The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1581: Damn, I’m afraid I’m going to be a clone

She controlled it so well, how could she fall?

Duanmu Yawang let go of Yan Yangbai's hand with no anger, "Don't worry, I will definitely live a long life."

"That's not necessarily."

Yan Yangbai stared at her eyes and hair, disapproving: "After all, just like you, there are people who want to kill you wherever you go. With your strength, you might be killed one day."


Duanmuya looked black.

Does this kid know how to speak?

However, his words are not unreasonable. If she really only has three-legged cat kung fu, her nasty physique is really easy to be beaten to death.

Fortunately, she is not a waste.

"I don't like to listen to a few words, I really don't know what a bad temper." Yan Yangbai muttered: "If you have such a temper and have such a big temper, it will definitely be even more disgusting."


"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to talk about you." The young man snorted, "I'm fine if I don't die, I have to hurry!"

After that, regardless of Duanmu Yawang, he turned around and left.

"Are you OK?"

At this time, Huang Tianjiao also stepped down from the stage, looking at her anxiously.

"I look like something is going on?" Duanmu Ya looked at her hand, and when she saw her, she put her hand into the embroidered bag again, took out a bottle of medicine, poured five into her palm, and handed it to her: "Here, here you are!"


Huang Tianjiao's heart was surging, and the expression on Duanmu Yawang's face was somewhat complicated.

"Everyone is helping each other, you don't need to thank me." Duanmu Yawang took the medicine away and exhorted: "This medicine is actually quite effective. Don't take it every day. Just take one every other day. If you eat too much, your body is inherently weak and cannot bear it."

"Okay." Huang Tianjiao carefully noted it down.

"Okay, I'm done with everything that should be said." Duanmu Yawang turned around and left.

At this time, a sneer came from behind, "Miss Huang, I really didn't expect that you are such a person, and you openly trade with the person you want to challenge on the stage."

Duanmu Yawang naturally recognized this voice as Fan Lingxiang.

Duanmu Yawang looked back at her and saw that she came to her and Huang Tianjiao, looking at them with a smile on her face.

When Huang Tianjiao heard Fan Lingxiang say this, her lips were pursed, and her head hung down for a while without speaking.

Duanmu Yawang, clasping his hands in his chest, said in a leisurely manner: "This world is all things you love and I want, and there are so many things in this world that you can't see. If you have to manage all of them, Ms. Fan, I'm afraid you will be a clone. It's too scary."


Fan Lingxiang snorted, staring at Duan Muya and said: "Once a bad atmosphere is formed, more people will follow the trend in the future. Are you still reasonable?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled.

She is really funny.

"Isn't this fighting on the stage a bad ethos?" So many people challenge their opponents or people who are not pleasing to the eye. Generally speaking, this is no problem. After all, winning or losing depends on strength, but more. Punishment has changed.

How many people want to use this punishment to give someone a heavy blow?

If it weren't for this punishment, wouldn't she be happy if she wanted to lose and win if she wanted to win?

Why waste your painstakingly developed medicine here?

Fan Lingxiang was taken aback by Duanmu Yawang's question.

Duanmu Ya looked at her mouth and squinted her eyes and smiled: "Miss Fan, I know you are righteous, but if you are so jealous as hatred, why don't you talk to the nobles and change the evil spirit of punishment?"

Fan Lingxiang was speechless.

Duanmu Yawang said, "It is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Since the rules are like this, why can't I find a way to minimize the harm I have suffered?"

After that, she curled her lips and sneered again, "Or, Miss Fan thinks that only when I was kicked out of the test can you think it's fair and just?"


Fan Lingxiang didn’t expect Duanmu Yawang to say this, and every sentence seemed to make sense. She was almost persuaded, but, “You’re right, but didn’t you also drive Liang Baihe out of the test? You did the evil. First."

"Yes, I drove Liang Baihe out of the test, and I accept your accusations." However, Fan Lingxiang, a bystander, didn't know who did the evil first. It is ridiculous to criticize her here!


