Mr. Xian is here, otherwise it is really impossible to dare to rush over."

Mr. Xian did not answer, and the other two old men looked ugly, and coldly snorted: "Don't rely on the old to sell the old. We have never checked the patient's condition. How do you know that we are not good?"

Mr. Xian didn't bother to look at them at all, and calmly said to Ye Nongying and Xiao Bailu: "Everyone can prepare for the funeral. The old man has nothing to help, so I will leave."

"You just prepared for funeral!"

Xiao Bailu instantly exploded when he heard Mr. Xian's words, "I don't believe it, my sister will definitely get better!"

Mr. Xian was originally going to go out. He sighed and whispered when he heard Xiao Bailu's words: "Sorry for the little deity, too. The old man can see the living deity today, it's worthy of this life." Bailu bowed, turned and left.


Everyone, look at my eyes, and then look at the little white deer with two snots on his nose, looking at each other.

Is such a fart child a god?

Little Bailu was stunned by the old man's "living gods" and "little gods".

That old man speaks badly, but he has such a vision to recognize him as a god?

He also noticed other people staring at him, and he hummed unnaturally, "That old man really knows how to play with spears. He thought it would be nice to me, so I don't care about what he said!" After speaking, his tears were wow. La's flow out.

Ye Nongying knew he was sad, so she reached out and rubbed his head.

The steward was always taking people outside, and after listening to Mr. Xian's words, he was all stunned: "Duan, Miss Duanmu..."

Fang Zhu looked at Xiao Bai Lu and asked, "Little Young Master Bai, do you think you want the doctor outside the door to come in and see Miss Duanmu?"

Xiao Bailu asked as he wiped his tears, "Is the medical skill good?"


Everyone doesn't know how to say it.

After all, it is really impolite to comment on their medical skills in front of so many people.

"I don't think it is necessary." Xiao Wuzheng took his attention, "Let them go back."

Ye Nongying immediately retorted: "Whatever you go back, no matter what, you have to try it!"

Xiao Wuzheng said calmly, "Do you think those people's medical skills will be better than you?"

Ye Nongying was startled.

Xiao Wuzheng continued: "You have also checked the situation for Yawang. It should be clear that it is impossible to solve Miss Duanmu's problem in terms of medical skills!"

"What shall we do then?"

"It's better to try and find another way." Xiao Wuzheng glanced at the manager and said, "Trouble you, let me send you back."

The few people outside the door listened to their conversation. Except for the young one, the other two old men were unhappy. "Call us, the patient denied our medical skills and expelled us from leaving, isn't it too much?"

Fang Zhushang said gently: "We are not trying to deny you medical skills, but our patients cannot be solved by medical skills."

"Since I am a patient, I am sick. Why can't medical skills solve it?"

Fang Zhushang has not been questioned like this before, and his face sinks.

He has always been a high-ranking person, and his status is honorable in Banishment Street. His face sank, and the two old men were also embarrassed, and they dared not speak for a moment.

The host said indifferently: "Thank you all for a trip today, please don't worry, we won't let you run in vain, you are satisfied with the consultation gift package."

The eyes of the three doctors lit up.

Master Fang waved his hand and said to the steward: "Send the three doctors out."


The steward led the man and left.

Suddenly only his own people were left in the room.

Ye Nongying suddenly looked at Xiao Wuzheng, "Do you have any way to solve it?"

"I can't say yes, but I have a direction here. I feel like I can give it a try."

"Which direction?"

"The exile punishment of the Exile Festival is actually a kind of curse punishment. Those who are punished can't escape death, right?" When talking about the next two words, Xiao Wuzheng looked at Fang Zhu. It seems to be confirming to him.

The host nodded: "Yes."

"Since it is a curse, I think, can I find someone who cracks the curse to crack it and see if it works?"

"This is a good idea!"

Ye Nongying felt that this approach was a bit of a right medicine.

Fang Zhushang was not so optimistic: "Where can you find someone who can crack the curse? Moreover, the exile curse is a heavenly curse. Ordinary people want to crack the heavenly curse. Isn't it a wishful thinking?"

Fang Ruoxing retorted: "Daddy, in any case, this is the same direction. Let's try and see first? Isn't there a word that goes against the sky, or is there someone who can do it?"

"I also think it's better to give it a try instead of just waiting to die." After Ye Nongying finished speaking, she asked Xiao Wuzheng decisively, "Where are you going to find someone who can crack the curse?"

"Go back to West Street, ask a dream and have a look."

Fang Zhu raised his eyebrows: "House by house?"


Xiao Wuzheng patted Fang Zhu on the shoulder, "I hope you don't mind people from West Street entering your mansion."

"It's not a small matter, Miss Duanmu's matter is important."


Xiao Wuzheng nodded, glanced at Ye Nongying and said, "Then I will leave first."

Ye Nongying pursed her lips and didn't answer. Fang's face gave him a response, "Move faster. Tomorrow morning it will be an exile." And it was noon.

Time is really running out.


Xiao Wuzheng responded, and disappeared after a flash.

Fang Ruoxing looked at Duanmu Yawang worriedly, and said with red eyes: "Daddy, I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid."

Fang Zhushang didn't know how to comfort his daughter. He knew that she admired and liked Duanmu Yawang very much. If something happened to Duanmu Yawang, he would also worry about his daughter's condition.

He looked at the little white deer and said, "Little son Bai, you haven't eaten yet, why don't you eat something first?"

Little Bailu kept wiping tears with the back of his hand, and shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

Where can he eat? If the master really dies, he will also fall asleep or perish. I don't know if the master can cast a good baby, so that he can have enough spiritual energy to survive again.

If not, it is estimated that they will sleep for another millennium and a hundred years.

"How can you not eat it, you have to eat it." Fang Ruoxing said hurriedly: "I'll let my servant give you something to eat."

The little white deer didn't speak.

Ye Nongying looked at Duanmu Yawang, thought for a while, felt that it was useless to be here, decided to do something, and left the room.

It’s not very convenient for the master Fang to stay in the woman’s room all the time. Momo’s daughter’s head said, “I’ll try to figure out a solution first, too. Will you take a break when you go back to the room?”

"I want to accompany Miss Duanmu..."


There was no room for rebuttal, Fang Ruoxing had to leave.

In the entire room, only Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu were left.

Little Bailu kept wiping tears, thinking of something, he hurriedly called: "Uncle Yin!"


There was no response in the source of Linghu.

He was taken aback for a moment and decided to go back and see for himself, but he saw that Duanmu Yawang’s sea of ​​consciousness was pitch black, and what Linghu’s source medical system seemed to be non-existent...

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