Seeing her saying this, Fan Lingxiang didn't mean to admit that she was wrong, and was very angry, "I don't know how to repent!"

Duanmu Yawang: "Actually, Miss Fan, I can stand here and listen to your reprimand for so long. Honestly speaking, I have already given you face. This is because you didn't punish me in the first place. Isn't it enough for you?"

After finishing talking, before Fan Lingxiang could speak, he said: "Also, you asked Miss Huang to challenge me this time. It was originally a vicious revenge. Just Miss Fan, are you really right to do this?"

Fan Lingxiang was speechless again.

"Well, when it comes to this, I also feel that we don't have to go on." Duan Muya glanced at her, turned and left.

Fan Lingxiang pressed her lips slightly, and his mind buzzed as she watched her walk away.

After a long while, Huang Tianjiao glanced at her and cried out carefully: "Miss Fan, are you okay?"


Fan Lingxiang pulled the corners of her lips and smiled bitterly: "I just think that she seems to say that to me, and it's not wrong. I asked you to challenge her. It was indeed a villain."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and said sincerely to Huang Tianjiao: "I have just spoken harshly to you, I'm sorry."

"You didn't apologize to me."

Huang Tianjiao shook her head sternly and blinked at her, "Even, I want to thank you."


Fan Lingxiang was a little confused, why did he say this?

Huang Tianjiao sighed, and then briefly mentioned what happened to her. Fan Lingxiang was taken aback, startled and said: "I didn't expect you to have such suffering..."

Huang Tianjiao clenched the medicine in her hand, her eyes sparkling, "Soon, these will become the past, and everything will be better."

Fan Lingxiang was suspicious: "This it really so powerful?"

Huang Tianjiao nodded, "The medicine is used on my own body, so I can't know it better." After speaking, he smiled: "Of course, I don't blame you. If it wasn't used on myself, someone would suddenly be like me. Say, I don’t believe it, after all, it’s not a panacea."

Fan Lingxiang thoughtfully, "Listening to you, Duanmu Yawang still knows more or less medicine, after all, she can see your illness at a glance."

"Actually, I think she is a bit uncomfortable." Huang Tianjiao frowned: "She is not allowed to give me pulses. I have been a doctor for 20 years, but I have pulses checked one by one, but no one can see the cause and effect of my illness. , Didn’t you find out, I fight her, she can hide very fast and well every time, and the speed is not bad at all."

Fan Lingxiang felt that she had praised Duanmu Yawang high, "I heard that the resources of outsiders are particularly good, don't you also say that she is from a family of healers, it is probably only a little bit of instinct."

After finishing speaking, he said angrily: "Besides, if she is really not easy, as for making a deal with you and giving you such an expensive medicine? You have to understand that the value of this medicine can keep your family from staying for a lifetime. Worry about eating and drinking."


Huang Tianjiao nodded, and then smiled: "Ms. Fan, in any case, you gave me this opportunity. I want to thank you."

Fan Lingxiang was accused by Duanmu Yawang of guilty conscience about this incident, so he was embarrassed to accept thanks, and quickly waved his hand to shirk.

However, the relationship between the two is really close.

On the other side, Duanmu Yawang returned to pick and Sang Ye. Before picking had time to speak, Sang Ye said, "You don't necessarily lose, right?"

Duanmuya blinked at him without answering.

Picking embraced Duanmu Yawang's arm happily, "Yawang, you really know medicine before, and you gave Huang Tianjiao the medicine. It looks like it's very powerful."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, "Give Huang Tianjiao medicine to be powerful?"

"Bring medicine with you, it's already amazing." Picking rightfully said: "How can we people have medicine on our body?"


Mulberry agreed meaningfully.

"Ahem." Duanmu Yawang changed the subject, looking at the darkness of the sky, "It's too late, should we go to the next street? Wouldn't we not let us rest?"

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